Communicating for Success Leadership Academy #2 Feb 19, 2015 Dr. Frank Benest
Questions about Academy Curriculum? Requirements? Schedule? Team projects? Other?
Interview with Jim Collins
Rosy’s Story What were the values that Frank learned from Rosy’s story?
Understanding Your Life Story Leaders are self-reflective & understand who they are Who has been an influential person or what has been an experience that has shaped you in a positive way? What are the “gifts” that you give away as a leader?
Crucibles of Leadership Key points to article
Frank’s Mini-Crucible
Day Workers in Brea Redeveloping downtown was #1 priority Day workers congregating in downtown Council wanted to use police enforcement Organized diverse staff team Started conversations with stakeholders
Day Workers in Brea Identified issues & concerns Proposed Job Center pilot Addressed problems & concerns Built support
My Mini-Crucible What was a “mini-crucible” experience for you in your work or personal life? What did you learn? How did it transform you in some way?
Self-Reflection “People can help you but leadership is one of those great journeys into your own soul.” Jeff Immelt, CEO, GE
Overview 1. Values clarification 2. Communications—premises & key questions 3. Exercise—Framing the issue 4. Career journey—Kip Harkness
6. Case study—San Jose Communications 7. Homework—Developing a strategic communications plan 8. Reaction panel & key learnings 9. One-to-one coaching 10. Feedback on team projects & team meetings Overview (con’t)
Values Clarification Why are you being invited to clarify values? Roots Crucible Inspiration
Support in the Crucible
Jennifer Crocker, Ohio State University Department of Psychology Research into 2 mindsets And their impacts on one’s: 1.Ability to learn Adaptive Leadership 2.Goal Achievement Self-Regulation 3.Social Networks/Friendships Ability to Connect with Others
Two Mindsets Ecosystem Egosystem
EGOsystemECOsystem 1. To get what I want 2. To receive praise and admiration 3. To show people that I am right or good enough 4. For others to recognize how smart, generous, talented, etc., I am 5. To avoid failure or looking bad 1. To make a contribution 2. To take advantage of my strengths 3. To help, support, and inspire others 4. To be part of a successful team or meaningful community 5. To avoid doing harm
Fight or Flight SELF 1.Focus on their own needs and desires 2.View relationship between the self & others as competitive or zero-sum gain 3.Prioritize their own perceived needs over those of others. EGOsystemECOsystem Tend and Befriend GROUP 1.See themselves as part of a larger whole 2.View the relationship between the self and others as non-zero sum 3.Prioritize the needs of others; see others’ needs as just as important to the well-being of the system as their own
Have you Experienced Leadership from the Ego and Eco systems? EGO-Based Leadership ECO-Based Leadership
SHIFTING mindsets Ego and Eco Goals are both relatively stable and in flux We have the tools to shift mindsets Writing about your values shifts your mindset from the EGO to ECOsystem
Values Clarification Exercise 25 Minutes 1. Select your top 5 values from list 2. Choose 3 values and write about them
You Add 1.Share your 3 choices 2.Describe one in detail Five Minutes in Partners
During Break Add Your Top Three Values to Team Values Charter on the Wall Group Discussion What can we learn about our group from our list of values?
Career Journey and Aspirations Kip Harkness My story What do you discern as challenges and effective strategies?
San Jose Case Study Critique of case study What went well? What did not go so well? What are lessons learned for our future practice?
Communicating for Success Premises: Ability to communicate in different ways is key to success as leader Successful communicators understand their target audiences & their needs Providing data is necessary but insufficient
Communicating for Success Premises: Successful communications is related to positive relationships Story-telling is most powerful way to communicate Effective communication is well-planned
Communicating for Success Key Questions: 1. Who’s the target audience? 2. Have you first developed rapport with key members of the target audience? 3. Have you created a state of readiness? 4. What is your goal in the communication? 5. What are the values, goals or concerns of the target audience? How do you find out?
Communicating for Success 6. What is the “frame” given the target audience? 7. Have you “enlarged” the problem? 8. Do you refer to Council priorities, goals, or previous direction? 9. Have you used simple & appropriate language?
Communicating for Success 10. Do you provide data? 11. Have you incorporated compelling story & humanized the issue? 12. Do you acknowledge & respond to problems or concerns? 13. Have you communicated in different ways & reiterated the key messages?
Developing a Communications Plan Go to work sheet Select an important current or future issue Complete work sheet as home work Share next session
Reaction Panel What resonated with me? What did not resonate with me? What do I have to add?
Coaching Element to Academy Each participant is paired with coach Discussions with coach are confidential Goals Enrich overall experience of participants Provide career advice & support Enhance network of participants Renew & refresh senior managers/coaches
Coaching Responsibilities Agency Identify senior manager as one-to-one coach for participant Coaches Attend orientation session Meet with participant & provide advice & support
Coaching Responsibilities Participants Schedule sessions with coach Come prepared Be open to dialogue & enjoy interaction Frank/Eileen Orient coaches & participants Provide resources Help everyone debrief coaching experience
Minimum of 3 Sessions 1. Info interview—before Dec. session 2. Development Convo—before Feb session 3. Follow-up Convo—before April session Optional Additional sessions Professional meeting
Informational Interview Conduct info interview prior to Academy session on Dec. 11th Exchange resumes in advance and develop questions about their career journey, lessons, factors for success, etc. Come prepared to share info interview experience on Dec. 11 th Sample questions?
Feedback on Proposed Team Projects
Team Project Meetings What are deliverables of team project? What are any modifications to how the team is going to conduct project? Who is going to do what? Have each of us selected a “stretching” role or assignment? How do we get started?
Myers-Briggs Assessment You will receive with link 20 minute assessment - uninterrupted Take it at work or at home No right or wrong answers Hats off, shoes off frame of mind Don’t overthink - first instinct