To assess performance To monitor progress To award BN members with: › Awards › Promotions › Medals
Block 1: Member’s name If member has no middle name, write “NMN” where their middle initial would be. (This is the only block that you use all caps and no period after middle initial) ex: PERFECT, GUY NMN DOE, JOHN R Block 2: Member’s rank Use pull down bar to select appropriate rank ex: MIDN 4/c OC SSGT SCHMIDT, JACK M
Block 3: Member’s position Use the pull down bar to select the member’s position within the battalion. ex: Alpha 2 nd /3 rd Bravo 1 st BN Staff Block 4: Occasion for report Check the box for the appropriate semester. ex: Fall/Spring For Middle of Semester (MOS), check the Midterm box too! x X
Block 5: Date of report Enter date in YYMMMDD format Use 12OCT12 for MOS Use 12NOV30 for EOS Block 6: Type of report “Regular” for all MOS and EOS reports “Special” for everything else (e.g. MOM, ADOM, performance counseling) 12OCT12 x
Block 7 (a): PRT/PFT › Use the pull down bar to select the member’s last OFFICIAL PRT/PFT score › Enter date in the YYMMMDD format. If not sure of exact day, leave it blank. ex: 12SEP10 Inventory PRT Block 7 (b): Height and weight standards WS if they are within standards NS if they are NOT within standards x 12SEP10
Block 8: Sail qualification Check the appropriate box. We do not do Sail Quals anymore so for most MIDN mark the NONE box. Some MIDN and some Active duty will have completed Sail Quals so mark the appropriate box for them. Block 9: Swim qualification Check the appropriate box, and enter the date; again, YYMMMDD format. If unsure of the day, ask someone in your year. ex: 12AUG16 Xx12AUG16
Block 10 (a): Write in member’s billet and any collateral duties assigned. Do NOT use all caps! Block 10 (b): Write in member’s major; do NOT include minor. Block 11: Honors and Awards - List any honors or awards that the member has been awarded THIS semester. - Can include honors or awards from sources outside NROTC or school. - Write “None” if member has not received anything and separate by commas. Marching MemberAstronomy Academic Star, Dean’s List with Distinction
Block 12: Date completed Date which counseling was conducted during MOS evals YYMMMDD format. Block 13: Counselor's signature This is where your signature (in BLACK INK) goes after you have counseled the individual. Block 14: Counselee’s signature Your subordinate sign’s here (in BLACK INK) after he or she has been counseled with the eval. yymmmdd
Blocks 15-20: Performance traits - For MOS, check the “midterm” box of the grade that you want to give the individual, but not for EOS. - For EOS, primary evaluator checks the 1 st box; secondary evaluator checks the 2 nd ; NROTC counselor checks the 3 rd box - Scores of 1 or 5 require a comment in appropriate comments block -Remember to evaluate them against their standards e.g. evaluate Marines against Marine standards x
Block 15: Equal Opportunity › Have they done anything to promote equal opportunity or prove themselves to be a humanitarian? Block 16: Organizational Support › Have they done anything special to support the “team”? › Do they volunteer more than others? Block 17: Military Bearing/Physical Fitness › What did they get on the inspection? › What did they get on their PRT/PFT? Block 18: Navy Core Values › Do they have any behavioral issues? › Integrity infractions? Block 19: Mission Accomplishment › How well do they do academically? › How well do they perform their assigned duties? Block 20: Leadership/Followership › Have they done anything spectacular to train others?
Block 21: Growth potential Check the box that represents how the member meets the standards OVERALL. Note: This is NOT an average of blocks 15-20; HOWEVER, if your grade in Block 21 does not reflect that in blocks 15-20, you will need to explain why in the comments section. Block 22: Billet recommendation Write in at least 1 billet that you think would be suitable for this person next semester. - DO NOT fill this in for MOS or “special” evals - DO NOT put ENS or 2 nd LT for graduating seniors - Put “NA” in any blank spaces - Consult with the individual BEFORE recommending them for a billet
Block 23: Primary evaluator’s comments - This is where you make YOUR PEOPLE shine! - Use CLEAR and SPECIFIC examples of behavior - CLEARLY explain ratings in Blocks When referring to a specific block, include: a bullet (-) [space] Blk [space]##: ex: - Blk 17: Scored an outstanding… - Don’t forget to enter your name at the end in the exact format below. Include rank before your last name followed by first initial, middle initial. ex: Primary Evaluator: MIDN 2/c Wagner, D.S. (in this exact format) - Use complete sentences - Be concise - Quantitative measurements are better than qualitative measurements -*Comments must be written on MOS and EOS evals*
ex: - BLK 20: Spent an extra 2 hours per week outside of drill to train platoon’s squad leaders; this training directly attributed to the platoon winning the Fall ’07 Honor Platoon competition. ex: - BLK 16: Was the only person in the company to volunteer to do a Heritage brief at lab. ex: - BLK 18: Selflessly serves her community by serving breakfast every Sunday morning for the homeless at her church. ex: - BLK 16: Selflessly volunteers to help his shipmates out by taking extra parking shifts when needed.
Block 23 (cont.) Remember, in the Fleet, this is how you get your people promoted and ensure that they receive the awards that they deserve! Hound your people for their brag sheets; it’s YOUR duty and obligation, to KNOW your people Use this as a tool to help your people grow: GIVE THEM FEEDBACK! These comments should not be a surprise to your people, problems should already have been addressed at counseling sessions. Block 24: Secondary evaluator’s comments *Complete like in block 23!* Blocks 25-28: LEAVE THESE BLANK!
Printing › Print on both sides so that they “flip” up › Make sure that it is printed clearly Counseling › Do it! › Use this as an opportunity to help your people grow and become better leaders. (It’s required and we will be checking) Brag Sheets › Seek and use › Brag sheets are MANDATORY!
References › This brief will be on the NROTC website › Evaluation Manual on NROTC website › › The SORM › Utilize your chain of command Fix problems at the lowest level! This is not a mindless paper drill › As officers, this will be a constant in life, so use this as practice—it does have a purpose! › This will make the difference in you people’s lives in the fleet!