Interoperability event proposal Group Name: WG TST Source: Sookhyun Jeon, TTA, Laurent Velez, ETSI, Meeting Date:
Goals Purpose: – Now oneM2M Rel-1 has been published, it is essential to validate the produced standards, in order to eliminate any ambiguity and potential issues. – It is also important for industry that oneM2M provides them an opportunity to confirm their understanding of the oneM2M standards. It gives confidence to go to the market. – Interoperability events give a chance to companies to meet each other in a “neutral” environment, to debug their implementations. – For WG TST, it is a good way to validate the test specifications that have been produced or at least to find any potential issues.
When ? Things needed: – Test specifications would need to be in stable draft status. – oneM2M devices and platforms would need to be available (even prototypes) – It needs many implementations in order to get relevant interop testing. – Need to find a good timeframe in order to get the maximum number of oneM2M implentations. It seems that « Autumn 2015 » gathers all these criteria.
Scope The scope of the event could be to test the oneM2M primitives communications, for managing the main oneM2M resources. It is the basis for validating the rel-1, before going to something more focused. Test Specifications: – TS-0013: Interoperability testing over HTTP – TS-00XX: Interoperability testing over CoAP
Organization TTA and ETSI propose to co-organize the first oneM2M interoperability event, based on their experience from similar events and testing best practice. In order to get a synergy with the oneM2M community and to avoid additional travels, the proposal is to co-locate the Interop test event at the TP#19 in Sophia-Antipolis. The participation will be free of charge and open to all (oneM2M members or not) The company test results will be confidential, participants will need to sign Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). The anonymous technical issues will be gathered in a report produced by TTA and ETSI, and provided to WG TST and the WGs for further standardization considerations.
Date Options In parallel of the TP#19 in Sophia-Antipolis, 3 days of testing, during TP week (7 to 11 September 2015) The week after TP#19 from Monday 14 to Wednesday 16 Sept 2015 On the week-end after TP#19, but the problem is that ETSI premises are closed on week-end. We have to find an hotel or some facilities to host the test event.
How to organise Interop event? 7 Event co-ordination – Registration – Event Promotion – Legal Aspects – Logistics Technical co-ordination Test plan Test Infrastructure Test tools Test Scheduling Test Session Reporting Final technical report
Registration 8 Attendance is free of charge but registration is mandatory Companies to register on the web event, indicating the number of participants ( importants for logistics) Companies to fill an oneline form indicating which products types they will test and which « features » are supported (CoAP, HTTP, …) – This is very important for preparing the event especially for scheduling the test sessions. Registration will be confirmed when NDA will be signed by the company
Example of Test Network 9
Example of a Test Session Scheduling 10
Event WIKI A WIKI could be put in place to enhance the exchange of communication and information in the preparation phase and during a Interop event The following information is available – Testing Information Test Specs / Base Specs Testing conventions Equipment parameters – Network Information Any info related to the test infrastructure – Minutes of Wrap Up Sessions Feedback to Standard 11
Test Reporting Tool The Test session Reporting (TRT) tool collects test data during testing events – Registration of individual users with distinct access rights, as well as companies and products – Creation of test session reports to capture test execution results and comments – Real-time result summaries of all recorded test sessions – Useful tool for wrap-up sessions – Facilitation for efficient test reporting – Provision of anonymised, statistical results for each test configuration Overall Result / Result per Test group / Result per specific test Technical background – Accessible via internet – Secure web-based access 12
Test tools When applicable, the organizers would provide needed test equipments and testing tools.