1 Welcome to Prospecting Module 13 in The Web-Based Sales Improvement Program from SalesTrainingTV, a Subsidiary of Contact Based Selling Prospecting Module 13
2 Time Maximization Strategies for Prospecting Prospecting Module 13 A major part of prospecting success is managing your time -- not only managing the time when you’re actually prospecting, but managing your day so that you block out enough time to do the amount of prospecting you need to do to adequately fill the pipeline… Because of our call reluctance and our desire to do just about anything else OTHER than prospect…the reality is…if we don’t make time to prospect…we won’t find the time to prospect Scheduling Our Day Making the Time We’re Prospecting Stop Being ‘Wide Open”
3 Prospecting Module 13 Scheduling Our Day to Include Prospecting First of all…how much prospecting time do you need, given your success rate, to adequately fill your sales pipeline? (2 hours a day? 4 hours a day?) How many days a week? When is the best time to call considering who you’re calling? Early in the day…at the end of the day? TIP: If it doesn’t matter when you call…do it first thing in the morning. If you get the ugly stuff out of the way first…the rest of the day is gravy! We must BLOCK OUT THE TIME TO PROSPECT IN OUR CALENDAR – It’s like making an appointment with your own success Block out every day with the word “prospecting” across it from top to bottom
4 Prospecting Module 13 Scheduling Our Day to Include Prospecting, continued We must find a way to make ourselves accountable to hold our prospecting appointments with ourselves…because if we don’t…we’ll blow them off Prospect with a friend Sequester yourself away somewhere Swap desks with someone else Prospect as a group at the same time each day or week When it’s time to prospect…prospect…don’t “get ready to prospect”…once again…this is a call reluctance thing…
5 Prospecting Module 13 Managing the Time We’re Actually Prospecting Get everything ready BEFORE YOU START YOUR PROSPECTING TIME Get your lists ready: Do you have enough names to last through the allotted prospecting time? If not…get them before you start…or you’ll stop when you run out.. Get your scripts ready: You may be tempted to “wing it” and not use a script…but this is like cooking with a recipe…you may luck out and guess it right…but it takes a lot of focus and thought…and the chances of messing up go up greatly when we’re doing everything from memory Do your “detachment exercises” : We have to get into the character every time we step on the stage…to not do that, could lead to a tough cay of rejection..
6 Prospecting Module 13 Managing the Time We’re Actually Prospecting, continued Don’t become distracted : Are inner-mind goes to work on us from the very first call…especially when we come across a bad call. “Do something else…”, “Escape…”, “This isn’t productive…”, etc.etc. When we hear these things, we LOOK for distractions to take us away from prospecting time: “It makes sense to write this proposal…this is a big deal..” “I should just drop that off so I don’t have to do it later” “Well, today isn’t a good day because everyone is off doing other things…I’ll make up for it tomorrow” “I better take this call because it might be important” We can’t take calls when we’re in the middle of an appointment with a client… why do we take them during an appointment with our success?
7 Prospecting Module 13 Always Be Busy…Stop Being “Wide Open” Let’s get these phrases out of our repertoire immediately: “THAT’S FINE…I’M WIDE OPEN THAT DAY” “NO PROBLEM…I HAVEN’T GOT A THING GOING ON” “10 IS FINE, I’VE GOT NOTHING HAPPENING THAT DAY” Always have something scheduled When a client suggests a time to meet, or call back First…check your calendar Second…you sound concerned…”hmmmm” exhale a lot Third…ALWAYS…ALWAYS…ALWAYS HAVE SOMETHING THERE “Well…I’m completely jammed up that morning” (if you don’t have anything, you should have the word prospecting written across every page for the rest of your sales life anyway) Fourth…offer to move something…the farther you have to drive, the more elaborative my moving is..