NorthGrid status Alessandra Forti Gridpp15 RAL, 11 th January 2006
11 January 2006Alessandra Forti GridPP15 RAL Sites Resources Summary SitekSI2kTBSite Network Status Lancaster MB ukLight online Liverpool GBonline Manchester GBoffline Sheffield24021GBonline
11 January 2006Alessandra Forti GridPP15 RAL Sites Resources Summary SiteOSLCGSRMVOs LancasterSL32_6_0dcache9 LiverpoolSL32_6_0dcache3 ManchesterSL32_6_0dcache7 SheffieldSL32_6_0dcache5
11 January 2006Alessandra Forti GridPP15 RAL Lancaster 60 TB installed with dcache –Will upgrade to newer version later in the month 10 TB installed with DPM for testing –Theyll be integrated in dcache at the end of the tests SC3 tests using ukLight –using FTS, single file stream, 50GB of –using srmcp using up to 10 parallel file streams with 6 file stream achieved instantaneous rate up to 702Mbps with an aggregate rate of 3GB/minute. SC4 LFC has been installed but never been tested Second site in UK to complete Security Service Challenges
11 January 2006Alessandra Forti GridPP15 RAL Liverpool Certified at the end of October –with only 3 nodes due to cooling problems Increased to 20 nodes today 210 will be added after gridpp15 Dcache on 2.2 TB University firewall problems –RBs are filtered Second site in UK to install correctly RGMA secure connector.
11 January 2006Alessandra Forti GridPP15 RAL Manchester Old cluster (40 kSI2k) has been decommissioned The new cluster is undergoing the acceptance tests. –First 800 nodes have been accepted. –100 nodes have been given to the engineers in exchange of power and cooling. Perhaps we can convince them to use the grid (and keep the nodes) in exchange of hardware and software support. The structure is in place. –Servers, networking…. relationships with MCC people couldnt be more cooperative and friendly. IPs, domain name, machine names, site name have changed –Not certify yet. Certification within the end of January First 20 nodes have been put online for SC4 transfer tests. –Nearly 350 Mb/s rate on university production network. –Planning to have a private fiber to increase the rate and to connect to ukLight.
11 January 2006Alessandra Forti GridPP15 RAL Sheffield Lost unfunded support –Now have only.5 funded FTE. Installed dcache but not tested it yet –Progress slow due to other work pressures Cooling failures in December Offline since yesterday –Major hardware problems
11 January 2006Alessandra Forti GridPP15 RAL CPU Usage by VO (KSI2K hours) Nb: This can be extracted from APEL –
11 January 2006Alessandra Forti GridPP15 RAL CPU used per VO over quarter (KSI2K hours) Siteatlasbabarbiomedcmsdteamdzerohonelhcbzeus Lancs-LCG LivHEP-LCG SHEFFIELD-LCG UKI-NORTHGRID-MAN-HEP Summed Usage Percentage
11 January 2006Alessandra Forti GridPP15 RAL Tier-2 planning for next quarter All Prepare for SC4 All upgrade dcache to latest version. All upgrade to Lancaster incorporate 10TB DPM test machines into dcache Lancaster improve network configuration for production system Liverpool install more nodes (only 3 at the moment) Manchester deliver new resources Manchester set up production VOMS for GridPP Sheffield test dcache installation
11 January 2006Alessandra Forti GridPP15 RAL Summary & outlook Improved cooperation among new posts. Liverpool finally became a green dot on the map, improved support for LCG. Sheffield few support problems since the non-funded people quit. The new post is not full time and he is only 1 person. This needs to be addressed. Sheffield has also had major hardware and cooling failures. Manchester has almost completed the acceptance tests. SC4 deliverables were completed. Manchester is still actively working on VOMS deployment and we are ready for a production system. See Andrew McNab Talk Lancaster successfully carrying on SC3 and testing different SRM solutions (DPM). They have also been the best site in NorthGrid (UK) for resource usage last quarter.