Orange County Department of Education Al Mijares, Ph.D., County Superintendent of Schools Jeff Hittenberger, Ph.D. Chief Academic Officer 1 OCDE VISION FORUM HOW CAN ORANGE COUNTY LEAD THE NATION IN COLLEGE AND CAREER READINESS AND SUCCESS?
Orange County Department of Education Al Mijares, Ph.D., County Superintendent of Schools -Purpose -What would you like to gain by participating in this Vision Forum? -Cross-divisional collaboration: One team -Shared understanding of what we will do to assure that OC leads the nation in college and career readiness and success: One vision 2 WELCOME!
Orange County Department of Education Al Mijares, Ph.D., County Superintendent of Schools -Books -Space issues -Timeframe -Food -Online resources and discussion -Flexibility -Thanks! 3 LOGISTICS
Orange County Department of Education Al Mijares, Ph.D., County Superintendent of Schools -p. 24 Graphic: What jumps out at you? -What are the implications for our work? 4 DIVING IN TO CHAPTER 1
Orange County Department of Education Al Mijares, Ph.D., County Superintendent of Schools Essential Questions: page 20 -Why is this a worthwhile goal? -How will this goal affect high schools that have historically sorted students? -How has the development of college and career readiness standards over the past decade set the stage for a better understanding of college and career readiness? 5 CHAPTER 1: THE NEW CHALLENGE – ALL STUDENTS COLLEGE AND CAREER READY
Orange County Department of Education Al Mijares, Ph.D., County Superintendent of Schools pp : What evidence does Conley provide that this is a worthwhile goal? 6 EQ 1: WHY IS THIS A WORTHWHILE GOAL?
Orange County Department of Education Al Mijares, Ph.D., County Superintendent of Schools pp : What does Conley mean when he says that high schools have historically sorted students? 7 EQ 2: HOW WILL THIS GOAL AFFECT HIGH SCHOOLS THAT HAVE HISTORICALLY SORTED STUDENTS?
Orange County Department of Education Al Mijares, Ph.D., County Superintendent of Schools pp : According to Conley, how has the development of college and career readiness standards over the past decade set the stage for a better understanding of college and career readiness? 8 EQ 3: EFFECT OF COLLEGE AND CAREER READINESS STANDARDS?
Orange County Department of Education Al Mijares, Ph.D., County Superintendent of Schools -What should students know and be able to do by the time they graduate from high school? -What should they know and be able to do at each level of their development? …………………………………………………………………………………… -What competencies and habits of mind will equip students for college and career readiness and success? 9 WHAT ARE STANDARDS?
Orange County Department of Education Al Mijares, Ph.D., County Superintendent of Schools -Early 1990s: Development of standards state-by- state : Adoption of California standards for English, Math, Science, and History/Social Science -2001: No Child Left Behind mandates that all states adopt standards 10 CONTENT STANDARDS
Orange County Department of Education Al Mijares, Ph.D., County Superintendent of Schools -1991: New Standards Project -1996: Nation’s governors establish Achieve, develop an early set of college readiness standards : Standards for Success study: Key Cognitive Strategies – ways of thinking and processing content at more complex levels to allow for its use and transfer to new settings and situations, not just mastery of content -2002: Partnership for 21 st Century Skills. National surveys of employers and development of the 4Cs : Achieve creates American Diploma Project 11 COLLEGE AND CAREER READINESS STANDARDS
Orange County Department of Education Al Mijares, Ph.D., County Superintendent of Schools -2009: National Governors Association (NGA) and Council of Chief State Schools Officers (CCSSO) initiate development of CCSS : Adopted by the California State Board of Education based on a process initiated by the legislature and signed by then-Governor Schwarzenegger -Also adopted voluntarily by 45 other states, now in various stages of implementation 12 COMMON CORE STATE STANDARDS (CCSS): INTEGRATING CONTENT STANDARDS WITH COLLEGE AND CAREER READINESS
Orange County Department of Education Al Mijares, Ph.D., County Superintendent of Schools “In the final analysis, the Common Core State Standards are not merely about content knowledge acquisition, or at least they shouldn’t be. They are about students’ acquiring a set of skills that enable them to be successful learners beyond high school and to take progressively greater charge of their learning as they move through the educational system.” 13 KEY QUOTE – PAGE 18
Orange County Department of Education Al Mijares, Ph.D., County Superintendent of Schools “Self-motivated, self-managing students equipped with solid academic skills are going to be the best prepared for the uncertain and turbulent world in which they will spend their adult lives.” - David Conley 14 KEY QUOTE
Orange County Department of Education Al Mijares, Ph.D., County Superintendent of Schools -What key learning experiences empowered you to take control of your own learning and become a self- motivated, self-managed learner? -How can we provide empowering learning experiences for young people in our lives and in our schools to help them take control of their own learning and become passionate, self-managed learners who can navigate their complex world? 15 REFLECTION QUESTIONS
Orange County Department of Education Al Mijares, Ph.D., County Superintendent of Schools Accessing the Online Materials and Discussions: -Log in -Click on My Classes -Click on OCDE Vision Forum -Read the Welcome and click on the Sessions Discussion: - In the December 9 Session, share your responses to the reflection question. 16 ON TO CHAPTER 2!!!