Proposed Budget
Assumptions COLA 4.53% 22,456.8 ADA No Growth (we declined this past year) Staffing by formula Employee Retirement Funded at 2.0% MUST League Support Increase for Utilities Increase for Fuel Salary & Benefits Increases Proposed at Step & Column and Funded COLA Moving Expenses (hard to fill positions) Auditor Increase costs New Teacher Reception Increase Classified Subs Increase County Special Ed SELPA Increase County Data Processing JPA
Budget Summary Revenue Revenue Limit$130,739,811 Federal Rev 6,589,757 Other State 24,290,962 Local Rev 11,129,212 Total Revenues$172,749,742 Expenditures Certificated Sal$ 87,620,236 Classified Sal 25,539,030 Benefits 31,724,197 Material & Supplies 13,523,736 Other Services & Operating 12,863,165 Equipment / Capital Outlay 345,478 Transfers 1,133,900 Total Expenditures$172,749,742
Budget Summary Comparison Revenue 06/07 07/08 Change Revenue Limit$127,387,370$130,739,811+3,352,441 Federal Rev 8,043,496 6,589,757 -1,453,739 Other State 29,464,521 24,290,962 -5,173,559 Local Rev 12,965,580 11,129,212 -1,836,368 Total Revenues$177,860,967 $172,749,742 $ -5,111,225 Expenditures Certificated Sal$ 83,137,634 87,620,236+4,482,602 Classified Sal 23,461,062 25,539,030+2,077,968 Benefits 32,350,536 31,724, ,339 Material & Supplies 12,394,980 13,523, ,128,756 Other Services & Operating 15,629,744 12,863, ,766,579 Equipment / Capital Outlay 2,114, , ,769,194 Transfers 4,074,130 1,133, ,940,230 Total Expenditures$173,162,758$172,749, ,016 Change in Ending Balance -$ 4,498,209$0
Budget Summary Changes Revenue Change Revenue Limit+3,352,441COLA & Prop Tax Shift for Charter Schools Federal Rev -1,453,739Program Loss & Funding reductions Other State -5,173,559 Uncertainty of programs Local Rev- 1,836,368 Loss of One Time Grants Total Revenues- 5,111,225 Expenditures Certificated Sal+4,482,602Step & Col and COLA, reclass Classified Sal+2,077,968Step & Col, COLA Benefits- 626,339 Reduction of Contribution to Retirement Material & Supplies -1,128,756Reduction of One Time Money (carryovers) Other Srvcs & Operating- 2,766,579 Reduction of One Time Money (carryovers) Equip / Capital Outlay- 1,769,194Reduction of One Time Money (carryovers) Transfers- 2,940,230 Reduction Deferred Maintenance, Self Ins. Total Expenditures- 413,016 Change in Ending Balance $ 0 Unallocated Ending Balance Change in Beginning Balance $4,698, beginning balance
Salaries & Benefits
Restricted Vs Unrestricted
Unrestricted Non Salary
Non Salary Unrestricted Dollars
Lottery Budget $3,340,137
$0.64 Instruction $0.21 Instructional Support $0.03 Admin $0.11 Operations $0.01 Misc Instructional Aides, Library, Speech, Psychs, Health Svcs, Transportation, Guidance Utilities, Insurance, Maintenance, Security, Facilities Debt, County Svcs. Classroom Instruction, Regular Ed, Special Ed Admin & Board
Budget Projections
Proposed Budget Staffing Adds Priority 1 Certificated –Teacher Growth 3.0 FTE –Title I Teacher Growth 9.0 FTE –UOP Speech Agreements –Psychologist 1.0 FTE –SDC Teacher 1.0 FTE –Counselor 6.0 FTE –Preschool Program Specialist.33 FTE –Dean.2 FTE –Vice Principal Elementary 1.0 –High School Principal 1.0 – Lathrop –Director I Teacher Development 1.0 FTE funding change and reclass to Director I –Director I School Readiness 1.0 FTE reclass to Director I –Director II Compensatory Ed 1.0 FTE reclass to Director II
Proposed Budget Staffing Adds Priority 1 continued … Classified Staffing –Elementary Librarian.25 FTE – Mossdale School –TSA.33 FTE – Mossdale School –Registrar 1.0 FTE Lathrop HS 3 months –Attendance Clerk 1.0 FTE Lathrop HS 3 months –TSA 1.0 FTE Lathrop HS 3 months –Clerk Typist II 4.0 FTE District CWA, Fiscal Services, Personnel, Risk Management –Paraprofessional 2.0 FTE –Campus Monitor 1.0 FTE French Camp –Desktop Technician 1.0 FTE Lathrop HS 3 months –Server Technician 1.0 FTE –Custodian Supervisor 1.0 FTE Lathrop HS 3 months –Office Manager 1.0 FTE Lathrop HS 3 months –Attendance Technician 1.0 FTE – YRE / Attendance
Governor’s Budget State Revenues have been up and down throughout the budget building process Budget Gap is $2.5 billion No major cuts planned for Education, however new money is scarce
Governor’s Education Budget a “maintain” not expand budget COLA 4.53% Budget flaw in first draft – estimated to be $364 million –No augmentation to Equalization –Overall State Enrollment declining.49% –Child Care funds continue - $269 million CalWorks care shifts within Prop 98 –No Mandate Reimbursements –Transportation shift revised – no new money though –No increases to Hourly programs –No full COLA for Special Ed –Some new monies in categorical funds
Governor’s Education Budget On Going Programs –Arts and Music Block Grants –Secondary Counselors –After School Education and Safety –Economic Impact Aid New Programs –School Safety –Teacher Quality –Career-Technical Education –Supplemental Instruction –Nutrition –Pre-Kindergarten –Information and Technology –CBO Training –Charter School Facility Loans –CASHEE Supplemental Materials –Partnerships for Success –EnCorps –Program Improvement Management –Low-Performing School Block Grants –National Forest Area School Loans
What’s Next Waiting for the Governor’s Budget On-time Budget? –They have missed the constitutional deadline to submit a budget to the Governor (June 15 th ) next deadline is June 30 th –Governor can use blue pencil to free up dollars for potential follow-up legislative compromise to fund his pet projects Our position –Adopt our Budget – “Wait and See Approach” wait for 45 Day Revise –Make priorities of things to be added back if any discretionary money is available and in the unlikely event something is cut, adjust budget or reduce to accommodate the change in program.