Math Kick-Off Meeting What you need: -Math
Full implementation of CCSS for ELA and Math Louisiana’s hybrid version of PARCC assessment for standardized testing SLT’s for all subjects (that can be used to “pull up” your student performance score for VAM) Edline (when ready) for communication with parents about classroom assignments, tests, etc. Paper/pencil benchmark tests from OPSB (not Eagle)
Step 1 : Identify target CCSS standards. A. Referenced in OPSB /LDOE Unit Plans (L.6.2, RI.6.4) B. Found in the LDOE ToolboxLDOE Toolbox C. Available at RP – Ratio Proportion NS – Number Systems EE – Expressions/Equations G – Geometry SP – Statistics/Probablility
Step 2. Determine acceptable levels of evidence that support mastery of standards. A. Daily/Weekly formative assessment B. Mid-Unit and Unit summative assessment C. LDOE End-of-Year Assessment Guidance LDOE End-of-Year Assessment Guidance D. PARCC Sample Items (extra for 14-15) PARCC Sample Items E. PARCC Evidence Tables PARCC Evidence Tables
Step 3. Design activities that will make desired results happen. A. Design lesson plans with daily activities that use formative assessments to track progress B. Create summative assessments that move students closer to the level of work that will be expected on standardized tests
LDOE Toolbox LDOE Toolbox Mathematics Assessment Project Mathematics Assessment Project Free CCSS Math 6-12 eBook Free CCSS Math 6-12 eBook (membership required) Inside Mathematics Inside Mathematics Khan Academy Khan Academy
Researching, planning and developing lessons, units, etc. - NOW! Determining where my students are academically – now and when benchmark tests are available and you are ready.
How many ways can you word a prompt? › Justify > Explain > Show Work… What are the different meanings for prompts between subjects? › Math – Justify your work for this problem… › ELA - Justify your response with evidence from text… › Science – Justify your hypothesis… › Social Studies – Justify your position on this argument… OJHS Word Families Project
We must give our students all the tools they need to show that they can do this work. If the students succeed, we succeed…
The Common Core State Standards signify the need to change practice in at least three primary areas: › Content – WHAT you teach › Instruction – HOW you teach › Assessment – HOW students show evidence of mastery
Focus: PARCC assessments will focus strongly on where the Standards focus. Students will have more time to master concepts at a deeper level. Problems worth doing : Multi-step problems, conceptual questions, applications, and substantial procedures will be common, as in an excellent classroom. Better Standards Demand Better Questions: Instead of reusing existing items, PARCC will develop custom items to the Standards. Fidelity to the Standards (now in Teacher’s hands) : PARCC evidences are rooted in the language of the Standards so that expectations remain the same in both instructional and assessment settings.
Capturing complex student responses through a device interface (e.g., using drawing tools, symbol palettes, etc.) Machine scorable multi-step tasks are more efficient to administer and score.
This presentation was adapted from a presentation presented by: Lee Ann Wall & Rebecca Freeland Louisiana Educator Leader Cadre (ELC)