ISS-AliEn and ISS-gLite Adrian Sevcenco RO-LCG 2011 WORKSHOP Applications of Grid Technology and High Performance Computing in Advanced Research.


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Presentation transcript:

ISS-AliEn and ISS-gLite Adrian Sevcenco RO-LCG 2011 WORKSHOP Applications of Grid Technology and High Performance Computing in Advanced Research

Main directions for R & D activity Space physics: –cosmic rays, –High Energy Physics –nuclear astrophysics and particles –space plasma and magnetometry Cosmology General theoretical and mathematical physics Gravitation and Microgravitation Space technology: – engineering for space research and applications

ISS Computing Facilities AliEn cluster – ALICE dedicated cluster gLite cluster – gLite middleware cluster; VO ALICE so far RoSpaceGrid cluster – Space Plasma and Magnetometry Group (GPSM) - ISS PlanckGrid cluster -

392 CPU 740 GB memory 140 TB storage space  30% of total Romanian Tier 2 Federation  2% of ALICE computing (last 1 year period) ISS COMPUTING FACILITIES

ISS-AliEn 1 year cluster activity



Storage status

RoSpaceGRID - PECS-ESA Romanian GRID middelware repository for Space Science Applications The RoSpaceGRID framework is an implementation of GRID which consists of clusters, labs with distributed computing resources all around the world, where computer activities can be submitted for scheduled execution. The RoSpaceGRID is deployed in Institute of Space Science (ISS) for PLANCK, CLUSTER II and VENUS EXPRESS space missions. This project will be established for the benefit and in cooperation with the scientific community of the three missions mentioned above. R&D GRID

Future developments Main data traffic : WNs local storage Change local network infrastructure to 10 GigE (dec 2011 – jan 2012)

CUDA parallel computing Compute Unified Device Architecture ­ NVIDIA General purpose parallel computing for GPU Requirements: ISA(Instruction Set Architecture) NV driver CUDA Toolkit (CUDA SDK)

CUDA parallel computing Execution Model

CUDA parallel computing Performance optimizations Expose as much parallelism as possible Optimize memory usage to achieve maximum memory throughput Optimize instruction usage to achieve maximum instruction throughput Maximize occupancy to hide latency

Promising Future New building: National Center for Space Science and Technology Description: Basement - Data Center, CleanRoom, Utilities 1 st floor – Electronic lab 2 nd,3 rd floors-Offices Technological Roof –telescopes, satellites antenna, space science experiments Status: construction

Promising Future (up to 2012) Basement level Data Center Infrastructure: Redundant 2xUPS 250 KVA Redundant cooling system Generator 650KVA Computing Facilities: 2000 core - ALICE (AliEn +WLCG) 1000 core – ESA Missions 500 core - IAF (ISS Analysis Facility) 250 core - new VO’s (Antares,etc) 100 core -R&D GRID (testing new GRID technologies, spin-off, etc) Storage: 600 TB –ALICE 250TB –ESA Missions 100 TB –IAF 150 TB –new VO’s

Thank you for your attention!

Promising Future New building: National Center for Space Science and Technology Description: Basement - Data Center, CleanRoom, Utilities 1 st floor – Electronic lab 2 nd,3 rd floors-Offices Technological Roof –telescopes, satellites antenna, space science experiments Status: construction

Promising Future (up to 2012) Basement level Data Center Infrastructure: Redundant 2xUPS 250 KVA Redundant cooling system Generator 650KVA Computing Facilities: 2000 core - ALICE (AliEn +WLCG) 1000 core – ESA Missions 500 core - IAF (ISS Analysis Facility) 250 core - new VO’s (Antares,etc) 100 core -R&D GRID (testing new GRID technologies, spin-off, etc) Storage: 600 TB –ALICE 250TB –ESA Missions 100 TB –IAF 150 TB –new VO’s

Thank you for your attention!