1 Welcome Careers Advisors and Teachers Conference 2012 The University of Nottingham
2 Dr Paul Greatrix Registrar The University of Nottingham
3 Schools Liaison at The University of Nottingham Nathalie Mortimer UK Recruitment and Events Manager
What do we do? Promote higher education in general and The University of Nottingham in particular to students in schools and colleges around the United Kingdom
In school/ college activities Presentations Workshops Mock interviews Fairs and exhibitions Workshops for careers advisors and teachers
On campus events For students Open days Taster days Bespoke visits For careers advisors and teachers Conferences –Nottingham –London Teachers lunch at open day
To find out more Refer to our brochure w: e:
8 Admissions Penny Nichols Undergraduate Admissions Manager
Sunday, March 30, Admissions at The University of Nottingham Facts and Figures Around 50,600 applications in total this year Apps per place differ according to the School –Physiotherapy - 23 –Psychology - 10 –Chemistry - 7 –Mechanical Engineering % mature applications 22% independent sector; 78% state sector
Sunday, March 30, Home and EU: Applications, Offers, Places (excluding Nursing) YearNumber of Applications Percentage of applications where offer made ,76965% ,26460% ,66761%
Sunday, March 30, Qualifications A-levels/vocational A-levels Advanced Highers/Welsh Bacc/Irish Leaving International Baccalaureate BTEC Nationals Access/Foundation Programmes Advanced Diplomas Cambridge pre-U International Qualifications
Sunday, March 30, Admissions at The University of Nottingham Entry Requirements Differ from School to School (outlined in the prospectus) Non-tariff based GCSEs/key skills/Advanced Extension Award Extended project Unit grades may be used at confirmation if someone has narrowly missed their offer Certification of AS Level results
Sunday, March 30, Admissions at The University of Nottingham Application Cycle Main Application Cycle UCAS Extra Confirmation –Accepted on chosen course –Offered an alternative course –Unsuccessful Adjustment Clearing
Sunday, March 30, Admissions Structure Central Admissions Office –Science, Engineering, Arts, Social Sciences, Law & Education –Medicine and PGCE separate Centralised Decision Making Team –Make decisions for 32 Schools
Sunday, March 30, Admissions at The University of Nottingham Decision Making Process Varies from School to School Information on UCAS application Online questionnaire – Medicine, Vet Med and Nutrition Additional tests – Law and Medicine Interview Parental experience of HE Contextual Data and widening participation
Sunday, March 30, Admissions at The University of Nottingham UCAS Application Personal Statement –Why they have chosen subject/ What interests them –Any relevant experience –Gap year/future plans –Extra-curricular activities Plagiarism Policy Reference –Predicted/actual grades –Skills in each subject –School policies on examinations –Extenuating circumstances