©2013 SLENTERS mindstuff info The Wheel of Learning Doing Connecting Deciding Reflecting (thinking and feeling) (on next action) (integrating) (action) The Small Action Success Method Everything we do in life follows ‘the wheel of learning’: This is also true for small actions. The wheel of learning illustrates the radiating effect of actions. All actions will change our perception and feeling. Click spacebar
©2013 SLENTERS mindstuff info Change of feeling (to success) Narrow the focus Broaden the effect of change Intention Intentions and feelings Small Action Learning Cycle Success breeds success The Small Action Success Method
©2013 SLENTERS mindstuff info The small action success method In summary: Narrow your focus. Do a small action. Enjoy the feeling of success with that small action. Spread that feeling of success.
©2013 SLENTERS mindstuff info The small action success method End of this session Point here to close the session.