FCS Extension programs focus on: Making Beneficial Lifestyle Choices Nurturing Families Embracing Life as You Age Securing Financial Stability Promoting Healthy Homes and Communities Accessing Nutritious Food Empowering Community Leaders
Our People Kentucky’s population in 2000 totaled 4,041,769
In , Family and Consumer Sciences Extension made 2,282,518 contacts with Kentucky families.
Featured Programs Weight: The Reality Series 35% of participants reported losing 5% of their initial weight during the program. © Amy Hill Permission to use the artist’s work for education purposes only.
Featured Programs Estate and Financial Planning for Life 63% of participants implemented a recordkeeping system.
Featured Programs Keys to Great Parenting 55% of participants adopted new skills for communications with their child(ren).
Our Families 1,110,426 families reside in Kentucky. 140,519 families (12.7%) live below poverty level. Median family income is $40,939. 35,818 grandparents are responsible for the care of their grandchildren.
Our Families 639,394 people in Kentucky receive food stamps. The average family food stamp benefit is $ per month.
Our Families 12,921 Kentucky children live in out-of- home care. In 2004, there were: 7,583 incidents of adult abuse. 16,024 incidents of child abuse.
Extension Impacts for Families 29,977 people increased their knowledge and skills related to parenting and personal relationships. 36,152 people used safe practices to store, handle, and prepare food.
Extension Impacts for Families 33,105 individuals adopted strategies to increase access to food or make it more affordable. 24,117 limited resource individuals were served by Extension’s Nutrition Education Programs.
Our Community Unemployment in Kentucky: September 2008 – 6.7% September 2007 – 5.1% Increase of 31% Kentucky’s uninsured: 14% of Kentuckians under age 65 are uninsured.
Our Community Financial indicators: 90-day mortgage delinquency rates have increased an average of 19% in Kentucky counties. 60-day bank card delinquency rates have increased an average of 20% in Kentucky counties. 7,010 foreclosures were filed between May 2008 and October photo © 2007 Jupiterimages Corp.
Extension Impacts for Communities 18,947 people adopted practices to reduce debt and/or increase savings. 24,205 people were involved in addressing community issues. 4,231 adult, dependent, and child care providers increased care giving knowledge. photo © 2007 Jupiterimages Corp.
Extension Impacts for Communities 79,523 adults or youth improved their ability to make informed and effective decisions. Extension was engaged in 2,054 community coalitions.
Our Health
Extension Impacts for Health 50,206 people made lifestyle changes to improve physical health. 37,446 people implemented practices to maintain health and well- being.
Extension Impacts for Health 28,246 people increased use of radon testers, smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, and other personal safety devices. Extension offered 1,322 joint community program focused on health maintenances.
FCS Extension programs focus on: Making Beneficial Lifestyle Choices Nurturing Families Embracing Life as You Age Securing Financial Stability Promoting Healthy Homes and Communities Accessing Nutritious Food Empowering Community Leaders