Katie Steinhaus, MBA Training & Development for Life-Science Innovations
How many parking tickets have you gotten at Ridgewater? a)0 b)1 c)2 d)3 e)4 f)Might not graduate because I can’t afford to pay them all!
1.That is interesting, challenging, and where you have potential to really succeed 2.Where you put in your time, you don’t love it but it pays the bills
1.YES! 2.I’ve got some ideas but open to suggestion. 3.I have no idea.
Phase 1: Finish school Phase 2: TBD… Phase 3: Have a cool job where I love what I do
What percentage of American workers have a job they love? a)15-30% b)31-45% c)46-60% d)61-75% e)76-90%
“Individuals who focus on their strengths are more engaged in their work and achieve greater results.” When you focus on your strengths Gallup results from Go, Put Your Strengths to Work
1.Take out a sheet of paper 2.What are some of your strengths? 3.Start making a list. See how many things you can write down in the next 5 minutes.
Think back over school projects, work or volunteer experiences. What things do you: Look forward to, love working on Find easy to stay focused on Time flies by when I work on this When this comes up I can’t help but get involved I feel ‘in the zone’ when…
Talents + Skills + Knowledge + Experience Strengths =
1.Performance is always the point at work 2.Your strengths aren’t just what you’re good, weaknesses aren’t just what you’re bad at 3.When it comes to your job, the “What” always trumps the “Why” and the “Who” 4.You’ll never turn your weaknesses into strengths 5.You’ll never find the perfect job
This job isn’t playing to my strengths enough? See if you can make adjustments so it does: “I’d like to learn more about…” “I’d love the opportunity to get more involved in…” “I think I can add more value here..”
1.You have wonderful and powerful strengths 2.No one else has quite the same combination 3.You will be at your best, have the most potential for success when you figure out a way to play to them most of the time.
1.Strongly agree 2.Agree 3.Disagree 4.Sorry, I slept through this I learned something this morning that will help me professionally when I graduate: