Youth Advocacy vs. Tobacco Company Marketing You might ask, who is winning?
The Side of Tobacco Marketing Cigarette companies spend over $11 billion a year to market their products. They spend about $9.5 billion a year to market their products in local stores.
The Side of Tobacco Marketing That is 85% spent on point-of-purchase. This translates to a flood of advertising and marketing.
The Side of Tobacco Marketing How do these numbers translate to youth? Kids are 3 times more sensitive than adults to tobacco advertising.
The Side of Tobacco Marketing Imagine how many times a susceptible child entered through this door. Looks awful similar to the NESQUIK Milk ad.
The Side of Tobacco Marketing
What ever will we do?
Join the Country’s Fight… We mustn’t forget about a very important component, YOUTH ADVOCACY! What have youth been doing all around the country?
Youth Advocacy Side There is a very important campaign on the forefront of this issue. StoreALERT Advocates Limiting Exposure to Retail Tobacco
Youth Advocacy Side StoreALERT: raises awareness of product and advertisement placement in stores.
Youth Advocacy Side How is this accomplished? Youth all across the nation have been observing these stores. Using a StoreALERT Report Card, youth document the placement and marketing.
Youth Advocacy Side
What does the survey look for? - Are products at eye level? - Do you get a free gift with purchase? - Are they giving away free samples of snus with any tobacco purchase? with any tobacco purchase? - Is there a fire truck placed directly on top of the dissolvables display? (targeting kids) the dissolvables display? (targeting kids)
Youth Advocacy Side Each store receives a score on their report cards. Scores are then compared to understand the the level of local marketing. Also, they are sent to a national database. Did you get an A? No, I failed.
Youth Advocacy Side This is a powerful tool. - It brings light to industry marketing. - It opens the eyes of the community, rallying required support. - It is essential to changing policy.
Youth Advocacy Side This campaign has a very resourceful website. (
Youth Advocacy Side On the website: Training Guides, everything you want to know about point-of-purchase sales Power Point Presentations, to train youth and peers how to use StoreALERT to monitor advertising
Youth Advocacy Side It is a one stop shop for things you need to know.
But wait, that’s not all… Newly passed FDA Bill: Bans free giveaways of any non-tobacco items with the purchase of a tobacco product or in exchange for coupons Limits in-store point-of-sale tobacco advertising to black-and-white text only
But wait, that’s not all… Newly passed FDA Bill: Restricts vending machines and self-service displays to adult-only facilities Limits advertising in publications with significant teen readership (more than 15 percent or 2 million) to black-and-white text only
So, who is winning? I think you know the answer. Any questions for the panel?