HEALTH INFORMATION MANAGEMENT AND INFORMATION SYSTEM (HMIS) DEFINITION: A mechanism for the collection, processing, analysis and transmission of information required for organizing and operating health services, and also for research and training.
Data Data consist of discrete observations of attributes or events that carry little meaning when considered alone.
HMIS may respond to the following: The system should be population based. The system should be problem oriented. The system should employ functional and operational terms e.g. episodes of illness, treatment, regimens, laboratory tests. The system should express information briefly and imaginatively i.e. tables, charts, percentages etc. The system should make provision for the feed back of the data.
Component of HMIS Demography and vital events. Environmental health statistics. Health status. Health resources. Utilization and non-utilization of health services. Out come of medical care. Financial statistics (cost, expenditure) related to the particular objective.
Uses of health information To measure the health status of the people and to quantify their health problems and medical and health care needs. For local, national and international comparison of health status. For planning, administration and effective management of health services and programmers. For assessing whether health services are accomplishing their objectives in terms of their effectiveness and efficiency. For assessing the attitudes and degree of satisfaction of the beneficiaries with the health system. For research into particular problems of health and diseases.