Worklessness in East Salford (Broughton and NDC).


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Presentation transcript:

Worklessness in East Salford (Broughton and NDC)

Contents of this report 2. The baseline and the story behind it 3. Our current response 4. Key issues and principles for a reformed approach 5. Improving outcomes (now, soon & later) 1. Rationale, process and stakeholders

What do we mean by worklessness? ‘Worklessness refers to those of working age who are either in receipt of unemployment benefits; out of work and looking for a job; and those who are economically inactive (that is those who are of working age not in work; full time education or training; and those not actively seeking work)’. Source:

Kersal Irwell Riverside Broughton East Salford: A changing area, where the challenge of Connecting People is critical

Week Stage Key Products & Tasks (up to) 1 Planning Agreed case for SPOTLIGHT; Team established; Resources secured; Methods planned; Stakeholders engaged; The issue Analysis of the issue and its cause and effects on families, individuals, neighbourhoods The response Analysis of the systems, structures and incentives in the delivery chain Delivery Agreements Immediate, medium and long term commitments to improve delivery – made to high level panel of LSP Exec. Bi Monthly Stock takes Regular high tempo checks on delivery against commitments ‘Quick wins’ – supporting local ideas The SPOTLIGHT process

2. The baseline and the story behind it 3. Our current response 4. Key issues and principles for a reformed approach 5. Improving outcomes (now, soon & later) 1. Rationale, process and stakeholders

Key LAA targets related to this issue Improve economic wellbeing of young people Increased employment in the city Improve employment rate in most deprived wards & Narrow the gap with UK Enabling local people to achieve their full potential Significantly reduce child poverty Improved basic and employability skills Increasing Enterprise Increased Competition Objective 1 Improve economic prosperity through educational attainment, skills, employment & enterprise

Employment – The comparative picture Broughton Kersal Source: Average & National employment rates: Annual Population Survey 2006/7 Kersal & Broughton employment rates: Census 2001

Benefits – Highlighting the issue Source: CESI 2006 BROUGHTON BLACKFRIARS KERSAL Benefit claimant rate as a proportion of the working age population Benefit claimant rates by ward

Benefits – The impact on children

Benefits – Some progress, but not enough!

The picture of need - What the data tells us Benefit Claimants (Broughton: Feb 2007) 1715 people, of whom Incapacity Benefit 980 people Jobseekers Allowance 290 people Lone Parents (claiming IS) 240 people Lone Parents: Over 90% female IB: 55% Claiming due to Mental Health issues 60% claiming for over 5 years Only 20% claiming for less than 2 years 65% of claimants male 40% aged over 50. Only 5% under 25 JSA: 75% of claimants male 60% aged Other Benefit Claimants 205 people Other Benefits: Carers, Disabled, Bereaved Other Economically Inactive (Census 2001) 1850 people Other Inactive: Students, Retired, Others – Orthodox Jewish?

Skills - what the data tells us High proportion of residents with Skills for Life needs (estimates from 2003 survey) More community Skills for Life delivery in Broughton than elsewhere in Salford Increasing trend in participation and achievement in full level 2 and 3 in FE. Level 2 qualifications regarded by Govt as minimum standard qualifications 233 employers engaged with Train to Gain in Salford, 24, in East Salford Better sharing and availability of data from LSC, but real issue of time lag in receipt of data Lack of data available on the positive impact of improving skills on progression into employment / further learning High demand for ESOL in Broughton in last 3 years; impact of changes in funding for ESOL provision and development of new ESOL for work qualifications not yet known

Extensive stakeholder engagement Mapping of strategic, political, community and front line stakeholders with briefings Weekly East Salford management group meeting 120 people consulted – 55 residents, 60+ workers & 4 employers Workshops with Strategic and Frontline Workers facilitated by the Broughton Trust, Partners IN Salford & Vision 21 Focus groups and one to ones with residents/ customers Salford City Council Business Team led employer consultation Questionnaires via intranet and

A highly complex issue - different perspectives RESIDENTS EMPLOYERS DELIVERY BODIES Debt Aspirations Peer pressure Unaware of services Fear Postcode Dis- incentives Skills Forced to apply 50% do not employ Benefit trap Transport Childcare Need to Recognise client journey Workless culture Short-term Funding Need to support minorities Need softer outcomes Socially unaware No Good role model Need flexible joined up services WORKLESSNESS

Real lives: What it can mean to be workless in East Salford People who have claimed IB for 2 or more years are more likely to retire or die than go back to work!! 31 yr old Incapacity Benefit Claimant, Kersal 3 yrs+ workless Suffering from mental health issues Lacking in social skills Low skills levels & need for training Confused about in-work benefits Referred to Broughton Trust Salford Construction Partnership 40 yr old Incapacity Benefit claimant, Broughton 2 yrs+ workless Low confidence & motivation Suffered from domestic violence Multiple health issues inc. agoraphobia Referred to Together Women project

2. The baseline and the story behind it 3. Our current response 4. Key issues and principles for a reformed approach 5. Improving outcomes (now, soon & later) 1. Rationale, process and stakeholders

UNIVERSAL SERVICES LOCALITY PROVISION ‘Community focus’ Local engagement services (e.g. Broughton Trust, CHAP) Local enhanced provision (e.g. Jobshops) JCP and LSC provision A basic model of the current delivery system

We have mapped our current response using the stages of commissioning Quantitative Data Perception Data Community Engagement Strategy Operational Planning Procurement Performance Monitoring Evaluation Learning Changing Delivery Operational Delivery Understanding need Planning & deciding Reviewing Delivering

Understanding need Reliable DWP claimant count data available at SOA level and some other local data Community and Voluntary sector are good at engaging local people and understand need – Community Research well established Strengths Key data not available at local level or frequent enough to direct delivery Data sharing and boundary problems Issue of ‘unknown’ workless e.g. employment rate/ claimant count for orthodox Jewish population Weakness in tracking outcomes for customers who move into work Unclear role for community development and engagement staff Benefits trap - a key issue for local residents Lack of community ownership of worklessness & skills issue, not top priority Weaknesses

Planning and deciding Clear governance and accountability at Sub-Regional and City-wide levels (Team Manchester, City Strategy, EDLSP) Established and emerging structures at local area level (NDC, East Salford Task Group) Strengths Lack of locally focused provision due to bulk service commissioning arrangements (DWP/LSC) Funding sources are not aligned and procurement activity is fragmented and short-term e.g. DAF Barriers to contracting with the 3 rd sector East Salford’s worklessness “hotspot” has not been targeted Employer engagement is fragmented & has not addressed poor perceptions of local workless residents Weaknesses

Delivering Range of locally based services e.g. Jobshops in Broughton and NDC areas New delivery opportunities in healthy living centres, extended schools, libraries, RSLs An improving employment rate trend Strengths Lack of services in Higher Broughton and limited outreach across area Perceived lack of culturally sensitive provision in Jewish community Lack of customer awareness of services Weak incentives for customers to engage – financial and health barriers Poor travel horizons of customers and low levels of car usage Weak information and referral mechanisms between services: under-used role of ‘top up’ provision, esp. financial advice & 3 rd sector Weak incentives for providers to focus on furthest from the labour market Payments are input not outcomes focused Inflexibility of the core service Weaknesses

Reviewing and Learning Claimant count performance monitoring city-wide and by ward Innovation in commissioning in NDC e.g. CHAP National and sub-regional mechanisms for sharing good practice Strengths Performance monitoring city wide not by neighbourhood and ward (except for LAA & CS targets) Limited incentives in performance management system – (payments) Performance of mainstream contracted provision not fully understood Impact of existing third sector activity unclear DWP contracted & Jobshop provision only tracked to 13 weeks in work Softer outcomes and distance travelled not measured No formal mechanisms for sharing good practice at local level Weaknesses

2. The baseline and the story behind it 3. Our current response 4. Key issues and principles for a reformed approach 5. Improving outcomes (now, soon & later) 1. Rationale, process and stakeholders

UNIVERSAL SERVICES LOCALITY PROVISION ‘WRAP AROUND’ Local engagement and integrated services: Health, social care, criminal justice housing, CVS LA level additional provision JCP… “An integrated system that can engage, remove barriers and supports people into skills and jobs”. A collective approach Right services for the right people Clear referral routes Services to scale Everyone on board – an urgent service and community priority

Achieving Transformation: Keeping it real A transformational improvement in employment rate outcomes A flexible & integrated system that can engage, remove barriers & support people into jobs. Support from Government, communities & employers to enable this. New…. Systems? Services? Structures? Incentives? Relationships? Attitudes? WHAT ARE WE TRYING TO ACHIEVE? WHAT DO WE NEED TO CREATE TO GET US THERE? HOW DO WE DO THIS?

“Support from Government to enable this” City Strategy Multi Area Agreement DWP Green paper and Commissioning framework (incl. Flexible New Deal) Working Neighbourhoods Fund LSC Capital Investment & Commissioning Strategy for North West/GM

2. The baseline and the story behind it 3. Our current response 4. Key issues and principles for a reformed approach 5. Improving outcomes (now, soon & later) 1. Rationale, process and stakeholders

Summary of the key strengths Strong partnership structures Good range of community venues in NDC Some good 3 rd Sector providers Strong partner / front line worker commitment Employment opportunities in Salford Worklessness in East Salford

Summary of the key challenges Poor health & high levels on IB Limited capacity of IAG & outreach Unclear role of 3rd sector Cultural barriers, low aspirations & travel horizons Weak local data and performance monitoring Negative employer perceptions Commissioning system not designed to reach furthest away Inflexible and fragmented delivery system Financial exclusion Worklessness in East Salford

The 5 big achievements so far 1. Improving understanding of needs Financial Exclusion research has gone out to tender LSC discretionary funding secured for local research of skills for life levels 2. Strategic commissioning of new services New ‘wrap around’ services: innovative worklessness engagement & support provision. Broadening the provider base & improving outreach

4. Improving capacity of local delivery Information Advice & Guidance capacity building programme for front line workers & VCS launched Integration of Employment IAG in Mobile Information Centre, first session delivered in Broughton DWP (+ DAF) funding secured for Financial Capability worker to focus in East Salford The 5 big achievements so far 3. Integration of Health and Employment advice GP cluster leads signed up to brokering employment and learning advice from their surgeries – a brand new, powerful incentive and engagement tool in the system Social Prescriptions tender out in NDC area

The 5 big achievements so far 5. Extensive stakeholder engagement Engagement & consultation with extensive range of stakeholders, including 55 customers (beyond customer satisfaction), 60+ frontline workers & strategic managers, businesses and the Jewish community Role of 3 rd Sector in community research

The 6 big challenges 1.A ‘new’ approach to address worklessness Use Working Neighbourhoods fund to deliver a new “family” approach to addressing worklessness (incl. NEET), low aspirations and skills Develop role of Registered Social Landlords & Neighbourhood Management Teams in tackling worklessness 2. Raise aspirations IN Salford Need ‘Community Ownership’ for the need to change, make worklessness and skills a top community priority Develop Peer Mentoring Programme Undertake high profile “raising aspirations” marketing campaign, promoting success stories

The 6 big challenges 4. Joining up health and employment Continue to integrate Health and Employment systems to address health issues & move people into work Significantly increase effort to reduce IB claimant levels 3. A systematic approach to mapping skills Regular, timely and small area data required Individual skills levels for workless residents

The 6 big challenges 6. Accessible services to excluded groups Ensure culturally sensitive provision is available to Jewish community Adopt small area approach where required – tackle the ‘hotspots’ e.g. under Mandley Park 5. Integration of commissioning and delivery systems Continue to develop new commissioning arrangements & engage 3 rd sector in delivery system Increasing flexibility and plugging gaps within the system

Worklessness in East Salford (Broughton and NDC) Questions & Answers