Welcome to Back-to-School Night Fifth Grade – Room 206 Mrs. Haila Mirto
Important Information School begins: 8:55 a.m. Lunch 12:20-1:05 p.m. Afternoon Movement: 2:15- 2:30 p.m. Dismissal: 3:40 p.m.
We like to Move It Move It! Students must wear sneakers on PE days, but should bring them for morning movement every day. (Check planners for written reminders of PE days) Whole School movement is every Friday morning, rain or shine! Classroom movement daily, see me if you’d like to help!
Student Expectations Come to class and be on time. Complete class work on time. Do all your homework and bring it to school with you each day. Bring all necessary materials to class.* Be an active learner- participate! Respect others. Read 30+ minutes every night.
Best Practices in Literacy Instruction Did you know? –Children who read on grade level by the end of 5 th grade are statistically more successful in school, work, and in life. –Performance levels on national assessments show a widening achievement gap between students of diverse backgrounds.
Homework Homework is posted each and every afternoon. Students are responsible for copying assignments into their planners. Assignments and notices are handed to students. Students have been instructed to make sure they have everything before they leave. Homework is due the next day unless otherwise directed.
Conferences & Report Cards Report Card Available on IC: December 4, 2015 March 11, 2016 May 25, 2016 Parent -Teacher Conference Dates: Oct. 7,13 th,14 th, 16th (Fall) Feb. 3 rd, 9 th, 11 th (Spring) –Reminders will go out in Thursday Folders the week before scheduled conference
Important Parent Info Anyone interested in being the PTO classroom parent? Anyone not receiving s? Materials Fee is very helpful and strongly encouraged
Other Important Information When sending money into school, place in an envelope with your child’s name, class (5M), amount enclosed, and what the money is for. If you have a planned absence please let me know as soon as possible, this way I can get a homework packet ready for your student. I love communication! If you have any questions or comments, or feel like you haven’t heard from me in a while, please feel free to and I would be happy to help!