Chic Foote Helix Consulting From Vision to 21 st C Learning Community.


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Presentation transcript:

Chic Foote Helix Consulting From Vision to 21 st C Learning Community

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Backwards Design Unpacking the Vision Review Revise Renew KROMKRATHOG at 1. The Big Picture – Starting with the End in Mind

Interconnected and Aligned Individual Teams Departments Levels School wide Data Driven Deep Purposeful Conversations Within Across

Skills Communicate Collaborate Connect Create Think Critically Literacies Basic Information Media Global Network Digital Citizenship With thanks to Silvia Rosenthall Tolisano Fluencies Media Info Digital Citizenship Collaboration Solution Creativity Fluencies Media Info Digital Citizenship Collaboration Solution Creativity How will you embed these?

1 Laying the foundations Starting with the end in mind Identifying the ‘Story’ 2 The process in practice Strategies and Examples Gap Analysis 3 The Design Process Key stages Expected Outcomes & Indicators of Success Outline for the Day

Shifts in Thinking Unconnected thinking An environment of isolation Perceived reality Individual autonomy Systems thinking Collegiality Information driven reality Collective autonomy To:From: Source: Hall, Pete. Simeral Alisa.(2008) Building Teachers’ Capacity for Success. Alexandroa, VA:ASCD

Achieving the “End in Mind” Specific Responsive Measurable digitalart/

Curriculum Mapping Phases Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Laying the Foundation Launching the process Maintaining, Sustaining & Integrating the Process Advanced Mapping Tasks

Story - What’s your story? How does your story impact the vision for your learners? What strategies enable us to effectively reflect the hopes and dreams of all members of the learning community? How might your story inform the development of transfer goals?

1. Purposeful Relevant Current Connected Aligned 2. Social Local Global Digital 3. Reviewed Revised Renewed Responsive Direction Strategic School Vision

Backwards Design Reference: Jay McTighe & Grant Wiggins. Schooling by Design. ASCD Examine the Vision – Essential Questions Establish Expectations -Transference - Understandings Identify Observable Indicators – Dispositions, Fleuencies, Skills & Knowledge Identify Observable Indicators – Dispositions, Fleuencies, Skills & Knowledge Differentiate within a department Differentiate across the levels

Mapping the Foundation Transfer Goals Big Ideas Understandings Essential Questions KnowledgeSkills/Dispositions

Effective Professional Inquiry Relevant and EmbeddedA Comprehensive Approach Source: Darling Hammond, Linda. (2010) The Flat World and Education: How America’s Commitment to Equity Will Determine Our Future Teachers. New York: College Press.

1 Laying the foundations Starting with the end in mind Identifying the ‘Story’ 2 The process in practice Strategies and Examples Gap Analysis 3 The Design Process Key stages Expected Outcomes & Indicators of Success Outline for the Day

6. Immediate or Long Term Development 6. Immediate or Long Term Development Suspend all Judgment School wide Implementation 1. Individual 2. Common or Mixed Group 1. Individual 2. Common or Mixed Group 5. What does it tell us? What does this mean? What are we going to do with it? 5. What does it tell us? What does this mean? What are we going to do with it? Adjust

Process Begin with a individual review Provide a framework for the review feedback Establish clear professional inquiry focus / review elements Evidence based Maps /Documents accessible and transparent Time allocated Expectations clear

Individual Small Group Whole Group Review Process

Protocols Teachers have the focus and organisation well in advance All judgment suspended All contributions accepted Outcomes and analysis shared and acted on by all

AttendeesProf Inquiry Evidence of SuccessChallenges Barriers /Puzzles of Practice Informing Practice Actions RequiredRed Flags Immediate:Long term

Considerations when we Apply the Review Cycle How is it organised? How do we gather and collate the information? How is it fed back?How is the cycle continued?

Committment Establish SystemsSupport StructuresTime HonouredClarity of Expectations – “End in Mind”

Structural Sequential Deliberate Connected Aligned Sira Anamwong/

Process and Practices Research to inform Identify an End in Mind Select facilitator Establish a core team Analayse Current situation Identify potential professional inquiry foci & select Plan to build on strengths and address gaps Establish a process and structure Embed process in school calendar Organisation Best fit - core team Reflective practice strategies Systems for documenting maps Consistency of - Processes - Protocols - Messaging - Expectations Expected outcomes Implementation Strategies Documenting all elements of the process Steps Considerations

1 Laying the foundations Starting with the end in mind Identifying the ‘Story’ 2 The process in practice Strategies and Examples Gap Analysis 3 The Design Process Key stages Expected Outcomes & Indicators of Success Outline for the Day

Essential Questions 1.How might curriculum mapping lead to cohesive and empowered learning communities? 2. What is required to establish and sustain a richly engaging learning community for all? photocredit:Fredrik Von Erichsen via The Guardian Eyewitness series

SbD –Schooling By Design-Wiggins & McTighe : Jay McTighe & Grant Wiggins. Schooling by Design. ASCD What will it Take?

Creating Cohesive Pathways Sustaining Responding Open Inclusive

Review stockimages Reflect Revise Renew

Developing New Forms KROMKRATHOG Keeping the End in Mind In An Ever Changing World

Maintain the End in Mind Future Focused Lasting Lifelong Impact