Intelligent integration data and analysis – informing strategic planning for future dementia services Melissa Llano, Information Analyst, ISD Parallel.


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Presentation transcript:

Intelligent integration data and analysis – informing strategic planning for future dementia services Melissa Llano, Information Analyst, ISD Parallel Session D: Care for Older People Faculty of Public Health Conference 7 th Nov 2014

Dementia: the situation  35.6 million people have dementia worldwide; 7.7 million new cases every year.  Scotland estimate 84,575.  Under diagnosed by ~ 50%  Prevalence increases with age

Integrated Resource Framework  Joint program: SG, NHS, COSLA  Evidence-base to support strategic redesign of health and social care services.  Patient level-costed files, currently health only.  Linked health and social care data to examine resource use across and between populations.  Focus on dementia

Partnership analysis  Cases identified via Primary Care registers.  Dementia and non-dementia cohorts 65+.

Pattern of resource use Proportion of health activity expenditure per patient: Cost per capita: £4917Cost per capita: £2417

Dementia Population Projections

Cost projections Prediction is very difficult- especially about the future. Niels Bohr

Further analysis  Health activity cost per capita 65+; 12 months pre & post dementia diagnosis: Total cost per capita: Pre-diagnosis: £4662 Post-diagnosis: £4580

Health & Social care linked analysis: Partnership B  Proportion of health & social care activity expenditure per capita: Cost per capita: health- £11,105, social- £12,446 Cost per capita: health- £3,089. social- £1,538

Health and social care: future development  Continue with dementia analysis and other long-term conditions (comments & ideas welcome).  H&SC linked data to understand activity and resource at population and geographic levels.  On-going work underway using data looking at anticipatory care plans, delayed discharges, high resource cohorts, community ward, etc.  Ensure we make links with stakeholders so people are aware of the potential of data set.

Further Information & Contacts:  Website: and-Services/Health-and-Social-Care-Integration/ and-Services/Health-and-Social-Care-Integration/  Contact: or