Parents’ Forum Summer 2015
Create a positive climate with realistic expectations. Emphasise the importance of being valued as an individual within the group. Promote, through example, honesty, respect and courtesy. Provide a caring and effective learning environment. Encourage relationships based on kindness, respect and understanding of the needs of others. Ensure fair treatment for all regardless of age, gender, race, ability and disability. Show appreciation of the efforts and contribution of all. Standards of Behaviour
BEHAVIOUR CODE As well as each class being responsible for setting their own list of positive rules at the beginning of the Autumn Term, for a happy classroom, we also have a behaviour code which are our ‘Golden Rules’ displayed in all classrooms which encompass the following values: Have respect for the Christian values of this community Have respect for yourself Have respect for those around you Have respect for property and the environment Have respect for the safety and everything in this school
Codes EXAMPLE OF EACH CODE CODE 1 Strategies developed within the classroom. Examples of things to say or do include: Telling the child quietly/politely that the procedure has begun. Saying “Please stop – this is a warning.” Writing the child’s name on the board/ putting name on ‘cloud’ or traffic light depending on system used in class. Inappropriate swinging on chairs Calling out inappropriately Silly noises Not listening Interfering with peers Talking in class whilst the teacher is talking Forgetting to bring PE kit, HW/ reading book (KS 2) CODE 2 Child is moved to another area within the classroom (chair, table, ‘time out’ space) and told “This behaviour is unacceptable- Morning play is missed.. Repeating above after receiving ‘Code 1’ Being unkind Running in the building Name calling Unacceptable standard of work CODE 3 Child is sent to foster class and told: “This behaviour is unacceptable. Your parents/carers will be told at the end of the day. Here is the work I expect to be done.” Child will be sent with a message form to receiving teacher and if necessary, accompanied by another child or adult. Child remains out of class for one session. If work is not done, teacher collects child and ensures work is done at break-time. Class teacher telephones parents/carers at the end of the school day or, if this is not possible, sends child home with a Code 3 letter. If a child receives a total of 5 Code 1’s and/or Code 2’s within half a term he/she is given a Code 3. Morning and lunch play is missed. Repeating above after receiving ‘Code 2’ Ignoring adults Answering back to adult Disrespect Throwing food Unsafe behaviour Not telling the truth Persistent name calling CODE 4 Children who get to Code 4 because of an isolated serious incident or because they have not responded at Code 3 and are still choosing not to try and manage their own behaviour, will be sent to the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher. They may be required to be supervised throughout their lunchtime break. The child’s name is written in their class incident book and the parent will be told what has happened by telephone or in a letter. If a child receives three Code 4’s in one term this will normally result in automatic one day exclusion. This does not affect the Headteacher’s right to take immediate action in the case of any serious incident. Five morning and lunch plays are missed. Unsafe behaviour Violent behaviour Abusive Swearing Fighting Stealing Graffiti Deliberate damage of property
CODE 1 Strategies developed within the classroom. Examples of things to say or do include: Telling the child quietly/politely that the procedure has begun. Saying “Please stop – this is a warning.” Writing the child’s name on the board/ putting name on ‘cloud’ or traffic light depending on system used in class. Inappropriate swinging on chairs Calling out inappropriately Silly noises Not listening Interfering with peers Talking in class whilst the teacher is talking Forgetting to bring PE kit, HW/ reading book (KS 1/2)
CODE 2 Child is moved to another area within the classroom (chair, table, ‘time out’ space) and told “This behaviour is unacceptable- Morning play is missed.. Repeating above after receiving ‘Code 1’ Being unkind Name calling Unacceptable standard of work
CODE 3 Child is sent to foster class and told: “This behaviour is unacceptable. Your parents/carers will be told at the end of the day. Here is the work I expect to be done.” Child will be sent with a message form to receiving teacher and if necessary, accompanied by another child or adult. Child remains out of class for one session. If work is not done, teacher collects child and ensures work is done at break-time. Class teacher telephones parents/carers at the end of the school day or, if this is not possible, sends child home with a Code 3 letter. If a child receives a total of 5 Code 1’s and/or Code 2’s within half a term he/she is given a Code 3. Morning and lunch play is missed. Repeating above after receiving ‘Code 2’ Ignoring adults Answering back to adult Disrespect Throwing food Unsafe behaviour Not telling the truth Persistent name calling
CODE 4 Children who get to Code 4 because of an isolated serious incident or because they have not responded at Code 3 and are still choosing not to try and manage their own behaviour, will be sent to the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher. They may be required to be supervised throughout their lunchtime break. The child’s name is written in their class incident book and the parent will be told what has happened by telephone or in a letter. If a child receives three Code 4’s in one term this will normally result in automatic one day exclusion. This does not affect the Headteacher’s right to take immediate action in the case of any serious incident. Five morning and lunch plays are missed. Unsafe behaviour Violent behaviour Abusive Swearing Fighting Stealing Graffiti Deliberate damage of property
content/uploads/2014/10/Parent-Quick- Start.pdf
Swimming House Swimming Gala Autumn Term: Year 5 Catch Up/ Sacred Heart Award and Year 2 Spring Term: Year 3 and Year 4 Summer Term 1:Year 1 and Catch Up Summer Term 2: Year 1 and Year 6 Safety