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Presentation transcript:


 Background o Genesis of Least Developed Countries(LDCs) in the context of the United Nations Convention on Climate Change(UNFCCC)  COP 6, 2000 in the Netherlands, the Hague  COP 7 and the Marrakesh Accord  National Adaptations Programmes of Action (NAPA) Process – Current Status, Best practices and Challenges)  Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF)  Synergies in Adaptation  Financing for Adaptation 10/14/20152 ECBI Regional Capacity Building Workshop Dar Es Salaam 2011

 National Adaptations Programmes of Action (NAPA) preparation and implementation status, best practices and challenges  Summary of key issues for consideration in negotiations (out standing issues for consensus)  Recommendations  Conclusion 10/14/2015 ECBI Regional Capacity Building Workshop Dar Es Salaam 20113

 Genesis of Least Developed Countries(LDCs) in the context of the United Nations Convention on Climate Change(UNFCCC)  COP 6, 2000 in the Netherlands, the Hague  Article 4.9 of the UN FCCC  COP 7 and the Marrakesh Accord  LDC work programme  Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF)  The Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG)  National Adaptations Programmes of Action (NAPA) Phases  Global Environmental Facility (GEF) and its Implementing Agencies 10/14/2015 ECBI Regional Capacity Building Workshop Dar Es Salaam 20114

 COP 6 that was held at the Hahue in the Netherlands marked the beginning of effective consideration of Article 4.9, which is specific for LDC  The Article urges Developed Country Parties to give special consideration to LDCs while providing support in Development and transfer of Technology and finances 10/14/2015 ECBI Regional Capacity Building Workshop Dar Es Salaam 20115

The Marrakesh Accord marked the beginning of effective operationalisation of the Article 4.9 by:  Establishing the LDC Work program that consisted of the following elements:  Supporting preparation and the implementation of the National adaptation Program of action (NAPA)  Strenghthening where needed establishing the National climate change Secretariat and Focal point 10/14/2015 ECBI Regional Capacity Building Workshop Dar Es Salaam 20116

 Providing training in negotiation skills and language  Development and transfer of Technology, particularly adaptation technology  Strengthening meteorological services including information mobilisation, management and dissemination 10/14/2015 ECBI Regional Capacity Building Workshop Dar Es Salaam 20117

 In Marrakesh the Least Developed Countries fund was established to support the implementation of the LDC work programme  National Adaptation Program of Action was prioritised as most important to address the urgent and immediate Adaptation needs of the LDCs  The Least Developed Countries Expert group (LEG) was established with specific task of providing guidance and technical support to LDCs in their NAPA process 10/14/2015 ECBI Regional Capacity Building Workshop Dar Es Salaam 20118

 Global Environmental Facility (GEF) was assigned the task of managing the LDCF and channeling the funds to the LDCs through its Implementing Agencies (IAs)  In addition to channeling Funds the IAs were also charged with providing guidance to the LDCs in the NAPA process and in accessing funds from the GEF 10/14/2015 ECBI Regional Capacity Building Workshop Dar Es Salaam 20119

National Adaptations Programmes of Action (NAPA) preparation and implementation Current status, best practices and challenges  Decision 28/CP7 established the NAPA process  The NAPA process was divided into Preparation and Implementation Phases  Preparation include consultation with the stakeholders and production of the NAPA document with all the national adaptation priorities 10/14/2015 ECBI Regional Capacity Building Workshop Dar Es Salaam

 The LDCs were each provided with 200,000 USD to support the preparation and submission of the NAPA document  The LDCs lead the NAPA process in collaboration with the GEF and its Implementing Agencies  About 48 LDCs submitted request for financial support for the NAPA process  45 LDCs have completed and submitted their NAPA for consideration for the implementation Phase 10/14/ ECBI Regional Capacity Building Workshop Dar Es Salaam 2011

 About 10 LDCs have their PIFs and PPG endorsed by the GEF Council and are now developing full scale NAPA projects  LEG in collaboration with the GEF and its IAs produced the Annotated Guidelines and Step by Step Guide to help the LDCs in their NAPA preparation and implementation respectively.  LDCs participated in regional training on the use of the guidelines and project development 10/14/2015 ECBI Regional Capacity Building Workshop Dar Es Salaam

NAPA best Practices  Enhanced awareness on climate change and adaptation  Application of consultative and participatory approach  Country ownership emphasized  Mainstreaming adaptation in the National programs  Capacity building through regional workshops  Copying strategy and experience sharing 10/14/2015 ECBI Regional Capacity Building Workshop Dar Es Salaam

Challenges of NAPA  Limited level of awareness on climate change and adaptation  Inadequate capacity related to project formulation and accessing of funds  Changing composition of LDC NAPA and negotiation teams  Inadequate funding for the NAPA process (LDCF) 10/14/2015 ECBI Regional Capacity Building Workshop Dar Es Salaam

 Purpose Finance all the elements of the LDC work including the NAPA process.  Access The Funding for the NAPA process from the LDCF is accessed through the IAs using the modified House rules of the GEF  Current state of funding in the LDCF The total requirement is about 2 bn USD while the LDCF has approximately 400 million USD  Challenges Adequacy, timely access, predictability and complex GEF criteria including inadequate IA capacity 10/14/ ECBI Regional Capacity Building Workshop Dar Es Salaam 2011

Link between National Adaptation Plan (NAPs) and NAPA  National Adaptation plan is yet to be implemented. Decision on key issues is still awaited. NAPs is supposed to address medium and long term adaptation needs of all developing countries  NAPA addresses the urgent and immediate adaptation needs of LDCs Linkages: NAPS, NAPA and Adaptation  Both NAPs and NAPAs constitute adaptation, which is a priority for LDCs 10/14/ ECBI Regional Capacity Building Workshop Dar Es Salaam 2011

LDCF  Established in 2001during COP7 in Marrakesh to fund all elements of the LDC work program. Voluntary contribution from the Developed County Parties Adaptation Fund (AF)  It is to finance medium and Long term adaptation needs of all Developing country Parties including LDCs. Its source is 2% proceeds from the CDM projects Fast Track Finance  A pledge by Developed Country Parties that emerged from Copenhagen to raise 30 bn USD by end of 2012 Long Term Finance - Green Climate Change Fund (100 m USD)  Proposal to improve on mobilisation and delivery of finances for climate change. Modality is still being discussed  Balance allocation between Adaptation and mitigation Other Sources (Bilateral, National Budgets, Private Sector) 10/14/ ECBI Regional Capacity Building Workshop Dar Es Salaam 2011

Finance  How to guarantee adequate, consistent and predictable funding for LDCs especially for adaptation  Propotions of different funding windows that could be allocated to LDCs  Level of inclusion of LDCs in participation in the management of the different funds for adaptation  Operationalisation, Composition of and LDC Participation in the Standing Committee  Funding of the other elements of the LDC work programme 10/14/ ECBI Regional Capacity Building Workshop Dar Es Salaam 2011

Adaptation  Adaptation is the Priority of LDCs, however mitigation may also be addressed in order to minimise high future costs of adaptation  LDCs deserve special treatment for accessing funds from adaptation Fund  LDCs should be represented adequately in the Adaptation Committee. Composition still under negotiation  Adaptation Committee should be operationalised in Durban 10/14/ ECBI Regional Capacity Building Workshop Dar Es Salaam 2011

Clean Development Mechanism  LDCs have not benefited enough from the CDM  Need for capacity building to enable LDCs participate effectively in the CDM  2% proceeds from the CDM is supposed to be allocated to Adaptation Fund  How much of this should go to LDCs 10/14/2015 ECBI Regional Capacity Building Workshop Dar Es Salaam

Adaptation Fund  Proportion of allocation to LDCs  Direct access: further definition required. LDCs prefer it  More training to develop projects and access the AF. 10/14/2015 ECBI Regional Capacity Building Workshop Dar Es Salaam

 NAPAs  Further assistance to the parties that have not completed preparation of their NAPAs  Training of LDCs in the implementation of their NAPAs.  How to ensure that GEF Mobilises and provides more funds for the full implementation of NAPAs and other elements of the LDC work program  10/14/2015 ECBI Regional Capacity Building Workshop Dar Es Salaam

 NAPs is valuable for pursuance of the medium and long term adaptation needs of LDCs  NAPs should not kill the NAPA process but supplement/complement it  LDCs may embark on the NAPs process in parallel with the NAPAs taking into consideration the lessons learnt from the NAPA process  Need for guide for NAPs process for both LDCs and other Developing countries 10/14/2015 ECBI Regional Capacity Building Workshop Dar Es Salaam

 LDCs should advocate for more resources to be put in the LDCF  LDCs should seek partnership with other relevant negotiating blocks on issues that are dear to their heart  LDCs should unite and speak with one voice especially on controversial issues 10/14/ ECBI Regional Capacity Building Workshop Dar Es Salaam 2011

 We should be ready to collectively defend our agreed positions.  Thank you!!! 10/14/ ECBI Regional Capacity Building Workshop Dar Es Salaam 2011