Mindset 2000 LtdSlide 1 Train to Gain Provider Support Programme January 2008
Mindset 2000 LtdSlide 2 What we’ll cover Volumes, outcomes and funding Background Growth plan Northeast context TTG in the northeast Links with EU programmes Valuing TTG
Mindset 2000 LtdSlide 3 Volumes, outcomes and funding
Mindset 2000 LtdSlide 4 Volumes
Mindset 2000 LtdSlide 5 Outcomes
Mindset 2000 LtdSlide 6 Funding
Mindset 2000 LtdSlide 7 Back story
Mindset 2000 LtdSlide 8 Timeline Train to Gain growth plan PSA Delivery Agreement 2 World Class Skills Leitch Review of Skills Nov 07 Nov 06 Jul 07 Oct 07
Mindset 2000 LtdSlide 9 Leitch Review of Skills: % adults to achieve the basic skills of functional literacy and numeracy – Up from 85% literacy and 79% numeracy in 2005 Over 90% adults qualified to at least level 2, with a commitment to achieve 95% as soon as possible – Up from 69% in % adult population qualified to level 3 Increasing apprenticeships to 500,000 a year Over 40% adult population qualified to level 4 and above – Up from 29% in 2005
Mindset 2000 LtdSlide 10 World Class Skills: 2011 Participation in full-time education amongst years olds to rise to 84% 89% adults to be qualified to at least level 1 literacy, and 81% to entry level 3 numeracy 79% adults to be qualified to at least full level 2 56% adults to be qualified to at least full level 3 36% adults to be qualified to level 4 and above (2014) 130,000 Apprentices to complete the full Apprenticeship framework
Mindset 2000 LtdSlide 11 PSA Delivery Agreement 2 Improve the skills of the population, on the way to ensuring a world-class skills base by 2020 “The Government will focus its funding on securing a sound skills platform for all, on which individuals and their employers can invest to build the higher skills...”
Mindset 2000 LtdSlide 12 Growth plan
Mindset 2000 LtdSlide 13 Year 1: Aug 06-Jul 07 52,730 employers engaged against target of 47, ,000 employees trained against a target of 313,590 (rising sharply as the year ended) 100,000 achievements – ahead of profile 72% companies were ‘hard to reach’ against target of 51% 80% employer satisfaction rates with skills brokerage 77% employee satisfaction with training
Mindset 2000 LtdSlide 14 Lessons learned Slow start by providers Unwillingness to ask employers to contribute to costs Bureaucratic procedures Regional inconsistencies in contracting and performance levels Over-focused on level 2 and basic skills Not enough focus on getting employers involved in Apprenticeships
Mindset 2000 LtdSlide 15 Strategy for growth Employers CommunicationPerformance Providers
Mindset 2000 LtdSlide 16 Improved offer to employers Skills Pledge – Engage large businesses Skills brokers – More focus on medium-sized employers – More referrals from intermediaries – Better relations with training providers – Closer integration with Business Link – Regional specialists Sector Skills Councils – Compact – joint investment – Qualifications reform
Mindset 2000 LtdSlide 17 Stronger providers ‘Transformation programme’ – Compete in a demand-led market – Deliver TTG well Incentive and reward – No funding cap for successful providers Competition – New entrants (Apprenticeship providers) New standard Minimum performance level (65% and rising)
Mindset 2000 LtdSlide 18 Intensified performance Performance management – Take-up and success rates – Regional improvement plans – Area, regional and sector reviews Consistency – Defined characteristics of success – Consistent approach to core elements Reduced bureaucracy – Simplified funding and commissioning arrangements – Easier movement around the regions
Mindset 2000 LtdSlide 19 Better communication Improved awareness of TTG offer – Intermediaries, partners, stakeholders – Employers Skills Campaign
Mindset 2000 LtdSlide 20 Where will the numbers come from? Skills brokers100,000 Specialist skills brokers500,000 National Employer Service150,000 Training providers180,000 Sector Skills Councils330,000 Public Service Skills Compact216,000 Local Employment Partnerships125,000 SMEs (Leadership & Management)210,000 Total 1,823,000
Mindset 2000 LtdSlide 21 New flexibilities Funding for people in priority unemployed groups to work towards a second full level 2, once they have been recruited by employers (LEPs) Funding for self-employed and people employed in the voluntary sector Part funding for some people doing a second level 2 or 3 programme Funding for stand-alone Skills for Life training Increase in the budget for leadership and management support for firms employing between 10 and 250 people
Mindset 2000 LtdSlide 22 Employment and skills in the northeast
Mindset 2000 LtdSlide 23 Challenges – employment The number of jobs requiring intermediate and higher level skills will continue to grow The number of jobs requiring low skills will fall Replacement demand is high at all levels Increased demand from employers for higher level skills is needed to drive productivity gains Shift towards service sectors will continue, offset by a decline in manufacturing sectors 31% adults are either inactive or unemployed, compared to 27% national average
Mindset 2000 LtdSlide 24 Challenges – skills More than 500,000 adults living in the region do not have a Level 2 qualification Achievement at Level 3 among the working age population remains below the national average Many people of working age have qualifications that are no longer relevant to the economy and may need to repeat a Level 2 or Level 3 to progress in employment
Mindset 2000 LtdSlide 25 Challenges – Skills for Life The percentage of adults without functional literacy and numeracy skills is high and geographically concentrated Mismatch between participation in Skills for Life provision and needs – numeracy need is greater than literacy but take up is lower
Mindset 2000 LtdSlide 26 Train to Gain in the northeast 2008/09
Mindset 2000 LtdSlide 27 Volumes 3,750 employers 24,750 starts (Level 2, Level 3, Skills for Life) – Up from 14,560 in 2007/08 20% of the Train to Gain budget available as responsiveness fund, commissioned throughout the year in response to employers’ needs
Mindset 2000 LtdSlide 28 Targets Employers engaged from priority sectors Increased number of Skills Pledge employers 2,500 individuals participating in the Management and Leadership programme Increased participation in Apprenticeships by 600 to 10,290 Increased participation by priority groups of learners in Adult Apprenticeships (25+) by 500 to 1000 Increase in take up by people who have participated in skills for jobs
Mindset 2000 LtdSlide 29 Higher level skills Trials of HE skills within Train to Gain Development of a single broker with an integrated programme from basic to higher level skills Better understanding of progression rates and support needs of learners (Train to Gain, vocational and work-based) into HE LSC NE Higher Level Skills and Education Development Plan
Mindset 2000 LtdSlide 30 Learning difficulties Increase the integration of learners with learning difficulties and/or disabilities into Train to Gain and Apprenticeship programmes Ensure that inclusion and support for people with mental health difficulties is embedded in Train to Gain Meeting Need: Raising Aspiration - The North East’s Strategy for LSC-Funded Provision for Learners with Learning Difficulties and/or Disabilities 2007/08 to 2009/10
Mindset 2000 LtdSlide 31 Links with EU programmes
Mindset 2000 LtdSlide 32 Line of sight Train to Gain ESF ERDF
Mindset 2000 LtdSlide 33 ESF Single national programme – Aligned to priorities for employment and skills Regional framework Timetable – PQQ outcomes announced – ITTs due Jan 08 – Activities start Apr 08 £157 million
Mindset 2000 LtdSlide 34 ESF Priority 1 Extending employment opportunities Improving the employability and skills of unemployed / inactive people – Strong emphasis on employer engagement and demand – Opportunities for individuals to access entry level jobs and Apprenticeships – Pre-employment training Work with NEET aged 14-19
Mindset 2000 LtdSlide 35 ESF Priority 2 Developing a skilled and adaptable workforce Skills for Life – targeted at employees with the greatest need of support to move towards first level 2 Level 2 – Respond to demand for second or subsequent level 2 qualifications where current qualifications are out of date and no longer economically valuable –... and where demand exceeds the availability of mainstream funding or requires more flexibility – Stimulate higher levels of employer engagement in Train to Gain Levels 3 and 4
Mindset 2000 LtdSlide 36 ESF budget
Mindset 2000 LtdSlide 37 ERDF Regional programme – Managed by ONE – Aligned to regional economic framework Timetable – Launch Feb 08 – Call for applications Spring 08 – Activities start Jul 08 £255 million
Mindset 2000 LtdSlide 38 ERDF Priority 1 Enhancing and exploiting innovation Support for innovation and technology-led sectors – Geared towards groups or individual SMEs with high growth potential and their supply chains Exploitation of science base – Capacity building and research
Mindset 2000 LtdSlide 39 ERDF Priority 2 Business growth and enterprise Cultivating and sustaining enterprise in disadvantaged areas – Development of an entrepreneurial culture – Support for start-ups Enhancing the competitiveness and growth of existing SMEs – Range of business solutions – Training that complements ESF, including upskilling and higher level skills
Mindset 2000 LtdSlide 40 Valuing TTG
Mindset 2000 LtdSlide 41 Impact
Mindset 2000 LtdSlide 42 Measuring impact Level 1 – what learners thought and felt about the training Level 2 – the increase in knowledge or capability as a result of the training Level 3 – the extent to which learners’ capability has improved and is evident in their behaviour Level 4 – the effects on the business or environment resulting from learners’ enhanced performance