Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, je Mgr. Jan Rozsíval. Slezské gymnázium, Opava, příspěvková organizace. Vzdělávací materiál byl vytvořen v rámci OP VK 1.5 – EU peníze středním školám. Abraham Lincoln VY_32_INOVACE_ srpna 2013
You are going to listen to an audio about Abraham Lincoln (1809 – 1865), one of the most famous American presidents. Try to answer these questions first: 1.Do you think life was easier in the past? 2.If you could travel back in time, which period would you choose and why? 3.How do you think people used to spend their free time in the past? What was different from today's past time activities? 4.Was it easy to get good education? What about health care? 5.Was it possible for the people to travel that much as we do today? Why/why not? 6.Did children in families have the same duties and routines like we have today?
1.Abraham Lincoln was born to a rich family. True/False 2.What was Lincoln´s nickname? 3.His family owned a very big mansion. True/False 4.His father was quite a rich farmer. True/False 5.Lincoln was attending a very famous college. True/False 6.Lincoln had financial problems with his own business. True/False. 7.He started to work as a doctor in Springfield, Illinois. True/False. Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln Audio Source:
Now brainstorm what you know about the following: 1.American War of Independence 2. American Civil War 3.American Indian Wars 4.The role of the USA in the First World War 5.Great Depression 6.The role of the USA in the Second World War 7.The Cold War 8.Korean War 9.Vietnam War 10.War on Terror
Abraham Lincoln Audio Part Two Listen to the second part of the audio (Lincoln has just become the US president) and again answer the questions. 1.How did the southern states react when they realised Lincoln would win the election? 2.What is The Emancipation Proclamation? 3.What was the period of reconstruction? 4.What happened to Lincoln shortly after the war?