LCFG overview and future Michael George University of Liverpool
Before I start For more complete information see or contact Alexander Holt Paul Anderson
Overview of LCFG Configuration of large scale, diverse, dynamically changing systems Config of entire site held in source files on central server Profile constructed for each machine Utilise inheritance Based on RPM lists, key-value pairs
Overview of LCFG Profiles published on web server Clients can be automatically notified of changes Each client runs The updaterpms program Component scripts (similar to /etc/init.d)
Installation of an LCFG server Custom install Red Hat 6.2 including NFS, web server Install LCFG RPMs and directory tree Configure web server Populate RPM repositories Make root filesystem available over NFS Configure DHCP server Create client profiles
Installation of an LCFG client Boot from floppy DHCP server specifies additional options install server NFS-exports linux root filesystem to node for installation profile server makes profiles available via http RPM server NFS-exports RPM directories
Current Datagrid LCFG version DHCP server must also be the install server Current documentation assumes all servers are one machine agrid/wp4/installation/doc agrid/wp4/installation/doc
Why use LCFG at testbeds? Installation of first machine clearly more difficult than using kickstart. But… Subsequent machines should be straightfoward (see Steve Traylens talk tomorrow) Dynamic nature of GRID development could be handled well, ensuring inter- testbed compatability
LCFG future Better configuration of Globus, etc. Enhancements to low level machinery (monitoring config state, scheduling…) New high level config language (including proper abstractions) Red Hat 6.2, 7.1 and 7.2 Other unixes
LCFG future Once installation complete at Liverpool… I am willing to help other testbed sites