Fadhl Al-Akwaa: My Research Tips My Research Tips Fadhl M Al-Akwaa I believe that you have an important Tips than this presentation, PLEASE add it to this presentation in order to help young researched. For comments please send to
Fadhl Al-Akwaa: My Research Tips My problems I should pay to get the paper and book $$$$$$$$$$$$ There are a lot papers! Which one is strong (paper ranking)? I spend a lot of time searching for what I had downloaded? Organizing your data base When I start writing I forget all what I read? My supervisor does not answer my s? Why I should do the best during PhD? do not say I will do it after getting the PhD What I should do after writing Paper? I am not comfortable with Ms-word? What a hard work? No one motivate me!
Fadhl Al-Akwaa: My Research Tips Resources: Journals I have no access to the journal Try authors personal web site Try google scholar see the next picture Note: Google some times for conference papers does not return your paper you should to go to conference website.
Fadhl Al-Akwaa: My Research Tips Try google scholar
Fadhl Al-Akwaa: My Research Tips Resources: Journals I have no access to the journal Try I think it cost 20 pound in month Hit the first links in the next slide.
Fadhl Al-Akwaa: My Research Tips
Fadhl Al-Akwaa: My Research Tips Resources: e-Books Try these two big e-library U:asbme Pass:bme cu.edu.eg/?pg=library/books/searchlibrary.p hp&WebsiteID=479db7e65ed188eb68a63d de32258e42http:// cu.edu.eg/?pg=library/books/searchlibrary.p hp&WebsiteID=479db7e65ed188eb68a63d de32258e42
Fadhl Al-Akwaa: My Research Tips Resources: hard copy books you can know the shelf no of your book
Fadhl Al-Akwaa: My Research Tips
Fadhl Al-Akwaa: My Research Tips
Fadhl Al-Akwaa: My Research Tips Paper ranking How guys cite this paper look at – see the next slidehttp://scholar.google.com.eg/ – Did they use public Data? Is there Website for these paper? Software availability? To try their experiments
Fadhl Al-Akwaa: My Research Tips
Fadhl Al-Akwaa: My Research Tips Organize your materials How to organize your resources –Biography Software e.g EndNote With ENDNOTE you have one file to include all your book, paper, software, website, presentation –Explore Bookmark e.g firefox The last thing you have after your complete your research is file sized 1kb (see my incomplete file at the next slide)
Fadhl Al-Akwaa: My Research Tips
Fadhl Al-Akwaa: My Research Tips When I start writing I forget all what I read? Read and write at the same time “ do not put the fresh juice in freezer, drink it immediately”
Fadhl Al-Akwaa: My Research Tips Dealing with your supervisor? Think of how he spend his time see the next slide You are not the only student he has? Don’t spam his ? Motivate him in your point? Show him the impact of your point
Fadhl Al-Akwaa: My Research Tips How do they spend their time? Conflicting demands The tasks –Teaching –Research Including system development/experimentation –Advising (PhD students, etc.) –Grants –Reviewing –Industry and consulting And the normal life: family, friends, hobbies, sports… Time management is the big issue /~ abitebou/PRESENTATION/LifeInAcademia.ppt
Fadhl Al-Akwaa: My Research Tips Why I should do my best during PhD The maximum Publication rate is during the PhD. 100% 0% Time spent doing research PhD junior senior
Fadhl Al-Akwaa: My Research Tips Motivate your self: what do you want from research? To manage people To be rich To not work To be famous To have power To be useful try the army try start-ups try a rich spouse try show business or serial killer try politics try NGO
Fadhl Al-Akwaa: My Research Tips Why it is such a great job Intellectually exciting and challenging –I don’t know of any job that is as much fun (perhaps writing novels but that’s too competitive) Less repetitive than other jobs –When you get tired of a topic, you change Freedom and independence –No real boss –Freedom to choose what you want to work on Rich human interactions with smart and international people Socially positive –People think it is a cool job –Clearly useful (for teaching and perhaps research) I am free!!!!
Fadhl Al-Akwaa: My Research Tips 10 highlights of life in academia Some light of understanding in the eyes of the audience The excitement of the arrival of a new PhD student The deliverance of the departure of a PhD student (aka defense) The success of your ex-students in their career The orgasm of proving a theorem that resisted for months The delight of having your system finally do something real The ecstasy of having a paper accepted at a top conference The happiness of seeing your paper cited and (with God’s help) even read The joy of seeing a book that you wrote on the desk of a colleague
Fadhl Al-Akwaa: My Research Tips Motivate your self Jay Myung Reaearc Advice How to be a good graduate student How to do research Advice on research and writing Professor Kruschke's Virtual Mentor Useful things to know about Ph.D. thesis researchUseful things to know about Ph.D. thesis research Writing and publication in graduate school New Researchers' Survival GuideWriting and publication in graduate school New Researchers' Survival Guide
Fadhl Al-Akwaa: My Research Tips I am not comfortable with MS-word Why Latex Professionally crafted layouts are available, which make a document really look as if “printed.” The typesetting of mathematical formulae is supported in a convenient way. Users only need to learn a few easy-to-understand commands that specify the logical structure of a document. They almost never need to tinker with the actual layout of the document. Even complex structures such as footnotes, references, table of contents, and bibliographies can be generated easily. Free add-on packages exist for many typographical tasks not directly supported by basic LATEX. For example, packages are available to include PostScript graphics or to typeset bibliographies conforming to exact standards. Many of these add-on packages are described in The LATEX Companion. LATEX encourages authors to write well-structured texts, because this is how LATEX works—by specifying structure.
Fadhl Al-Akwaa: My Research Tips What I should do after write paper Send it to other to read it Read it after one week. Test it on
Fadhl Al-Akwaa: My Research Tips Finally Personal tips –Make your personal website and put all your works for others Dealing with research community –Ask the pioneer in your research area. –The more you give the more you take –Try to help your colleagues