CMPF124:Basics Skills for Knowledge Workers Overview of other Windows Software
Solitaire Several games included in the Windows package are used to familiarize the user with some of the Windows concept such as drag and drop, right-click and double-click. Solitaire is the American name given to a number of card games that can be played by one person. The English name the game is Patience. When the game is opened, the first hand is already dealt. To deal a new game, choose Game ->Deal. To turn cards from the deck, click the deck; to move a card or a stack of card, drag it.
Minesweeper In this game the player has to deal with deduction and logic. The objective is to uncover all the squares in a minefield that don’t contain mines and to mark the squares that do contain mines as quickly as possible.
Address Book The Address Book is easy to use. It can keep track of phone numbers, s addresses, house addresses and other things important about a contact.
Calculator Calculator is used to make calculations. There are two type of calculator view. It can be either standard view to do simple calculations, or in scientific view to do advanced scientific and statistical calculations.
Notepad Any kind of text-based document can be opened and changed in Notepad. Advanced computer users often use Notepad to make text-based changes to Windows configuration. Notepad enables the users to open, create and save text files. Notepad allows its user to perform cut and paste operation and choose the desired font. It also has a search menu to find words or phrases within the text document. The disadvantage of Notepad is that it cannot support any formatting function.
WordPad WordPad is more like a word processing application, like Microsoft Word. However, WordPad does not contain the functionality that most of the major word processing applications do. Text can be created and edited just like in Notepad, but then WordPad has extra features that are text formatting and font formatting.
Accessories -> Communication It provides the user with a drop-down menu in which a variety of different communications tools are present. This menu can be used to access Hyper Terminal, Network Connections, Wireless Internet Connection, Remote Desktop Connection, NetMeeting and so forth.
Windows Media Player Windows Media Player allows the user to listen to the downloaded music, Internet radio and also video. There are Stop, Play, Pause, Fast Forward and Rewind button. There is also a volume controller inside the Window Media Player so that the user can control the volume of the file they are playing.
Sound Recorder Sound recorder gives the user a little utility with which to record voices or other sound using a microphone attached to the computer. Click on the record button to start recording, and save the file when the recording is done