Jamaica is an independent state located in the Caribbean Primary economic activities are tourism, bauxite/alumina and agriculture Jamaica is a member of the Caribbean Forum of Local Government Ministers (CFLGM) CFLGM has formulated a Regional Policy Framework for advancing local governance and local democracy in the region
Local Government was introduced in Jamaica in 1662 The earliest form was called the Vestries which was abolished in 1865, but restored in 1887
There was continual agitation for reform of Local Government since 1942 Since 1995, bi-partisan programme for reform has been instituted
Early local government reform (LGR) proposals saw local government’s role as enhancing & deepening democracy and the delivery of local services Later proposals emphasised local government’s role in sustainable development, resource allocation and accountability
Accepting concept that local government has a key role in Local Sustainable Development requires formulating a national policy framework. This has been a major focus of the Department of Local Government (DLG)
Development confined to towns and special enclaves, by-passing rural areas and inner city communities No buy-in from majority of population, resulting in failure to realise goals Approaches led to inequitable development
Local Authorities to have legal mandate to spearhead local sustainable development Successful exercising of this mandate requires a holistic approach which integrates physical and socio-economic development Establishment of a participatory model that enable all stakeholders to be full partners in the process
Close alignment between the local and national planning processes Implementation of a rigorous capacity building programme for all the major partners in the process Financial resources allocation model that provide Local Authorities with funding for development purposes e.g. infra-structure
Making Development more balanced and sustainable Mobilizing the energies, creative talents and commitment of all sectors and interest groups Special knowledge of local resources and local development opportunities Ensuring a conducive local environment to attract business and investment Safeguarding against threats from natural and man-made disasters
Forming alliances with Central Government to forge a national consensus on LED issues Selection of 2 pilot LAs and supporting the preparation of Local Sustainable Development Plans (LSDPs) Orientation of a wide range of central and local government personnel and civil society representatives, in concepts, principles, practices and LSDP methodologies
Organizing and executing a series of Visioning Symposia in each local government jurisdiction, to forge a vision for the development of the parish and to kick start preparation of a LSDP to achieve that vision.
Enhancing planning capabilities of LAs to take on the challenge of spearheading the development of their parish Parish development Committees (PDCs) created to facilitate participation of civil society
Provision of technological tools/methods to facilitate formulation of development plans Partnership with tertiary institutions to produce trained planning and development professionals
Two Las have successful completed LSDPs for their Parish 2 other LAs are currently preparing LSDPs while the remainder are getting ready to commence preparation of LSDPs PDCs have proven their usefulness and gained broad acceptance Manchester LSDP is recognised as a best practice model
Growing awareness and acceptance by many agencies, of the relevance of local governance in meeting strategic developmental challenges and in offering solutions All LAs have relatively strong Planning Units that are highly regarded and valued
LED is not an area in which local government is traditionally perceived as having a role to play Conditions in which to attempt new approaches to economic growth and development are unfavourable due to the recent global financial crisis and its effect on the Caribbean economies
Lack of confidence among LAs and local officials in their readiness to take on such a challenge due to lack of experience within LAs in respect to LED The typical system of resource allocation and assignment that exist in most Caribbean countries is not conducive to experimentation and departures from established orthodoxies.
Failure of orthodox approaches to economic development in the various countries, which have been exclusively driven from the centre, have opened the door for new approaches which recognize the value and importance of local involvement.
Policy makers and advisors across the region increasingly understand that real economic development must be supported by a model of governance that can mobilize the creative talents and energies of all the people Wide endorsement and use of the Regional Policy and Cooperation Framework by local governance stakeholders in the Caribbean