L’assurance-qualité pour le développement de politiques et de systèmes d’orientation Tibor Bors Borbély-Pecze, Phd, ELGPN Mardi 27 November 2012
What is quality in education? Learners who are healthy, well-nourished and ready to participate and learn, and supported in learning by their families and communities; … Processes through which trained teachers use child-centred teaching approaches in well-managed classrooms and schools and skilful assessment to facilitate learning and reduce disparities. Content that is reflected in relevant curricula and materials for the acquisition of basic skills, especially in the areas of literacy, numeracy and skills for life, and knowledge in such areas as gender, health, nutrition, HIV/AIDS prevention and peace. … Outcomes that encompass knowledge, skills and attitudes, and are linked to national goals for education and positive participation in society. (UNICEF, Defining Quality in Education 2000, Preface, The International Working Group on Education Florence, Italy)
What is quality in the Labour Market? Job quality is a multidimensional concept … –it supports the hypothesis that a higher level of job quality is associated with better labour market and economic performance –it emphasises the heterogeneity of quality across social groups, especially according to gender, age, and education.( Christine Erhel, Mathilde Guergoat-Larivière, Job quality in the LM (2010) French Centre d’Etudes de l’Emploi (CEPS) Christine ErhelMathilde Guergoat-Larivière ILO: DECENT WORK AGENDA (1.)…2.) Extending social protection; 3.) Guaranteeing rights at work…4…) Extending social protectionGuaranteeing rights at work EU: Flexisecurity Concept Guidance: Career resilience vs. career satisfaction (CLD/: career and learning development /-Bridge)Career resilience
Linking evidence and quality with policy ELGPN (2012) Lifelong Guidance Policy Development: A European Resource Kit, ELGPN Tools No. 1.
Borbély-Pecze, 2011 Type of outcomes, sectors (policy fields) and geographical levels
Quality assurance of what? 1.National Standards 2.Regional or Local levels 3.Institutional levels (provision in schools, colleges, training providers, PES etc. 4.Professionals 5.Learning, social and economic outcomes of the end-users Benefits of the society and the labour market
ELGPN: (2012) A European Resource Kit Annex D: p For the next phase: adaptation/implementation/ national development
Thank you for your attention!
Resources ELGPN (2012) Lifelong Guidance Policy Development A European Resource Kit Christine Erhel, Mathilde Guergoat-Larivière (2010) Job quality and labour market performance, CEPSChristine ErhelMathilde Guergoat-Larivière UNICEF (2000) Defining Quality in Education ILO Decent Work Agenda Bassot, Barbara (2012) Career learning and development: a social constructivist model for the twenty-first century in International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance Springer 12:31- 42