Enlighten: Glasgows Universitys online institutional repository Morag Greig University Library
Outline What is Enlighten? Where did DAEDALUS go? Background to repositories and open access Why should I deposit in Enlighten? Finding material in Enlighten Repositories, publishers and copyright Research funders and open access Enlighten demo and download statistics How to deposit in Enlighten Questions?
What is Enlighten? Where did DAEDALUS go? DAEDALUS project funded to establish an institutional repository for GU Established two repositories: Glasgow ePrints Service (published material) and Glasgow DSpace service (other material) Enlighten is the overall name for both repositories: Universitys institutional repository service Enlighten is a fully supported service
Background to repositories Repositories are online databases offering free access to the full text of publications Repositories offer access to publications to anyone with an Internet connection Repositories are not a substitute for publishing via normal publication mechanisms Repositories are one way of achieving the goal of Open Access Both Institutional and Subject repositories exist
Open Access Making scholarly material freely available online Can be achieved either via in an open access repository (such as Enlighten) or by publishing in an open access journal) Open access journals do not charge for access via a subscription model. Revenue is generated by page charges (which can be covered by grants). Peer review remains the same Some publishers experimenting with open access options, e.g.Springer Open Choice
Why open access? Increasing access to scholarly literature Absurdity of current situation Public funds – public access Widen access in developing countries
Wellcome Trust Position Statement on Open Access The mission of the Wellcome Trust is to foster and promote research with the aim of improving human and animal health. The main output of this research is new ideas and knowledge, which the Trust expects its researchers to publish in quality, peer-reviewed journals. The Wellcome Trust has a fundamental interest in ensuring that the availability and accessibility of this material is not adversely affected by the copyright, marketing and distribution strategies used by publishers (whether commercial, not-for-profit or academic). With recent advances in internet publishing, the Wellcome Trust seeks to encourage initiatives that broaden the range of opportunities for quality research to be widely disseminated and freely accessed. The Wellcome Trust therefore supports unrestricted access to the published output of research as a fundamental part of its charitable mission and a public benefit to be encouraged wherever possible.
Why should I deposit in Enlighten? Increased access to publications leads to higher visibility and thus increased impact Possible requirement to satisfy requirements from funders Research groups can make their publications available so they can be identified Strong encouragement from University to do so
Finding material in Enlighten Local repository search However, more importantly: - Google and Google Scholar - Yahoo and other search engines - Scirus search engine - Databases such as Scopus - Harvesters such as OAIster (
Repositories, publishers and copyright Assigning copyright to a publisher does not generally mean that you cannot deposit in a repository Most publishers now permit authors to deposit a copy of their articles in repositories This is a right granted to authors over and above any copyright agreement you have signed However, most publishers will only allow you to deposit your author final version of your work Some publishers have embargo periods, e.g. an article can only be deposited in a repository 6 months after publication
Author final versions The version of your paper following refereeing and editing NOT the pre-print version Must not include publisher logos, formatting etc. Recognise people may not have suitable versions of older material However, good idea to start keeping a suitable version and depositing it at the time of publication
Checking Publisher Policies Repository staff will check this for all publications submitted to the repository before they are made publicly available Database of publisher policies available at If unsure you can check with your publisher, or repository staff can do this for you
Funders and open access Major funders now starting to require publications arising from grants are made freely available Wellcome Trust, MRC, BBSRC Policies vary from funder to funder Wellcome Trust and MRC require/will require deposit in PubMed Central database BBSRC will require deposit in any suitable repository (Enlighten) Library repository staff can do deposit on your behalf
Overview of Enlighten
Download statistics >250,000 pdf downloads since repository was launched >20,000 overall downloads of full text article per month Top item downloaded 9,900 times Top ten items all downloaded over 1,400 times
How to deposit in Enlighten Self-deposit published material: register at One person can deposit on behalf of several authors if required Mediated deposit: send your papers to Library repository staff will check copyright issues In most cases your author final version will be required Versions in Word are converted to pdf
Concluding thoughts Deposit in Enlighten strongly encouraged by University (statement from VP Steve Beaumont) Research funders starting to require deposit, and view open access as a good thing Benefits for authors in depositing Need not be a time consuming process
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