Social Cognition & Implicit Bias: Implications for Equal Justice Leadership WA Equal Justice Community Leadership Academy Retreat 2
Learning Objectives Describe concepts of “cognition”, “social cognition” & “implicit bias” Discuss concerns and implications of social cognition and implicit bias for equal justice leaders. Analyze ways in which implicit bias impacts the various aspects of the systems within which we work
Social Cognition A branch of science that studies how people cognitively process social information.
–The human brain can take in 11 million pieces of information in any one moment We’re only consciously aware of maybe 40 of these - at best. Brooks, David. The Social Animal: A Story of How Success Happens. The Role of the Unconscious Mind
Reacting Before We Even Realize It Subconscious mind uses 3 major processes to make sense of millions of bits of information that we perceive. Sort into categories Create associations btwn things Fill in gaps when only receive partial info
Awareness Test
Our Brains in Action
O lny srmat poelpe can raed tihs. cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! Our Brains in Action: Filling in the Gaps
Our Brains in Action sWMYc
The Stroop Test Πράσινος Please state the color of the text Χρυσός ΚόκκινοςΜπλε Μωβ Πορτοκάλι μαύρος Our Brains in Action Κόκκινος Πορτοκάλι Πράσινοςμαύρος Μπλε
The Stroop Test Blue Green Please state the color of the text Black Red Green Blue Black Blue Black Red Green Red Black Our Brains in Action
Where do implicit social cognitions come from? Infancy Parents Friends Media Positive or negative associations Strengthen over time automatic Schemas that humans apply to human interactions and guide way a person thinks about social categories.
Understanding schemas
Social Cognitions Include: Stereotypes Traits we associate with a category Attitudes Evaluative feelings that are positive or negative
Two kinds of biases Explicit Aware Controllable Intentional Endorsed Implicit Unaware Uncontrollable Unintentional Not endorsed
Why do we care about this? not all inequity/disparity is the result of an intentional ‘ism”
How do we know what our implicit biases are?
Project Implicit The IAT measures the ease with which people associate words or pictures representing either of two contrasting groups – such as white people and black people or men and women – with positive or negative meanings. (Bower, 2006) mo/
Key findings from the IAT Implicit biases are pervasive People are often unaware of their implicit biases Implicit biases predict behavior People differ in levels of implicit bias
Examples of Implicit Bias Doctors less likely to recommend African-American patients to specialists Managers are less likely to call back or hire members of a different ethnic group. Judges found to grant dark-skinned defendants sentences up to 8 month longer than light-skinned defendants for identical offenses. Source: and-social-justice
Triads –What was it like to take the IAT? –Which tests did you take? –Were your results what you expected? Why or why not? –Regardless of whether you expected them or not, how do you feel about your results?
Why should this matter to us? Why/how does implicit bias show up in: the institutions that you interact with on behalf of clients and communities you serve? the operation of your organization? interpersonal dynamics within your organization? inter-office/institutional dynamics within NY or national equal justice communities?
Within our organizations, implicit bias can impact: –Interaction with community members –Interaction with colleagues –Hiring, retention, & promotion decisions –Management & supervision –Resource allocation (“triage” in face of heavy caseloads)
The good news: Malleability Motivation ExposureEnvironment Procedural Changes
Institutionalizing Equity (focused on race) Implicit Bias Explicit Equity Unaware of choice pointsBuilds in decision-making guides that evoke consideration of equity Exclusive of stakeholdersFosters active engagement and empowerment of stakeholders Not attentive to race, gender, income and other inequities Gives distinct, specific and sufficient attention to key disparities/inequities Ignores barriers to accessSupports and implements strategies to remove barriers Does not consider racial impactsSystematically analyzes potential impacts on disadvantaged groups