Fabric and Storage Management GridPP Fabric and Storage Management GridPP 24/24 May 2001.


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Presentation transcript:

Fabric and Storage Management GridPP Fabric and Storage Management GridPP 24/24 May 2001

Fabric and Storage Management GridPP Overview GridPP Proposal –Other UK Proposals EU-DataGrid US Activities Commercial Activities Timescales Commentary Lots of Activity Duplication? GridPP role

Fabric and Storage Management GridPP Compute & Mass Storage BlueChip HPC COTS HPC Clusters User Portal Storage No: Networks Brokerage Collective

Fabric and Storage Management GridPP GridPP Proposal Compute Develop Project Plan (UKDG) COTS system development (UKDG) Integration of existing Fabric(UKPP) Fabric Benchmarking(UKPP) User Portals(UKPP) Fabric Demonstrator cf EU-WP4 API design? Clear Model?

Fabric and Storage Management GridPP GridPP Proposal Mass Storage Evaluation and API design(EU) Prototype(EU) Refinement of API(UKDG) Definition of Metadata(UKDG) Metadata(UKDG)

Fabric and Storage Management GridPP DataGrid Information –Architecture Definition Documents –WP Milestones Month 9 Deliverables Note GridPP: ATF? reevaluate Deliverables

Fabric and Storage Management GridPP Other UK Proposals GenGrid EPSRC testbed –E-Commerce related Generic Grid Activities within Universities GridPP Are we really the leaders?

Fabric and Storage Management GridPP DataGrid(WP4) Tasks –Configuration management –Resource management –Gridification –Installation –Monitoring –Fault Tolerance

Fabric and Storage Management GridPP DataGrid(WP5) Originally –Mass Storage part of local fabric E.g. Part of a HSM at a large centre Post Architecture Task Force (ATF) –Storage Element Interfaces (SEs) Applicable at MORE than Tier-1 centres!!!! Directly accessible from the Grid –Tape and Disk Pools –Publishing Metadata UK Contribution Important: Edinburgh RAL

Fabric and Storage Management GridPP US Activities GriPhyN –Virtual Data Toolkits Particle Physics Data Grid (to 2004) – –Very WP4/WP5 based

Fabric and Storage Management GridPP Commercial Activities ICT companies monitoring Grid –Strategically placing themselves E.g. IBM –Development CISCO… We MUST not be blind to E-commerce relationships –resources –manpower

Fabric and Storage Management GridPP Commercial Activities E-commerce –Testbeds are vital –Companies or Consortia see 10-20% savings Can invest MUCH more than GridPP ever can by at least 2 orders of magnitude Have more access to trained software teams

Fabric and Storage Management GridPP WG-D Tasks Definitions 1.Integration of Existing Compute Fabric 2.COTS Compute System Development 3.DataGrid Common API 4.DataGrid Meta-data for Mass Storage 5.DataGrid Tape Exchange Design (!) 6.DataGrid Tape Exchange Implementation (!)

Fabric and Storage Management GridPP Current Delivery Schedule

Fabric and Storage Management GridPP Commentary GridPP Fabric + Storage Management –Priority: deploy effort to satisfy DataGrid contract for PPARC –Recommend 6 month report (Nov 2001?) Position GridPP relative to worldwide Grid activities and build NOT compete Evaluate Fabric Development Strategy in light of products and needs of LHC and E-commerce Time to engage Computer Scientists and commercial partners both as stakeholders and contractually Time to find the right people (we dont have enough) –(If cannot need to readjust goals!) –resources

Fabric and Storage Management GridPP Commentary Building something, no matter how bad it is, is better than nothing at all…(I disagree) National, international academic and commercial collaboration is vital Simplicity,robustness and useability are very important –Our lives depend on it –Note tendency to overambitious plans Skilled programmer crisis will kill the project –Must work with industry or subcontract deliverables

Fabric and Storage Management GridPP GridPP WG-D Objectives System software for integration of existing Grid components Develop system(s) for COTS integration Work with HPC supplier towards Grid enabled proprietary systems Build fabric management model allowing hot- swapping and hot-addition of new technologies Provide on-going benchmarking and cost- performance analysis of Grid components Produce 1 st level user portals to Grid fabric

Fabric and Storage Management GridPP Objectives Continued… Proof of concept for on thousand PC level of scaling to 10k level Define and implement mass storage API Devise method of moving physical tapes and associated meta-data between centres Tools and schema for meta data and mass storage information services (not physical datasets) Integrate with DataGrid WP4 and WP5 programmes