Specified Health Event Protection - SHE
2 Introduction Designed to increase revenue More competitive in the marketplace Broadened benefit structure
3 Specified Health Event (SHE)
4 Specified Health Event Protection The Need SHE addresses the growing burden of higher –Copayments –Deductibles –Provider expenses Risks for –Heart Disease –Stroke –Burns –Organ Transplants
5 Specified Health Event Protection The Need EstimatedWomen ReoccurrenceMen
6 SHE Age Limits Age Banded Payroll: 18–70 Nonpayroll: 18–64 Dependent Children: Covered up to age 25
7 SHE Eligibility Billing Plan Options Combination Benefits Primary Specified Health Events
8 SHE Benefits Plans 1 and 2 First-Occurrence Benefit –Primary/Spouse: $5,000 –Child: $7,500 Reoccurrence Benefit: $2,500 Hospital Confinement Benefit: $300 Secondary Specified Health Event Benefit: $250 Continuing Care Benefit: $125
9 SHE Benefits Plans 1 and 2 Ambulance Benefit: Ground $250, Air $2,000 Transportation Benefit: $0.50/mile –Limited to $1,500/occurrence Lodging Benefit: $75/day Waiver of Premium Benefit Continuation of Coverage Benefit
10 SHE Benefits Plan 2 Major Human Organ Transplant Benefit: $25,000 HIC Benefits –Hospital Intensive Care Unit Benefit SicknessInjuryDays $700/day$800/day1–7 $1,200/day$1,300/day8–15 – Confinement in a Step-Down Intensive Care Unit: SicknessInjuryDays $350 per day$350 per day1–15 or $350 per day$350 per day16–30 (ICU)
11 SHE Benefits Plan 2 Progressive Benefit: $2 indemnity First-Occurrence Building Benefit Rider: $500 Primary Specified Health Event Recovery Benefit Rider: $500/month SHE Benefits Riders
12 Personal Recovery Plus A Series New SHE Protection A71000 Series Policy Provisions Age Availability 18–70 (Payroll) 18–64 (Direct/Nonpayroll) 18–70 (Payroll) 18–64 (Direct/Nonpayroll) Bill Form AvailabilityAll SNG Payroll and DirectNoYes Policy Benefits First-Occurrence Benefit Primary/Spouse/Dependent Level 1: $2,000 Level 2: $5,000 Primary/Spouse $5,000 Dependent $7,500 Reoccurrence Benefit Level 1: $1,000 Level 2: $2,500 $2,500 Daily Hospitalization Level 1: $200/day Level 2: $300/day $300/day Continuing Care Benefit$100$125 Transportation Benefit Up to $1, mile radius Up to $1, mile radius SHE Product Comparison Chart
13 Personal Recovery Plus A Series New SHE Protection A71000 Series Policy Benefits Lodging $60/day 100-mile radius $75/day 50-miles radius Ambulance Benefit $100 – Ground $1,000 – Air $250 – Ground $2,000 – Air Secondary Specified EventsNo$250 per procedure HIC BenefitNo Sickness $700/day (Days 1–7) $1,200/day (Days 8–15) Injury $800/day (Days 1–7) $1,300/day (Days 8–15) Step-Down ICU $350/day (Days 1–15) or $350/day ICU extended (Days 16–30) Progressive BenefitNoPlan 2 Only: $2/month Major Human Organ Transplant Benefit NoPlan 2 Only: $25,000 Waiver of Premium BenefitYes Building Benefit RiderNoYes Recovery Benefit RiderNoYes
14 SHE Policy Sample Plan 1: A71100 Plan 2: A71200
15 SHE Applications Payroll: A71001 and A71001A Nonpayroll: A71002 and A71002A
16 SHE Forms Payroll Account/Insurance Acknowledgment: M0138B Change/Reinstatement: A71003 and H-L0046 Claims: S-3087, A-2575, S-00198, and S-2029 Brochure: A71175 Plan 1 and A71275 Plan 2 Outline of Coverage: A18425 Plan 1 and A18425H Plan 2
17 SHE Premium Rates MRS073 Rates are age-banded. Rates are listed for base plans.
18 SHE Commissions First YearRenewals New Associate40.00%7.00% Veteran Associate31.30%10.00%
19 Marketing SHE Protection
20 Selling SHE Plan Discount Target Market –Comprehensive Umbrella –HSAs –Age Bands –Younger Males –Parents
21 SHE Into L.E.A.S.E. Steps Level of Importance Time Transition Statements Trial Closes
22 SHE Into L.E.A.S.E. Aflac Credibility Fact-Finding Need Product Overview Close
23 Overcoming Objections/Additional Products Cornering Technique –Isolate Objections –Rewind and Replay Other Objections Offering Additional Products
24 SHE Conversions
25 Existing ProductConvert ToConversion Limitations Personal Recovery Plus (Series A-70000) Specified Health Event Protection Plan One or Two (Series A-71000) Cannot have an existing Aflac Personal Recovery Plus policy in addition to a Specified Health Event Protection plan Cannot purchase the Hospital Intensive Care Protection plan and the Specified Health Event Protection (Plan Two) Personal Recovery PlusSpecified Health Event Protection Plan Two Only (Series A-71000) Cannot convert Hospital Intensive Care and Specified Health Event to Specified Health Event Protection (Plan One)
Thank you and Good Luck!