Calculator functions 1 WRAP 0966B
Calculator functions in WRAP Different calculation functions in different dialogues Geographical calculations General radio calculations Minimum separation calculations Transmitter, receiver and antenna calculations 2 WRAP 0966B
Geographical calculations Conversion of co-ordinates between geographical datums Distance and bearing between two points Free space loss between two points Roughness 3 WRAP 0966B
Geographical calculations Roughness is defined as the inter-decile height 4 WRAP 0966B
Map Viewer Area of a circle or polygon Length and bearing of line Distance and bearing between points 5 WRAP 0966B
Radio calculations Unit conversion, Basic radio propagation, Traffic and Cable calculator functions 6 WRAP 0966B User defined table
Radio calculations, cont’d Effective Earth radius factor according to COST WRAP 0966B
Radio calculations, cont’d Traffic capacity calculations according to the Erlang B and Erlang C formulas Grade of Service, No of channels, calls per hour or holding time is calculated For Erlang C waiting time and probability of delay is also calculated Cable attenuation for different cable lengths and frequencies Cable data in WRAPdB 8 WRAP 0966B
Minimum separation calculations Calculates minimum frequency separation between transmitting and receiving station Transmitter spectrum and receiver selectivity are taken into account Any propagation model can be used 9 WRAP 0966B
Minimum separation calculations Calculates minimum distance between transmitting and receiving station Transmitter spectrum and receiver selectivity are taken into account Only terrain independent propagation models 10 WRAP 0966B
Minimum separation calculations Iterates until the following expression is fulfilled 11 WRAP 0966B
Transmitter calculations Occupied bandwidth, (Power above and below frequency limits equal to /2 of total power) Transmitted power (Power within frequency limits) 12 WRAP 0966B
Transmitter calculations Generation of modulation spectrum –AM and FM assumed to be Gaussian –M-ary PSK and M-ary QAM with raised cosine roll-off filter –MSK –GMSK 13 WRAP 0966B
Receiver calculations Intercept point Intermodulation level Noise and sensitivity 14 WRAP 0966B
Antenna calculations Conversion between antenna gain, lobe width, diameter and frequency Conversion between the units dBi, dBd and dBv 15 WRAP 0966B
Satellite calculations Azimuth, elevation and distance between earth station and satellite Satellite visibility check Visibility of the geostationary orbit Antenna noise (according to ITU-R SA.1017) 16 WRAP 0966B