Russ Mawson Welcome to Positive Classroom The Success System designed by and for you! The World is a better place because you are in it.
Your Companies Chain of Command
Banking for Success Anyone Can Become Wealthy Wealth is First an Attitude You have to believe you can become Wealthy before Wealth Becomes a Reality for You
To Become Wealthy You need Three Things: 1. A Clear Vision of What You Want 2. The Belief That You Will Get It 3. Practical Skills to Put Your Belief Into Action
First What is Wealth? Wealth is something different for each of us Second only to Freedom, Wealth has many personal definitions You can be Wealthy and not have a lot of money, but it is much more fun to have some green energy to back up your needs, wants, and desires You are Wealthy if you can create Income whenever You Need it Rich or Poor it is Nice to Have Money and that is what this element of Positive Classroom’s “Designing Your Own Success” is all about
Planning To Succeed Write down the Following Cells and keep them in a three ring binder. This will become your Working Plan. Plan your Work then Work Your Plan You will either have a Plan or you will be working for someone who does.
Mark Twain Said: "Keep away from small people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.“ "It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog.“ "Apparently there is nothing that cannot happen today.“ "Work and play are words used to describe the same thing under differing conditions."
Making a Money Machine There are Six Main Divisions of You Inc. Creative Planning Production Merchandising Product Development Distribution Finances
Aims Goals Long Range Projects Short Range Projects Creative Planing
Jobs Creative Interests Hobbies Part-Time Work Home Improvement Study Cultural Activities Production
Entertainment Travel Business Contacts Clothing For Business Merchandising
Housing Education Children Vacations Health Investments Insurance Clothing Recreation Product Development
Associates New Fields Social Contacts Idea Sources Clubs Organizations Places Occasions Distribution Distribution
FINANCES Eight Wealth Building Accounts 1. Cash Flow Account 2. Creative Consumer Account 3. Financial Independence Account 4. Sabbatical Account 5. Pleasure Account 6. Investment Account 7. Million Dollar Account 8. Opulence Account
Cash Flow Account This is the Starting Account. Everything you earn must first enter into this account and it must stay there for at least 24 Hours. The Goal is to build up this account until you can keep your income in it for one month. Budgeting your needed Monthly expenses to see if you can’t reduce them someway so that you build up a surplus for the Month. You will learn that this can be done. All surpluses from this account will go into other accounts.
Creative Consumer Account This Account is for all major purchases, a car, a medical Emergency, a Vacation, A New Computer and the like. The rule here is that you must have something specific in mind which you will spend it on when you have accumulated the necessary money in this account. If you obtain the item by another means such as a gift then this money must be used quickly for another major item.
Financial Independence Account This is an extremely important Account. It is an account that must never be touched for the purpose of this account is to produce interest enough to support you for one day, one, week, and eventually for one year. This is money you can afford to put after everything else is taken care of.
Sabbatical Account This account is for saving enough money to take a year off. This is a fairly short range goal that will prepare you for a life of freedom. The easiest way to build this account is to put 10 percent of your income into this account. This is easier than you might think in the beginning. Again both your Financial Independence and Sabbatical Accounts must come only from money that you don’t need right now. Most of which will come from controlling impulse buying. This is reprogramming yourself to move forward in a practical and prosperous direction.
Pleasure Account This Account will challenge you to think of new ways to enjoy your money. Every cent in this Account must be spent on pleasure and fun. It must be emptied every 90 days. Prosperity is not just having money, it is enjoying the money you have. The Keyword here is ENJOY, Enjoy!
Investment Account From this Account You only take money out to Invest it in a strong investment.that will give you a return greater than the interest the bank is paying you. Real Estate – The Earth is not getting any bigger. Stocks – Invest your money in things you use already. Disney, Your Electric Company, Office Depot, Home Depot, Your Fuel Company, etc. You know they are not likely to go out of business.
Million-Dollar Account The only difference between you and a millionaire is a few extra zeros. Put $10.00 in the bank, add five extra zeros and it now reads $1,000,000. You may think this is silly but visualizing yourself as being a millionaire will do things to your subconscious mind that amounts to magic! Whatever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve.
Your Opulence Account This last Account is created after you have met your goals in all the other Accounts. It is a feel good Account. You Treat Yourself to something really special that will be fun to talk about. Pamper yourself for doing what others only dream. You are Worth It!
What Others have to Say "Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out...“ "Success doesn't come to you… you go to it.“ "Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go.“ "Successful people are successful because they form the habits of doing those things that failures don't like to do.“ "Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success."
Syllabus of First Course Designing Your Own Success Success Overcoming the Causes of Failure Failure Making Your Dreams a Reality Reality Self Motivation the Esteem Builder Esteem Attracting a Mentor Success Group Mentor Visualizing Reality, See it to Be it. Visualizing Positive Listening Listening Imagineering for Solutions Imagineering Positive Banking for Wealth Building Wealth Positive Relaxing Builds Stamina Relaxing Connecting with Fellow Positive People Fellow Sharing the Positive Experience with Others Sharing Memory the keys Memory