2 Workshop 1 Introduction Session Help you understand the background, purpose & expected outcomes of the Creative Ways to Care program. Explain the structure & requirements of each session Establish the group & get to know each other Clarify the expectations of the participants in the group Today we aim to:
3 Workshop 1 Introduction Session What is your favourite activity? Why is it meaningful to you? What is it about the activity that you like? How long have you enjoyed it for? Why? How often do you do it? VIII. Participants Favourite Activity:
4 Workshop 2 Dementia, Behaviour and Activities In this Workshop we aim to: Increase Your Understanding of the causes and triggers of some behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia Explore how meaningful and purposeful activities can improve the social, emotional and spiritual well-being of people living with dementia as well as yourself Increase your understanding of how activities can be used to respond to the behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia Equip you with the necessary knowledge and strategies to be able to use activities successfully.
5 Workshop 2 Dementia, Behaviour and Activities What is an activity? What makes an activity successful for a person with dementia? How can activities be used to divert behaviours of concern?
6 Workshop 2 Dementia, Behaviour and Activities Memory loss Language difficulties Small changes in the person’s character, behaviour and personality Less able to adapt to change Poor judgement. Dementia is a general term used to describe a progressive decline in brain function. It has many causes. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common and there are many others. There are some symptoms that most people with dementia will show, but everyone experiences them differently.
7 Workshop 2 Dementia, Behaviour and Activities Q: What elements of that activity provide a sense of purpose? Q: What elements give pleasure? Q: Are purpose & pleasure one in the same? Favourite Activity:
8 Workshop 2 Dementia, Behaviour and Activities Link routine with activity. Link activities with the person’s interests. Break tasks into simple steps. Repetition can help. Tap into the senses.
11 Workshop 2 Dementia, Behaviour and Activities Last week you talked about your favourite activity; thinking about that activity: What elements of that activity provide a sense of purpose? What elements give pleasure? Are purpose & pleasure one & the same?
12 Workshop 2 Dementia, Behaviour and Activities Other points to remember when carrying out activities with people with dementia: Link routine with activity Link activities with the person’s interests Break tasks into simple steps Repetition can help Tap into the senses
13 Workshop 2 Dementia, Behaviour and Activities Communication Activity Unwell/Unmet need Story Environment dementia CAUSED Model:
14 Workshop 3 Reminiscence Today we aim to: Understand ‘reminiscence’ and how it can support the remaining strengths and abilities of the person with Dementia, enhance self-esteem and quality of life, and enrich the relationship between you and the person you care for. Explain how to use reminiscence to stimulate meaningful conversation with the person living with dementia.
15 Workshop 3 Reminiscence Communication Activity Unwell/Unmet need Story Environment dementia CAUSED Model:
16 Person 1: Talk about your photograph or memento. Person 2: Ask Questions about your partners photo or memento. Listen to their responses. Summarise and write down the information with a heading. Workshop 3 Reminiscence Photograph or Momento
17 Workshop 4 Stimulating & Soothing the Senses Today we aim to: Provide you with an overview of how stimulating and soothing the senses can affect physical and emotional well being; and Teach specific techniques to stimulate and soothe the senses; Explore how the senses can be used in day-to-day activities to promote well being; Identify a range of personalised activities that affect the senses of the person living with dementia and yourself as a carer; Learn the benefits and significance of stimulating and soothing the senses; Practise how to use aromatherapy, essential oils and hand massage.
18 Workshop 4 Stimulating & Soothing the Senses The Ageing Process usually involves changes in our senses. Can you think of some examples of how the ageing process may change our senses?
19 Workshop 4 Stimulating & Soothing the Senses Endorphins are chemicals that occur naturally in the brain and have a similar effect to medicines like morphine or pethidine. And the reason that endorphins are helpful? Because: They relax the muscles They can alter our mood-if we are feeling tense or uptight they can calm us down; If we are feeling “blue” they can lift us up and hence make us feel happier! They can reduce pain; and They help boost our immune system.
20 Workshop 4 Stimulating & Soothing the Senses Using Aromatherapy Research Tells us people can recognise seven main odour types: 1.Camphor e.g. moth balls 2.Musk e.g. some perfumes & aftershaves, & musk stick lollies 3.Rose- there are many different rose perfumes, essential oils and fragrant oils.True rose essential oil is one of the most expensive oils 4.Peppermint e.g. p.tea, p.oil 5.Ether e.g. cleaning fluid 6.Pungent e.g. vinegar 7.Putrid e.g. “rotting food”
21 Workshop 4 Stimulating & Soothing the Senses Using Aromatherapy Can you tell us which smell you preferred? Were you surprised about the type of smell you liked best? What did the smell remind you of? What types of smells does the person you care for like?
22 Workshop 5 Music Today we aim to: Provide you with an understanding of the significant role that music plays in triggering memories and emotions Assist you to identify the most effective type of music to use with the person you are caring for Raise your awareness of the different ways of using music and how to do so successfully with the person you are caring for
23 Why? How old? Connection Workshop 5 Music
24 Workshop 6 Creative Activities Today we aim to: Empower you to engage in creative activities with the person who is living with dementia, and Introduce you to a new range of activities which can enrich the daily lives of individuals living with dementia, your lives and that of your families.
25 Workshop 6 Creative Activities “When I was small…” “Looking into the sky, I saw…” “The warmth of the fire reminded me of…” Sentence examples:
26 Workshop 7 Review Session Today we aim to: Review learning and reinforce key messages; and Celebrate with each other
27 Workshop 7 Review Session Indentifying the behaviour Understanding the CAUSE(d), and Determining the best option for responding to the behaviour The problem solving approach involves 3 steps:
28 Workshop 7 Review Session Communication Activity Unwell/Unmet need Story Environment dementia CAUSED Model:
29 Workshop 7 Review Session Reminiscence: Reminiscence is a reflective process that allows us to draw on stored memories and share them with another person. Memories of the past usually remain clearer. Trigger memories by using photos & objects related to the person’s past. Topic starters and prompting questions.
30 Workshop 7 Review Session How Stimulating and soothing the five senses can be an effective way of communicating with the person with dementia and settling their behaviour. “Don’t be attached to the outcome of the activity-it’s the experience, the pleasure and the enjoyment it brings that counts.” Stimulating & Soothing the Senses:
31 Workshop 7 Review Session Music: Music can trigger powerful emotions and memories from our earlier years” …from the first 25 years of their life” Avoid songs/music that appear to cause anxiety or remind the person of traumatic events of the past. Focus on songs/music that remind the person of positive events and trigger positive moods.
32 Workshop 7 Review Session Creative Activities: Being actively creative is good for us. It revives and stirs the brain, gives a sense of achievement and improves wellbeing. If the person is unable to begin alone: Create in a comfortable, safe space… “Make the first mark….” “provide sentence beginnings” Create without judgments “Be willing to try something new”
33 Workshop 7 Review Session Key Messages: Activities should be meaningful and person-centred. Take a problem-solving approach to behaviours… Be flexible, what works today may not work tomorrow. Activities can be used for pleasure and also purpose. Resist corrections or takeovers. “enjoy, have fun…” The experience shared is more important than any object created.
Congratulations on completing the Creative Ways to Care Education and Training Program. 34 Workshop 7 Review Session