THE PROGRAMME OF MEASURES IN PRACTICE Case study Some elements were picked from "Scoping and testing key elements of the economic analysis for the WFD",


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Presentation transcript:

THE PROGRAMME OF MEASURES IN PRACTICE Case study Some elements were picked from "Scoping and testing key elements of the economic analysis for the WFD", Ministry of the Environment, Government of Navarra, Spain, 2002

Programme of measures l Formal definitions in the directive  art. 11: definition  annex VI: list of measures l Contents of the programme  requirement: take account of the results of analysis required under art.5 (characterisation, economic analysis) in order to achieve good status (art. 4)  at least basic measures: comply with all existing European and national legislationbasic measures  supplementary measures when necessary: all other actions needed to achieve the goal (legislative, administrative, economic…) supplementary measures THE PROGRAMME OF MEASURES UNDER WFD 2/10 Use of economic analyses to ensure that the programme combines the most cost- effective possible measures

Programme of measures FLOW CHART OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROGRAMME OF MEASURES 3/10 Basic measures Supplementary measures E Economic input Choose the most cost- effective measures E Combine all measures Assess their impact E Programme of measures Characterisation of the district Basic measures will suffice Basic measures will not suffice yes no Is GES likely to be achieved in 2015? Define supplementary measures Assess their cost- effectiveness yes Choose the most cost- effective measures E Choose the most cost- beneficial measures Go for a derogation E Are the costs disproportionate? no E

Programme of measures DEROGATION IN PRACTICE Source: Ministry of the environment, Québec, Canada Basic measures Supplementary measures 4/10

Programme of measures BASIC MEASURES E.g. drinking water directive (98/83): nitrates < 50mg/l; pesticides < 10µg/l Measures required for the implementation of directives What possible measures to comply with these norms? Preventive Co-operative agreements with farmers: change in cultivation methods around abstraction points (grasslands, no chemicals, no manure spreading…) vs. compensation Curative New treatment facilities: denitrification, filtration 5/10

Programme of measures SELECTION OF BASIC MEASURES: COST-EFFECTIVENESS ANALYSIS Which measure could best achieve compliance with directive at the lowest cost? Associated benefits of preventive measures may also be considered: improvement of raw water quality, potential better protection v. floods, farmers' awareness... 6/10

Programme of measures SUPPLEMENTARY MEASURES Measures required to fill the gap in water quality between the result of business-as-usual evolution and GES E.g. given existing uses and their likely evolution, it is necessary to increase the water flow of a river (+50l/sec.) to reach GES What possible measures for improving the water flow? M1. Reduce water demand A- Water Saving Programme (WSP) in the agriculture sector:  reduce the demand  implement more efficient technologies  … B- Water saving programme (WSP) in the urban sector M2. Increase the efficiency of the water distribution networks A- In urban areas B- In rural areas M3. Import water from another basin 7/10

Programme of measures Goal: +50l/second to achieve GES Source of the original table: "Scoping and testing key elements of the economic analysis for the WFD", Ministry of the Environment, Government of Navarra, Spain, 2002 SELECTION OF SUPPLEMENTARY MEASURES: COST-EFFECTIVENESS ANALYSIS Which measures could ensure the greatest increase in water flow at the lowest cost? 8/10 Ranking may change depending on the indicator  choose it carefully

Programme of measures WHAT IF COSTS ARE JUDGED TO BE DISPROPORTIONATE? l Disproportion of costs opens the floor to derogation:  extended deadline if phased achievement of measures allows to reach GES under acceptable conditions (costs…)  less stringent objective if phased achievement doesn't suffice l Carry out a cost-benefit analysis and take account of:  social and environmental benefits  uncertainty of data (environmental costs…) and potential impact on global results l Adjust the programme of measures 9/10

Programme of measures ASSESSMENT OF THE IMPACT OF THE PROGRAMME OF MEASURES What are socio-economic impacts?  E.g. direct/indirect impacts of change in irrigation patterns generates more added-value for farmers: increased crop yields and reduced water consumption demand less manpower. What impact on employment? What impact on water pricing?  to be compared with ability to pay are cost-effectiveness analyses still valid? is it necessary to redefine some measures? basic measure supplement. measure Combine the selected best measures to construct the programme of measures Don't forget accompanying measures: administrative, financial, technical... 10/10

Programme of measures GO FURTHER l Basic measures in WFD l Comments of the suggested basic measures in the case study l Supplementary measures in WFD

Programme of measures BASIC MEASURES IN WFD ANNEX VI Measures required under the following Directives: (i) The Bathing Water Directive (76/160/EEC) (ii) The Birds Directive (79/409/EEC) (iii) The Drinking Water Directive (80/778/EEC) as amended by Directive (98/83/EC) (iv) The Major Accidents (Seveso) Directive (96/82/EC) (v) The Environmental Impact Assessment Directive (85/337/EEC) (vi) The Sewage Sludge Directive (86/278/EEC) (vii) The Urban Waste-water Treatment Directive (91/271/EEC) (viii)The Plant Protection Products Directive (91/414/EEC) (ix) The Nitrates Directive (91/676/EEC) (x) The Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) (xi) The Integrated Pollution Prevention Control Directive (96/61/EC)

Programme of measures COMMENTS ON SUGGESTED BASIC MEASURES Preventive measures  source of data: cooperative agreements in the German Bundesland Hesse  description: nitrates reduction in the soil of 20 to 60kg N/ha achieved through the agreement  cost of the measure may decrease over time as farmers progressively adopt more environment-friendly cultivation methods  agreements may also include non financial compensations. E.g. training for farmers on how to use fertilisers better. This will generate savings for drinking water suppliers and higher crop yields for farmers. Curative measures  source of data: examples in Denmark and France  description: investment and operating costs of treatment facilities: 0,20 to 0,22€/m 3 for denitrification (DK - F); 0,06€/m 3 for pesticides (F)  as pressure on raw water keeps increasing, it may become unsuitable for the production of drinking water

Programme of measures SUPPLEMENTARY MEASURES IN WFD ANNEX VI The following is a non-exclusive list of supplementary measures which Member States within each river basin district may choose to adopt as part of the programme of measures required under Article 11(4): (i) legislative instruments (ii) administrative instruments (iii) economic or fiscal instruments (iv) negotiated environmental agreements (v) emission controls (vi) codes of good practice (vii) recreation and restoration of wetlands areas (viii) abstraction controls (ix) demand management measures, inter alia, promotion of adapted agricultural production such as low water requiring crops in areas affected by drought (x) efficiency and reuse measures, inter alia, promotion of water-efficient technologies in industry and water-saving irrigation techniques (xi) construction projects (xii) desalination plants (xiii) rehabilitation projects (xiv) artificial recharge of aquifers (xv) educational projects (xvi) research, development and demonstration projects (xvii) other relevant measures