Children and Young People’s Workforce Data and Skills Audit.


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Presentation transcript:

Children and Young People’s Workforce Data and Skills Audit

Background National Drivers Local Context Children and Young People’s Workforce data Development of internet-based Workforce Data and Skills Audit on Skills and Competencies Multi-agency development Regional development

Who is the children and young people’s workforce? Everyone who works with children, young people and their families, or who is responsible for improving their outcomes. YOS; Child minders; Teachers; Youth Group workers; Police; School nurses; Football coaches; Social Workers; Faith group workers; Midday supervisors; Play workers; Scout leaders; Sexual health workers; Brown Owls; Librarians; Paediatric doctors; Day care workers; Education officers…

Web Based, Adaptive Audit Tool Workforce Demographics & Skills and Competencies 5 sectors; age; gender; disability; ethnicity; religion; CRB checks; key training achievements; qualifications; working tenure & patterns, etc ECM Common Core; Championing Children; CWDC Induction Standards; Skills for Life; Project and Change Management

Pilot Practitioners in Knowsley Partner Local Authorities Project Team & Colleagues from Stakeholder organisations and services Methodology: –Face-to-face computer sessions –Focus groups – consultation “I found it a useful exercise in that it helped me focus on my role and gave me the opportunity to reflect on myself as a worker, the team and the organisation and how we interact with service users…” Pilot Participant

Amendments Small amendments based on comments made by participants. Development of a more complex matrix of how the system adapts to answers in the “About You” –The system originally was based on the answers to “What level do you work at?” (Answers – Head of Service, Manager, Practitioner with Line Management, Practitioner) –Now it a combination of the answer to this question and the answer to “How often of you work with Children and Young People?” (Answers – Not at all, Sometimes, Mostly, Extensively). Consultation about these changes with a range of practitioners and managers prior to the implementation.

Engagement and Achievements Communication Gatekeepers Support from Children Service’s Leadership team and Children and Young People Partnership Board Capacity

Future Goals and Challenges Capacity Engaging other statutory services Engaging with the private sector More contact with smaller community and voluntary groups. More contact with faith sector

Future Developments within the tool Attempts to “future proof” as far as is possible. National Occupational Standards Skills frameworks for voluntary organisations Ability to refine and add questionnaires for deeper analysis in the future. –“About You” –Other groups and levels –Organisationally

Any questions? Nicola Ronan, Workforce Data Analyst