ABOUT THE WORKSHOP STRESS MANAGEMENT W O R K S H O P Life offers a buffer of choices and an individual opts the one which he / she perceives as the best.
Today, the wild dream of wealth, position & insatiable thirst for material success are making a large number of people to push their limits. They chase their dreams day and night. Their pursuit for material success never seems to end as they want more and more. The present era of cutthroat competition, stress and strain is taking heavy toll on the health of mankind. In the process, they end up leading to chaotic life bereft of any peace or happiness. The great pains taken in the never ending pursuit of success often lead to chaos & confusion in one’s life, family & society at large. Work, success and wealth are necessary but not at the cost of happiness. The material pleasure and success without happiness is meaningless. STRESS MANAGEMENT W O R K S H O P
THE WORKSHOP STRESS MANAGEMENT W O R K S H O P Stress Management Workshop of "Manashakti Research Centre" (Co-Trust called “Health New Way”) will help all the participants to achieve the happy meaningful and contended stress free life.
Details about the Sessions : Total No. of Sessions: Four, Including question/answer session. 1 st Session : Lecture on “Cause & Effects of Stress on body and mind. 2 nd Session : “Stress Evaluation Test” 3 rd Session : “Practical session on “Meditation”. STRESS MANAGEMENT W O R K S H O P
1 st Session: Lecture on “Cause & Effects of Stress on body and mind. In this session, guidance will be provided on, how to encounter the routine stress of life and the technique to improve the power of mind. This will help participants to maintain the balance of mind in any grave situation. 2 nd Session: “Stress Evaluation Test” “Psychological Test” called “Depression, Anxiety and Stress Test” (DAS) will be conducted of each participant. The report generated from the test, will provide us the information about the psychological level of the participant. Based on the report, participants will be provided a symbol of cromo- Neuro frequency. This remains to be the best solution of our research on mind. Everyday concentration on this symbol will help them to maintain stable mind as well as to improve the decision making power in all walks of the life. 3 rd Session: “Practical session on “Meditation”. In this session we will provide a practical guidance on meditation. The mode of guided Meditation would be “Dialogue with Body”. Over and above, we will also provide many other technique & remedial measures to deal with the stress. STRESS MANAGEMENT W O R K S H O P
OTHER DETAILS Venue : Manashakti Research Centre Plot No. 27, Sector 5, Near CIDCO Water Tank Kharghar, Navi Mumbai : Date : Thursday 13 th December Time : a.m. To 5.00 p.m. (Ensure to reach around 9.30 a.m. at venue) Cost: Rs. 1000/- per participant. (Inclusive of all cost) Contact : Manashakti Research Centre 76, Mumbai Pune Road, Lonavala : Tel : /331 Mob: / Kharghar: / web: Prior enrolment is essential – Management reserves the right to any change. STRESS MANAGEMENT W O R K S H O P
So far following organizations derived the benefit of the workshop. Names of the Organizations Parle Biscuits Pvt. Ltd. Cadbury India Ltd. Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd. MTNL -Mumbai INA Bearings India Pvt. Ltd. Mahindra Ugine Steel Co. Ltd. Aegis Logistics Ltd. Reliance Life Insurance Co. Ltd. Greaves Cotton Co. Ltd. Indian Army – at Jammu Ravindra Engineering Corporation. ….. Many other private organizations. STRESS MANAGEMENT W O R K S H O P
W e hope that above mentioned information will give you sufficient idea about the workshop. In case you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us on the following contact number. S.N.Muzumdar Manashakti Research Centre-Lonavala / / Mob: / STRESS MANAGEMENT W O R K S H O P
T h a n k Y o u P r a y e r f o r p e a c e o f w o r l d.