RCARO Homepage Management - Current Status and Future Direction - July 15, 2010 Mr. Jin-Hyung KIM, Ph.D. Head, Administration Division RCA Regional Office (
Contents I.Backgrounds II.Current Status and Issues III. Future Directions IV. Implementation Schedule
RCA Regional Office 3 I. Backgrounds (1) RCARO homepage offers one way communication by RCARO only, Which makes it difficult to provide variety of the information RCA stakeholders are interested in. And there is a need to broaden information contributors for quality and agile information. Recent log analysis shows the number of visitors are very small (30-40 per day) and only 20% of the first time visitors revisit the site. And Visitors stay only a short period of time as most of the information is superficial and nuclear related news. Continuous input of latest news and information needs proactive support from member states, IAEA FP and PLCC.
RCA Regional Office 4 One of the most attractive information in RCA website can offer project activities and decisions related RCA meeting information. But project and meeting information are restricted to members only due to previous decisions regarding MOH data,. Site map is not user friendly and project/meeting information are restricted to non members. It is not easy to search necessary information in easily way. Homepage redesign is inevitable in order to reflect new demands of end users visiting website and to accommodate new software tools for stakeholders as well as MOH data incorporated. I. Backgrounds (2)
RCA Regional Office 5 The First Screen of Homepage
RCA Regional Office 6 Current Homepage Site Map
RCA Regional Office 7 II. Current Status and Issues (1) One way communication channel –Only RCARO provides information and it is difficult to upload/download on website by stakeholder –No space to post visitors’ ideas and opinions for dual or multiple communications –No Q&A, FAQ and Discussion Board –Not in line with the recent web user’s demand Information is superficial, not valuable, and not up to date –Log analysis says 75% of the visitors view the first screen (mostly what’s new) and leave without exploring further –Our stakeholders want qualified and up to dated information –Need RCA-FP’s support for project and meeting information or latest IAEA-TC Policy and information, etc.
RCA Regional Office 8 II. Current Status and Issues (2) Current site map is n ot user friendly and difficult to navigate and access information –Trying to show too much information at the first screen without considering who the stakeholders are –Too many menus across the screen and are not harmonized each other (Top and side) –There is no drop down list from the top menu, so it is difficult to see what’s inside (No direct go-to function) MOH data has been incorporated into the RCARO without data base restructure –MOH data enhances information richness, but very difficult to search due to data base structure –MOH data used to be available to members only, data open policy will have to be discussed separately
RCA Regional Office 9 III. Future Directions Two way or interactive communications Enriched information that is live and updated User Friendly NavigationMOH data incorporation Any qualified visitors can post Q&A (and later FAQ) Project community sites IAEA, Member Sates and Experts’ proactive data updates Webhard service (The place for RCA data depository) Menu roadmap for each stakeholder type User friendly menu Enhanced search Database redesign RCA policy for Open data to public (separate discussion)
RCA Regional Office 10 Action Plans/Items(1 ) 2. Adoption of spaces for multi-directional communication in order to attract users/stakeholders in the use of data and information Space for users/stakeholders’ participation in information exchange - Q&A, FAQs, and Discussion Board Space for member states, project community and other users 1. Restructuring sitemap Priority and position in the first screen of webpage Merging and moving of menus in sitemap Feedback from key stakeholders 3. Establishing expert pool to provide qualified, agile information and valuable, up to date news Experts designated by NR of member states Project coordinators, leaders and participants of RCA projects RCA-FP RCARO
RCA Regional Office 11 Potential Information and Provider For users, project information and up-to-dated news are most important as well as interactive communications. And roles of information posting groups may be suggested as below: StakeholdersPosting Information (Ex.) Regional Office RCA Policy/Regulations, RCA meeting documents, FAQs, Discussion Board, Administration, RCA News IAEA/RCA-FP RCA program information, Project meeting information, RCA News Member Sates/NPC Country Profile, URU (utilities resources units) PLCC, Project leaders and Participants, etc. Project information Experts (Nuclear related) News, Meetings, Q/A, General Public Questions, Opinions
RCA Regional Office Adoption of easy navigation and searching tools Differentiated navigation approach for categorized users and stakeholders Provide a tool for easy upload/download Provide strengthen “searching tool” with robust DB structure 6. Provision of guidelines for MOH data access for enhancing information exchange and utilization by end users Analysis of levels/degree of opening to public and preparation of negative list of MOH data access Feedback from key stakeholders and relevant experts 4. Redesigning the first screen of homepage Preparation of samples of the first screen of webpage Feedback from key stakeholders and relevant experts Action Plans/Items(2)
RCA Regional Office 13 New Homepage Site Map(draft) Main Menu About usPolicy DataMeeting/ProjectCommunicationsGallery RCA - What’s RCA -Milestone -Vision/ -Mission - Member States - RCA logo RCA Policy -Agreements -Resolutions - GoR Meeting Report -NRM, -GCM, - RCARO SAC, - Project /PLCC - Workshop - others What’s new - RCA News - RCARO News --Meeting Information - Q/A - FAQ Banner Link RCARO -What’s RCARO -Vision -Mission RCARO Policy - Ministerial Decree Program -Thematic Sectors - RCA Program list of Projects - Regional profile - Country Profile Webhard- Photos - Success Story -- Video Member States Project/PLCC
RCA Regional Office 14 IV. Implementation Plan(Draft) July 2010Dec 2010 Nov 2010 Sept 2010 Feb 2011 Design Concept proposal – Discussion And recommendation Action Plan – GCM Approval Building New homepage Test of draft homepage design, Feedback from Key stakeholder and Users, User Acceptance Test, Train New homepage operation
RCA Regional Office 15 Thank you for your attention. Questions?