1 Tower Road Project Update
2 The Project Team requests the Alachua County Commission: Authorize staff to: Proceed with re-evaluating four (4) key issues using remaining project fees: Stormwater Management Design Alternatives for two Intersections Right of Way Requirements Project Costs Present key issue results and recommendations and discuss the projects final course with Commission
3 Tower Road Project Limits Archer Road Newberry Road SW 8 th Avenue SW 53 rd Place
4 Project History & Status
Project Inception: 1999 Tower Road Charrette held 2000 Tower Road & SW 24 th /SW 20 th Avenue Corridor Study prepared 2001 Corridor design directives from Commission Project design begins: CHW consultant contract approved in
Project History & Status Project Activity: October, 2005, 60% plans submitted to County staff January, 2006, New County ULDC effective date February, 2006, 60% plans presented to Commission Commission approved plans based on design presented showing nine (9) roundabouts (at all major intersections) with conditions and authorized Staff to proceed with final design Commission approved additional motions regarding roadway network enhancements 6
7 Discoveries Requiring Project Scope Revision
Project Discoveries 60% Design results required original scope re-evaluation Intersection Treatments Roundabout quantity Alternative intersection treatment, signals and left turn lanes Land Rights not secured Stormwater Management Changing regulatory criteria Additional testing needed as a result of inconsistent geotechnical observations Additional analysis needed to refine Stormwater Management Design Land Rights not secured Underground Utilities Underground Utilities and associated cost not fully vetted Underground Utilities decision impacts roadway corridor design/ $6m magnitude of construction cost 8
Project Discoveries 60% Design results required original scope re-evaluation Value Engineering Roadway typical section modifications for unique locations Roadway profile modifications: earthwork reduction groundwater table relationship Stormwater Management provisions within the Right-of-Way Pavement Section Engineering Design re-evaluation (thickness & type) Gravity Wall(s) utilization (Quantity, Location, Character, Land Rights, and Cost) 9
Project Discoveries 60% Design results required original scope re-evaluation Network Enhancements Enhancement 1- NB right-turn slip lane for SW 24 th Ave roundabout. Enhancement 2- Connecting SW 8 th Ave to SW 20 th Ave via SW 61 st Street improvements. Enhancement 3- Roundabout at SW 46 th Blvd and SW 91 st. Enhancement 4- Lengthening turn lane at SW 20 th Ave and SW 62 nd Blvd. Enhancement 5-Dual left-turn lane for SW Ft. Clarke Blvd at Newberry Road. Enhancement 6- Four-laning of SW 20 th Ave over I
11 Moving Forward Re-evaluation of four (4) key issues identified; stormwater management, intersection design alternatives, right of way requirements, and project cost Re-evaluation effort uses the balance of the contract fees; Additional funding is needed to complete the project design and permitting; and After key issues decisions are made, additional funding needs will become finite.
12 What do we propose? Commission to approve moving forward with Step #1 of the three-step plan; Step #1, Re-evaluate four (4) key issues utilizing $103,520 remaining on existing contract; Step #2, Present the key issues, results, options, and recommendations; and Step #3, Implement selected option as directed by the Commission.
13 Step #1, Key Issues
1. Stormwater Management 2. Design alternatives for two Intersections 3. Right-of-way requirements 4. Project costs 14
Step #1, Key Issues Stormwater Management 2. Design alternatives for two Intersections 3. Right-of-way requirements 4. Project costs
Step #1, Key Issues Stormwater Management 2. Design alternatives for two Intersections 3. Right-of-way requirements 4. Project costs
Step #1, Key Issues Stormwater Management 2. Design alternatives for two Intersections 3. Right-of-way requirements 4. Project costs
18 Stormwater Management
Original bases of the stormwater management design was SJRWMD and 2003 County ULDC Current ULDC stormwater design requirements became effective January, 2006, after project design reached 60% completion. Which design criteria should be used to complete the project? 19
Stormwater Management Existing corridor Stormwater Management Facilities (SMF) are deficient with regard to “regulatory criteria” Existing Corridor SMF were neither planned nor designed to accommodate Tower Road runoff Expansion or new SMF opportunities are limited by surrounding development 20
Stormwater Management Re-evaluation of facility siting opportunities Obtain additional geotechnical data to improve SMF modeling analysis & resolve inconsistencies Perform refined SMF modeling analysis Identify supplemental alternatives (Low Impact Design (LID)) Create a matrix of regulatory criteria results Present recommendations 21
22 Intersection Alternative
Tower Road design presented in 2006 to Board of County Commissioners has roundabouts at 9 intersections: 23 South North SW 42 nd Avenue/SW 41 st Place (Kanapaha Park / Kenwood) SW 51 st Boulevard (Stillwind) SW 46 th Blvd. (Haile Blvd.) SW 36 th Avenue (Kenwood) SW 24 th Avenue SW 18 th Boulevard (Sunrise) SW 13 th Road / Oak Hall School Drive SW 8 th Avenue SW 53 rd Place (Valwood)
Intersection Alternative Board of County Commissioners approved Staff to move forward to final plans with the roadway design presented on February 21, 2006 Issues remain with two intersections: SW 46 th Boulevard: Roundabout with independent signalized turn lane for school access; and SW 24 th Avenue: two-lane roundabout Alternative Intersection Design SW 46 th Boulevard: Roundabout with internal school site traffic circulation modifications or traffic signal; and SW 24 th Avenue: traffic signal 24
Intersection Alternative SW 46 th Boulevard (Kimball Wiles) 25 Tower Road N Haile Plantation Haile Plantation Kimball Wiles Elementary Kanapaha Middle School
Intersection Alternative SW 24 th Avenue (Two-lane Roundabout) 26 Tower Road N Haile Plantation Tower24 CVS Walgreens
Intersection Alternative How do we resolve the design selection with intersection design alternatives (roundabouts throughout the corridor or signals at 46 th and 24 th Avenues)? Modify the VISSIM model to include signals at these two intersections Compare modified VISSIM model with original for no signals Present results and improvement options for the two intersections 27
28 Right-of-way Requirements
Roadway improvement needs Intersection improvement needs Stormwater Management Facility needs Right-of-way Requirements 29 Quantify cumulative Right-of-Way needs Estimate cost of Right-of-Way needs
30 Project Costs
Project Construction Costs Estimate Project Construction Costs Update 2005 roadway construction cost estimate Update Stormwater Management cost estimate Coordinate with Utility Entities to define preliminary relocation cost Coordinate with Utility Entities to better estimate the $6m magnitude of construction cost Include preliminary Right of Way cost requirements Quantify cumulative Project Cost 31
How to Accomplish Step #1? Consultant fees remaining on project $103,520 Use remaining fees to re-evaluate four key issues to complete Step #1 Roadway design cannot move forward until direction is received on the four (4) key issues 32
Proposed Steps Step #1: Proceed with re-evaluating four (4) key issues as described by obtaining Commission authorization to use remaining fees as follows: $35,554 with CHW for stormwater; $55,383 with HNTB for traffic; $10,339 for geotechnical testing; and $2,264 with CHW reporting back to Commission $103,520 Total 33
Proposed Steps Step #2: Return to Commission to present Key Issues, Results, Options and Recommendations: Stormwater management alternatives; Intersection alternatives; Right of Way requirements and preliminary cost Estimate; and Updated preliminary estimated project construction costs 34
Proposed Steps Step #3: Implement Selected Options as Directed by the Commission 35
36 The Project Team requests the Alachua County Commission: Authorize staff to: Proceed with re-evaluating four (4) key issues using remaining project fees: Stormwater Management Design Alternatives for two Intersections Right of Way Requirements Project Costs Present key issue results and recommendations and discuss the projects final course with Commission
37 Tower Road Project Limits Archer Road Newberry Road SW 8 th Avenue SW 53 rd Place