Introduction to WinRiver II For WinRiver 10.06 Users
Intro to WinRiver II Topics Covered OSW Tech Memo 2008.01 Overview Collecting a Measurement Configuring Peripherals New Measurement Wizard QA/QC Data Processing a measurement Loading a measurement Graphs Output Types Topics to be covered during this lecture include: OSW Tech Memo 2008.01 Overview Collecting a Measurement Configuring Peripherals New Measurement Wizard QA/QC Data Processing a measurement Loading a measurement Graphs Output Types
OSW Tech Memo 2008.01 Released on December 5, 2007 All users upgrade to WinRiver II by April 1, 2008 Only applies to “moving boat” portion SxS mode not yet reviewed or recommended by OSW Data collected in WinRiver 10.06 does NOT need to be reprocessed Describes WRII enhancements Lists known bugs in WRII 2.00 Available at the recently updated USGS Hydroacoustics web pages:
WinRiver II Overview Graphic from TRDI WinRiver II help file
Default WinRiver II Screen Layout (Workspace) No Acquire and Playback modes Designed around new Measurement Control window easy access to data collected as part of a measurement Many of the same graphs, menus, shortcuts, etc still exist
WinRiver II Interface Settings Resets many values in WRII to factory default
Configuring Peripherals (Communication Settings) Set the communications for an ADCP Select Peripherals then expand Read Serial Raw ADCP Data until you see Port: ADCP Serial Port. Click on Port: ADCP Serial Port and the Configure button will become active. Click the Configure Button and the serial communications dialog will open.
Testing the Connection Click the Test Port button If communication is successful, the typical ADCP wakeup message is displayed If screen remains blank, verify settings
Adding Additional Devices To add additional devices such as GPS, Sounder, or External Heading Click Add, expand the appropriate Device, Select the NMEA, and Click OK.
Collecting a New Measurement Start a new measurement by clicking File and selecting New Measurement, pressing Ctrl-W, or clicking on the lightning bolt. This will open the Setup dialog box
Press Next to continue settings up the new measurement Site Information Fill in text boxes Not required to complete the Setup, but encouraged Can be modified during playback by editing the Site Information Station Name and Measurement Number will be used for defaults in the Output Filename Options step The first step in creating a new measurement is to enter the site information Not required to complete the Setup, but are strongly encouraged Can be modified during playback by editing the Site Information Station Name and Measurement number will be used for defaults in the Output Filename Options step Press Next to continue settings up the new measurement
Rating Information Enter known rating information May be modified during playback by editing the Site Information Rating information, if known, can be entered prior to the measurement and/or can be edited during playback with the Site Wizard
Measurement Wizard WRII first attempts to communicate with the ADCP. If successful: the dot next to the ADCP box will turn green, the ADCP type will be set automatically, and the ADCP serial number will be populated. The modes available to this ADCP also will be determined 13
Measurement Wizard Warnings and Errors are now dynamic and continue to pop up at the left If you close the error window it will simply reopen on the next click. Read All warnings before pressing Next 14
Wizard Configuration Values Max Water Depth Secondary Depth If not zero, shallowest depth needed to profile Will attempt to configure bin size to get at least 2 good bins in this depth Only use when you MUST profile in this depth Max Water Speed Max Boat Speed
Wizard Configuration Values Bottom Mode Auto selects Bottom Mode 5 as long as depth allows ( > 2 ft) Bottom mode 7 may work better when shallow or sloping bottom, but pings slower, decreasing ensemble rate
Wizard Configuration Values Water Mode Auto Selects either water mode 12 or water mode 11 based on instrument and water speed and depth Water mode 12 Auto No longer fixed bin size (no 12SB or 12 RB) optimizes bin size based on depths Must manually select mode 5 or mode 1 to use
Configuration Wizard Values Update Rate Update Rate only applicable to Rio Grande Water Mode 12 Use lower update rate when using WM12 if boat movement cannot be smooth and steady If depths allow use of WM1 in dynamic conditions use WM1!
StreamPro Configuration Wizard Options Can only select between water modes 12 and 13 Water mode 12: “standard” mode Water mode 13: “low noise” mode Max depth ≈ 3 ft Max velocity ≈ 0.7 ft/s
Output Filename Options Enter a Filename prefix The prefix will also be used for the output directory name The Output Directory must not already contain a measurement
Filename Format: prefix_meas_MMM_date_time.PD0 Filename determined when creating a new measurement prefix = Filename prefix (Default = Station name) meas = Measurement number MMM = Transect number (starts with 000) date_time = Date time of transect (optional) Example : HartDitch_123_000.PD0
WR II Files Stored in Output Directory File Types Measurement Rawdata Navigation Depth sounder Ext. Heading HYDROML ASCII out Function of File Stores Configuration settings & QA/QC logs Transect raw data as acquired from ADCP Navigation data (GPS) output Depth Sounder data output Heading data output Discharge summary output ASCII output file Suffix *.mmt *.PD0 *_GPS.txt *_SND.txt *_EH.txt *.xml *_ASC.txt There are 7 types of files generated by WinRiver Rawdata Raw data as acquired from ADCP. Stored in binary format. File name ends with *r.000 Configuration Stores recording, processing, charting information, edge distances, ADCP depth. File name ends with *.wrc, *.w00x. We will discuss these in the next few slides Qm Wizard File summarizing discharge measurement wizrd results. File name ends with *.dmw Navigation GPS output file. File name ends with *n.000. This ascii file is not necessarily created when you are using GPS. It is possible to store the GPS data in the rawdata file only. However, you can also have the GPS data written out to the nav file. Depth sounder Depth sounder data output. File name ends with *d.000. This ascii file is only written out when the user requests it. ASCII out Ascii output file from WinRiver. This ascii file is created only when the user requests it. This ascii file can be used by specialized post-processing programs such as those demonstrated in the first lecture this morning. Workspace Binary files that affect the windows that are visible, their size and placement 22
Commands Preview Lists all configuration commands that will be sent to the ADCP when data collection is started Any Users commands entered here will override the Configuration Wizard commands Only enter users commands if you have a very good understanding of their effect
Summary Page How the instrument is configured Where the data will be recorded User supplied measurement characteristics Water and bottom modes configured Estimates of the minimum and maximum profile depths Estimate of the horizontal standard deviation. Note: Currently the horizontal standard deviation is not provided for mode 5 and 11. NOTE: This summary page does not reflect any user commands entered on the previous screen.
Finishing the Measurement Wizard After completing the New Measurement Wizard a “Next Transect” node will appear under Collect Data The next raw data file to be created and field configuration to use for the transect will be displayed
WinRiver II QA/QC Tests QA/QC Tests now built into WinRiver, but similar look to utilities used in 10.06 Diagnostics Tests (RGTest) Compass Calibration Moving Bed Tests – can be saved in the QA/QC section Topics to be covered during this lecture include: Diagnostics Tests (RGTest) Pressure Sensor Test Compass Calibration Moving Bed Tests 26
Diagnostic (RGTest) Select from Acquire menu Opens Diagnostic dialog and performs series of tests Logged under the QC/QC node in the measurement control Currently not available when using a StreamPro 27
Compass Calibration Select “execute compass calibration” from Acquire menu Press the Calibrate button and follow directions After calibrations press the Evaluate button and follow directions If total error is > 1 degree repeat calibration and evaluation Total error reported after Evaluation should typically be less than 1 degree and always less than 2 degrees Compass calibrations must be performed when using GPS or the Loop Correction method for moving bed 28
Moving Bed Tests Start Pinging Select “select moving bed test” from the Acquire menu (F6 shortcut) Select the type of moving bed test and press Start button Perform the appropriate moving bed test procedures Data will be recorded and displayed on screen similar to a regular transect At the end of the moving bed test select “Stop moving bed test” from the acquire menu (F6) Note: To collect multiple moving bed test you must stop and start pinging between each test 29
QA/QC Tests in Measurement Control All Tests results are stored under the QA/QC node in the measurement control window The tests can be viewed with a right mouse click menu Moving bed tests can be processed similar to regular transects, but will not be displayed in the discharge summary 30
Collecting Transects Start and Stop transects from the Acquire menu or F5 (like WinRiver 10.06) Next Transect node displays next transect to be recorded
Opening a WinRiver II Measurement Select File… Open Measurement… from the menu Locate the measurement (.mmt) file for the data file you wish to process or review Use this method to open measurements collected with WinRiver II
Create a WRII Measurement from WinRiver 10.0x files or StreamPro files File–Open–Create Measurement from Data Files (Ctrl+F) INI2XML not needed for StreamPro files Select all transects that comprise a Qm Configuration settings are imported as last saved in WinRiver 10.0x Include the moving bed test – even though it cannot be moved to the QA/QC section of WRII
Measurement Control After opening a measurement (.mmt) all data files and QA/QC are displayed in the measurement control window The Measurement control displays information in a tree structure Press + to expand “branches” Press – to compress
Filenames in the Measurement Control Measurement file Raw data file Navigation (GPS) log file
Modifying Site Information To view and/or modify Site Information Right mouse click on Site Information in the measurement control and select Site Wizard, OR Select Configure… Site Wizard from the main menu
Site Wizard
Measurement Control Reprocess Transect Pressing the right mouse button while over items in the measurement control displays context sensitive menus To load a transect Right click on the desired transect Select reprocess transect
Measurement Control Now Processing Transect being processed (shown in graphs) is indicated by Highlighted name in measurement control Filename in top of window
Maneuvering in a Transect When a transect is reprocessed the entire transect is loaded in memory and displayed in the open graphs Go to a specific Ensemble (profile) by: Using the playback controls Using the data slider Dragging the ensemble marker on a contour plot
Changing Scales Used in Graph Right click on graph and select properties Select parameter to change and enter new value
Changing Data in Graphs Right click on a graph and choose data selection… Choose new parameters to plot Different graphs have different parameters available Use this to graph vertical velocities, error velocities, etc
Configurations Settings Each Transect Processed in WinRiver II will contain: Field Configuration Contains all configuration settings as they were during data collection Cannot be modified, deleted, or renamed Playback Configuration Created the first time a transect is reprocessed Values may be changed May be deleted or renamed
Active Configuration Transect can have multiple configuration nodes The configuration being used to process the transect is call the Active Configuration The Active configuration is in BOLD with an A over the node icon
Making a Configuration Active To change the Active Configuration Right mouse click on the desired configuration Select Set as Active Configuration from the menu (Ctrl+A) The settings in the activated node will be used the next time the transect is reprocessed
Viewing Configuration Settings To view or change settings in a transect configuration In the measurement control, right mouse click on the configuration under the transect Select Properties from the menu OR Double left mouse click on the configuration F3 still displays the active configuration
Configuration Dialog Configuration dialog contains 7 pages of settings Commands DS / Ext. Hdg Discharge Edge Estimates Processing Recording
New Configuration Settings Removes data below side lobe line from graphs Does not change calculations Depth weighted average instead of simple average Default and preferred method May result in small changes to computed values
Averaging Ensembles Under the Configure menu, select Averaging Data… Enter Number of ensembles to average Only affects graphs, does not change calculations
Sub Sectioning In the measurement control RIGHT mouse click on transect to subsection Enter beginning and ending ensemble numbers
ASCII Output Creates WinRiver 10.06 type ASCII output files Allows you to customize ASCII output formats From the Configure menu select either Classic or Generic to turn ASCII Output on Reprocess transects to create ASCII files
Selecting Transects Only checked transects show up in the Discharge and Measurement Summaries Uncheck any transects that should not be used to compute discharge aborted transects moving-bed test transect for 10.06 imported measurement
Right mouse click on measurement name Locking a Measurement Locked OR Note: Locking works by changing file to read-only, permission problems may cause locking not work correctly Right mouse click on measurement name
Discharge Measurement Summary
Hydroml output Exports measurement information to an xml formatted file Will hopefully be able to directly import into NWIS in future release Select File… Export as Hydroml
WinRiver II Help File Built-in help can answer many questions