P ARENT N IGHT 2012 Mrs. Wagner’s Class
E ARLY M ORNING C ARE Do not drop your child off before 7:15. If for some reason they need to be dropped off early, they must bring $3 for early morning care. This includes if they miss the bus and you have to leave for work early.
T RANSPORTATION AND A BSENCE N OTES All transportation notes must be handwritten /typed and brought in the morning of the change. Note should include your child’s first and last name and have your signature! Absence excuses need to be brought to school within 3 days after the absence. These must also include your child’s first and last name. Please do not transportation or absence excuses to me since the front office is in charge of these notes.
BINDERS AND RED FOLDER Homework pocket – front left pocket, any sheets in here need to be completed and returned the next day Agenda – see next slide! Reading Log – Thank you for doing such an excellent job on helping your child complete this each night (15 minutes a night on Mon – Thurs) Morning Work – daily morning/classwork that is completed at school Study Guides – all test/quiz study guides RED FOLDER Send Back/Take Home pockets – Please check and clean these out NIGHTLY
AGENDAS Each afternoon your child will fill out their assignments in class. All homework will be passed out and put in their binders at this time. I will come around and check their binder. If they did not receive a sticker that day I will put a smiley face sticker on that day. If they did receive a mark I will just initial. Please check these nightly to see what kind of day your child had. Also any short notes for me can be written here since I see these daily. Please do not feel discouraged if I do not write back the same day. This just means we were too busy to stop and write a note! I will get to it as soon as possible!
P ARENT /T EACHER C ONFERENCES I am always available to discuss your child in person or via telephone. is the best way to set up a time and day for the conference. You may also call the school and leave a message. Things you may need to discuss: Grades Behavior Other special concerns
C URRICULUM Math Hands-on AMSTI Math and teacher supplemented practice Science Hands-on AMSTI Science Reading ARI (vocabulary, strategy, skill, fluency, word work) Skill Marks Alabama History Writing/Language Arts Writing is skill based. Language will consists of grammar assessments.
ABC F OLDERS Attendance, Behavior, Curriculum Blue Progress folders Come home with child each Wednesday Left Side will contain: Class Newsletter School Newsletter School Flyers Right Side will contain: ABC card (to be signed and returned) Graded Papers (discuss with child and return)
C LASS S CHEDULE 8:15 – 9:40 Reading 9:40 – 11:05 Math 11:10 – 11:34 Lunch 11:40 – 11:50 Recess 11:50 – 12:20Language Arts(grammar) 12:20 – 12:55 PE 12:55 – 1:30 Social Studies/Specials 1:30 – 1:40 Snack 1:40 – 2:15 Science 2:15 – 2:45 Language Arts (writing)
A BOVE THE L INE B EHAVIOR Above the Line Be respectfulBe Safe Be Responsible Be Cooperative Be PoliteBe a Worker Below the Line Not ListeningBeing Uncooperative Not following DirectionsName Calling Not Following ProceduresPushing Not completing WorkTouching Others Budging in LineMissed HW Excessive Talking Misconduct outside Classroom
A BOVE THE L INE B EHAVIOR C ONTINUED … Bottom Line Disrespectful to an adultFighting SwearingStealing Abusing School PropertyBullying Harassment Excessive Below the Line Behaviors
C ONSEQUENCES 1 st violation results in a warning. 2 nd violation results in silent lunch 3 rd violation results in parent notification through a discipline note. 4 th violation results in work time in another classroom. 5 th violation results in an office referral.
H OMEWORK P OLICY Standard Homework – to review nightly Weekly Math Review Test (study each night) Weekly word work and vocabulary tests (study each night) Weekly DOL Test Reading Log
H OMEWORK POLICY MONDAY – Math Worksheet TUESDAY –Language Worksheet WEDNESDAY – No extra assignment THURSDAY – STUDY (math review, vocabulary, and spelling) FRIDAY – NO HOMEWORK!
T ESTS Math review (10 – 12 problems weekly similar to the daily math review which can be found behind your child’s morning work section Vocabulary (8 – 10 words which can be found in your child’s weekly newsletter as well as behind their vocab/word study section)
T ESTS Word Study (10 words, 8 of which can be found in your child’s weekly newsletter as well ad behind their vocab/word study section. 2 of the words will not be studied, but will be on the test to see if your child can follow the word study pattern) All other tests will have study guides that can be found behind the study guide section in their binder. Study guides will be handed out at least 3 days before the test if not more.
C ONTACT I NFORMATION School number: 682 – 7220