Intelligent integration data and analysis – informing strategic planning for future dementia services Melissa Llano, Information Analyst, ISD Parallel Session D: Care for Older People Faculty of Public Health Conference 7 th Nov 2014
Dementia: the situation 35.6 million people have dementia worldwide; 7.7 million new cases every year. Scotland estimate 84,575. Under diagnosed by ~ 50% Prevalence increases with age
Integrated Resource Framework Joint program: SG, NHS, COSLA Evidence-base to support strategic redesign of health and social care services. Patient level-costed files, currently health only. Linked health and social care data to examine resource use across and between populations. Focus on dementia
Partnership analysis Cases identified via Primary Care registers. Dementia and non-dementia cohorts 65+.
Pattern of resource use Proportion of health activity expenditure per patient: Cost per capita: £4917Cost per capita: £2417
Dementia Population Projections
Cost projections Prediction is very difficult- especially about the future. Niels Bohr
Further analysis Health activity cost per capita 65+; 12 months pre & post dementia diagnosis: Total cost per capita: Pre-diagnosis: £4662 Post-diagnosis: £4580
Health & Social care linked analysis: Partnership B Proportion of health & social care activity expenditure per capita: Cost per capita: health- £11,105, social- £12,446 Cost per capita: health- £3,089. social- £1,538
Health and social care: future development Continue with dementia analysis and other long-term conditions (comments & ideas welcome). H&SC linked data to understand activity and resource at population and geographic levels. On-going work underway using data looking at anticipatory care plans, delayed discharges, high resource cohorts, community ward, etc. Ensure we make links with stakeholders so people are aware of the potential of data set.
Further Information & Contacts: Website: and-Services/Health-and-Social-Care-Integration/ and-Services/Health-and-Social-Care-Integration/ Contact: or