What Makes an Effective S.S. Program Tick?
Howard County’s Elementary S.S. Program Howard Gardner Multiple Intelligence Capacities Multi-modal experiences increase learning. Jerome Bruner The Spiral Curriculum All children can learn. Elizabeth Cohen Cooperative Interaction Effectively facilitated cooperative interaction combats the problem of “unequal status interaction” and increases learning gains.
Visual Discovery Social Studies Skill Builders Experiential Exercises Problem Solving Groupwork Response Groups Interactive Student Notebooks (SRBs) Engaging Instructional Strategies Effective Assessment Reading Informational Text Comprehension Strategy Instruction Thoughtful Writing Application Historical Investigations TCI Approach =
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Curriculum Resources Lessons that address all objectives Aligned Textbooks & tradebooks Multimedia resources –Test Pilot Assessments –Video Clips –Technology Adaptations –Power Points
Notes Page
Preview the text in section 7.1 Make observations about : Text features Clarify meaning of bold faced words by using the glossary Read Section 7.1 Read Section 7.1 to learn about the six colonies that were established by Britain between 1620 and 1733
Read Section 7.2 to compare these regions
Presenting your billboard: 1.Post your billboard in front of the room. 2.Remember, you will have only 60 seconds
Cast your vote! Which colony would you rather live in? 1.Walk around the room and examine each of the billboards. 2.Stand next to the billboard representing the colony you would have wanted to settle in during the 1700s.
In which colony did most students want to settle? Why do you think so many wanted to settle in that colony? In which colony did the least number of students want to settle? Why do you think this was so? What factors were most important to you as you made your decision? Let’s Analyze Your Choices Return to Re-Vote
Read sections 7.3 through 7.8 While reading, use the questioning strategy to evaluate the claims made on the billboards and by the salespeople. After reading, complete “Comparing the Colonies”
Cast your vote AGAIN! Stand next to the billboard representing the colony you would have wanted to settle in during the 1700s. ( You may stand next to a different billboard this time if your opinion has changed.)
RE-VOTE ! In which colony did most students want to settle? Why do you think so many wanted to settle there? How many students changed their choice of colonies? Why did you decide to settle in a different colony this time? What did you learn about the colonies from the reading that you didn’t learn from the billboards and the salespeople? Student Re-vote Click to go back to Original Vote
Curriculum Resources Lessons that address all objectives Pre-aligned Textbooks & tradebooks Multimedia resources Document Repository Visuals –National Geographic Picture Packs –Color Transparencies –HCPSS Grade 4 Transparency Pack –Non-linguistic representations
Professional Development Targeted Grade Level Workshops New Teacher Support Countywide In-services Summer Seminar Training for Instructional Team Leaders Continuing Professional Development Course for SCH Administration training
What do YOU do that makes your SS instruction effective? How can you IMPROVE your instruction? Kimberly Pearre Howard County Public School System