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APA Tip of the Day: Citations in topic sentences Students often learn in English 101 classes to start a paragraph with a topic sentence that provides a general idea of your topic and/or your argument (thesis statement). While this is helpful, avoid “blanket statements” that (a) may be so general they are untrue and (b) that you cannot provide support for from the professional literature.
Example of ‘blanket statements’ Teachers enter the field because they care about the learning of their students. Assessments are an ever growing part of students’ lives.
Announcements 1.The book review assignment is due next week – presentations will be INFORMAL. 2.There is not a readings review assigned for next week. 3.Make an appointment to see me or send me an if you have questions.
Quick questions or quandaries?
The social construction of disability from the perspective of bilingual special education April 2, 2015 Today’s Readings: de Valenzuela, Copeland, Qi, & Park (2006) and Zetlin, Padron, & Wilson (1996)
Social Construction of Disability ConditionDisability Training Adaptive devices Compensatory strategies Environment Expectation Attitudes Assumptions Cultural beliefs
Social Construction of Disability Condition: Bilingual Minority Low SES Disability: LD BD Comm Dis Not Gifted Ill-prepared or poor teachers Inconsistent or no access to high-quality ALS Negative assumptions about child’s ability, home, and family resources
Disproportionate Representation - Definition What is disproportionate representation?
Definition Either a higher or lower percentage of students from a particular ethnic group in special education than is found in the general student population. (Yates, 1998)
Mercer, 1973 Heller, Holtzman, & Messick, 1982 Ortiz & Yates, 1983 Chinn & Hughes, 1987 Harry, 1994 Losen & Orfield, 2002 Donovan & Cross, 2002 Representative Studies;
Is disproportionate representation in special education a problem? Think-Pair-Share
Common Arguments: Minority students are disproportionately represented in Head Start – deliberately. Even if students don’t “really” have a disability, they can get extra help through special education.
Potential Problems: Potentially negative effects of stigmatizing labels on students, Restricted access to the general education settings, and Lack of consistent and conclusive evidence that special education programs are effective. Hosp & Reschly, 2003
De Valenzuela et al (2006) -- Purpose of the Study: Relationships between student ethnicity and language proficiency status with: Number and type of disability labels, and Placement in different educational settings.
De Valenzuela et al (2006) – Results: African American, Hispanic, Native American, and ELL students were disproportionately represented in most special education exceptionality categories: Over represented in stigmatized categories. Under represented in socially valued exceptionality (gifted).
Results continued: Af AmHispanicNa AmELL Gifted LD ED - Examples:
Results, cont.: There was a significant difference in the number of disability labels between ethnic groups. African Americans were identified with more disability labels than were White students.
Additional Findings: African American, Hispanic, Native American, and ELL students were placed in more segregated settings than White, Asian/PI, Other, and non-ELL students.
Educational Settings: 1.General education classrooms 80% or more of the time. 2.Resource room placement 20-60% of the time. 3.Separate class 60% or more of the time. (segregated placement)
Percentage of Students in Different Settings WhiteAf AmHispanNa AmAsianOtherELL 125.5%19.2%20.0%19.0%28.7%18.6%15.8% 239.2%26.3%27.8%23.4%47.9%43.8%25.1% % 52.0%49.8%54.9% 21.6%35.6% 57.1%
Summary Minority and ELL students over represented in stigmatized exceptionality categories. Minority and ELL students under represented as gifted. Minority and ELL students educated in the most segregated settings.
Quick Write: In what ways might coming from a culturally and linguistically diverse background be construed by school personnel as a deficit? What does this have to do with the social construction of disability?
Small Group activity Discuss how social characteristics of an individual or group, such as SES, ethnicity, gender, age, etc., can interactively contribute to an individual's status as able/disabled, especially in schools. Then consider how an individual’s status as able/disabled might impact future educational opportunities.
Report out Small Group Activity:
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