Health Security and Emergencies Ebola Response 13 October 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

Health Security and Emergencies Ebola Response 13 October 2014

Health Security and Emergencies Ebola: A Global Health Security Threat 1.Serious situation – no immediate sign that Ebola is under control 2.Risk to our Region – LOW likelihood, but HIGH consequence 3.Action – GLOBAL solidarity and REGIONAL preparedness 2

Health Security and Emergencies 3 Ebola Outbreak: Current Situation Serious situation: > 8300 cases, > 4000 deaths HCWs are at high risk - over 400 cases, including over 200 deaths Beyond West Africa - A public health emergency of international concern Huge needs - requiring massive resources

Health Security and Emergencies Ebola Response Roadmap 4 GOAL: To stop Ebola transmission in affected countries within 6-9 months and prevent further international spread by… WHO’S health response GUIDED BY the ROADMAP MAY 2015

Health Security and Emergencies UNMEER Response Strategy 5 One Team, One Vision: The UN Mission for Ebola Emergency Response (UNMEER) built on 5 Pillars 1 STOP THE OUTBREAK 2 TREAT THE INFECTED 3 ENSURE ESSENTIAL SERVICES 4 PRESERVE STABILITY 5 PREVENT FURTHER OUTBREAKS

Health Security and Emergencies Regional Preparedness & Response Three Action Areas in the WPR: 6 1. SUPPORT the global Ebola response in West Africa 2. STRENGTHEN preparedness of the countries and areas in the region to rapidly detect and respond to any Ebola outbreak 3. ENSURE WHO’s system in place for EVD outbreak preparedness and response in the Western Pacific

Health Security and Emergencies Supporting the global response  Medical and public health personnel (e.g. Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network or GOARN)  Equipment and supplies (e.g. PPE)  Funding support 7 Type of support

Health Security and Emergencies Checking level of preparedness in the Region Strengthened IHR core capacities through APSED implementation Overall good preparedness for Ebola response, but NOT fully equipped, as evidenced by: – The recent Ebola preparedness survey results – The Regional Ebola Simulation Exercise conducted 8-9 Oct

Health Security and Emergencies Ensuring WHO’s critical functions 9 Ebola situation monitoring and awareness Regional risk assessment A Framework for Action for preparedness Technical support to countries Regional Ebola simulation exercise to test readiness WPRO Emergency Operations Centre (EOC):

Health Security and Emergencies Risk to the Western Pacific Region The possibility of imported EVD case(s) is not high, but if it occurs, consequences could be significant 10 Secondary transmission Health impact: Infection of HCWs, stress on health systems Beyond health: Reputational damage to gov’t authorities and economic loss Potential CONSEQUENCES

Health Security and Emergencies Monitoring Ebola situation… 11 No confirmed cases of EVD to date in WPR 8 countries and areas – have reported investigation of sick travelers from Ebola affected areas, all the “cases” discarded We must remain vigilant and improve PREPAREDNESS for early detection and rapid response

Health Security and Emergencies A Framework for Action in the Region 12 SIX COMPONENTS 1.Command and coordination 2.Surveillance, risk assessment and response 3.Laboratory 4.Clinical management, infection prevention and control 5.Public health intervention including points of entry measures 6.Risk communication SIX COMPONENTS 1.Command and coordination 2.Surveillance, risk assessment and response 3.Laboratory 4.Clinical management, infection prevention and control 5.Public health intervention including points of entry measures 6.Risk communication

Health Security and Emergencies Level of preparedness: An online survey 23 countries submitted a complete questionnaire Good level of preparedness – Monitoring EVD situation (100%) – National response plan and coordination (95%) – Alerted frontline HCWs (90%) – Risk communication plan (78%) Several weak areas of concern: – Conduct country risk assessment (60%) – Specimen referral arrangement with a WHO CC (60%) – Manage returning travellers with Ebola-like symptoms (60%) 13

Health Security and Emergencies Regional Ebola Simulation Exercise 23 countries participated, 8-9 Oct SIMULATION of 1st imported Ebola case to check level of preparedness – Response plan and protocols – Patient isolation and contact tracing – IHR reporting – Lab testing - specimen referral arrangement with a WHO CC – Risk Communication - First Announcement 14

Health Security and Emergencies Thank you