Government of Madhya Pradesh 1 Annual Work Plan & Budget (Madhya Pradesh) Government of Madhya Pradesh Panchayat & Rural Development Deptt.
Government of Madhya Pradesh 2 Demographic Profile Districts - 50Districts - 50 Blocks - 313Blocks Tribal Blocks - 89Tribal Blocks - 89 Municipal Corporation - 14Municipal Corporation - 14 Municipalities - 96Municipalities - 96 Villages - 52,117Villages - 52,117 Nagar Panchayat - 248Nagar Panchayat Gram Panchayat Gram Panchayat
Government of Madhya Pradesh 3 Demographic Profile INDICATORSM.P.India Area (In sq. km)3,08,245 (9.38% of India’s total area) 32,87,263 Population (Census 2001)6,03,85,118 (5.88% of India’s population) Urban Rural ,027,015,247 Urban - 285,354,954 Rural - 741,660,293 Population Below Poverty line (%)37.43 Population growth rate ( ) Urban Growth Rural Growth % 22.02% Population density Urban population26.46%27.82% Scheduled Castes Population91, 55,000 (15.17%)16, 65, 76,000 (16.20%) Scheduled Tribes Population12,233,000 (20.27)8,31,88,235 (8.20%) Per Capita IncomeRs Rs
Government of Madhya Pradesh 4 Literacy Rate Present state literacy rate % close to the national literacy rate of 64.8% female literacy has considerably improved over the last decade disparity persists in the literacy rates of males and females female LR – 50.3% male LR – 76.8%
Government of Madhya Pradesh 5 No. of institutions running MDM in M.P. year S.N.SCHOOL FACILITIESNUMBERS 1Government Primary schools Aided Primary schools (Private) Madarsa registered in Madarsa Board (primary Schools) AIE /EGS Centers Government Upper Primary schools Aided Upper Primary schools (Private)331 7 Madarsa registered in Madarsa Board (upper primary Schools) 177 Total112510
Government of Madhya Pradesh 6 Enrolment in Primary Schools year GenderCategory SCSTOBCMinorityGeneralTotal Boys Girls Total (As on ) GenderCategory SCSTOBCMinorityGeneralTotal Boys Girls Total Enrolment in Primary Schools year Excluding unaided private schools and unrecognized Madarsa (As on )
Government of Madhya Pradesh 7 GenderCategory SCSTOBCMinorityGeneralTotal Boys Girls Total Enrolment in upper primary Schools year (As on ) GenderCategory SCSTOBCMinorityGeneralTotal Boys Girls Total (As on ) Enrolment in upper primary Schools year Excluding unaided private schools and unrecognized Madarsa
Government of Madhya Pradesh 8 Appropriate arrangements developed between FCI & SHGs/ PTAs to ensure timely lifting and transportation of foodgrain FCI Depot (39) MP Sate Civil Supplies Corporation District centre (186) Lead Society (369) Fare Price Shop (20476) - (Link Society-5776) SHGs / PTAs Foodgrain : Flow Chart & Transport Subsidy Rs. 38 per qu. Rs. 23 per qu. Rs. 9 per qu. Rs. 5 per qu.
Government of Madhya Pradesh 9 District Collector reallocates foodgrain by issuing blockwise Quarterly Allocation Order (QAO) in favour of Chairman, SHGs/PTAs Reallocation of foodgrain on the basis of enrollment and average attendance Along with QAO Collector also issues 3 separate monthly foodgrain Release Order (RO) to SHGs/PTAs SHGs/PTAs lifts the foodgrain from FPS on the basis of RO Record & Registers maintained by SHGs/PTAs with respect to foodgrain received & utilised, which is regularly inspected & monitored by District & Block level Officers Foodgrains - Mode of Release
Government of Madhya Pradesh 10 The status of lifting and utilization of foodgrains year (April 09 to Dec. 09) Primary Schools FoodgrainAllocation for the year Opening Balance as on LiftedUtilizedBalance as on % Utilisation Rice Wheat Total (Quantity in MTs.) FoodgrainsAllocation for the year Opening Balance as on LiftedUtilizedBalance as on % Utilisati on Rice Wheat Total Upper Primary Schools (Quantity in MTs.)
Government of Madhya Pradesh 11 System for Release of Cooking Cost (Central share) Central Assistance Government of India State Fund Permission of State Finance Department (In Accordance with Provision in the Budget) Withdrawal by P&RD Release to Zila Panchayat (CBS System) Releases to SHGs/PTAs A/c by Cheque/DD
Government of Madhya Pradesh 12 System for release of Cooking Cost (State share) State Share Provision in the Budget of Concerned Department Releases by the Concerned Department to their District unit P&RDUrban Development Tribal Welfare Releases to SHGs / PTAs A/c by Cheque/DD Zila Panchayat
Government of Madhya Pradesh 13 Utilization of Central Assistance (April 09 to Dec. 09) No. Component of Central Assistance Central Assistance Received during financial year Provisions made in the State Budget (F.Y ) for reimbursement of central assistance Expenditure as on Cooking cost (Primary schools) Cooking cost (Upper primary schools) Utensils (Primary Schools) MME (Primary & upper primary Schools) Transportation cost (Primary & upper primary schools) Total (Rs. in crore)
Government of Madhya Pradesh 14 Utilization of Cooking cost (State Share) (April 09 to Dec. 09) No. Component of State Assistance Budget provision for State contribution Opening balance as on Fund provided to districts Expenditure 1. Cooking cost (Primary schools) Cooking cost (Upper primary schools) Total (Rs. in crore)
Government of Madhya Pradesh 15 Status of Kitchen-shed Construction (GoI assistance) Primary and Upper primary Schools GoI provided Rs crore for KS in schools upto 31st December, Rs crore utilised for construction of KS upto 28 February Remaining KS in schools are under construction with an expenditure of Rs crore. State Government has unspent balance is Rs crore for 2067 upper primary kitchen sheds.
Government of Madhya Pradesh 16 Status of Kitchen-shed Construction (Other programme) Through convergence of SGRY, Rashtriya Sum Vikas Yojna, Backward Grant Region Fund (BRGF), funds from finance commission. The status of construction of KS out of these funds during to is as given below :- (Rs. in crore) CompletedIn progressTotal AchievementYet to be started PhysicalFinancialPhysicalFinancialPhysicalFinancialPhysical Financial
Government of Madhya Pradesh 17 Status of Procurement of Kitchen Devices (GoI Assistance) Primary & Upper Primary Schools GoI provided Rs crore for procurement of cooking equipments/kitchen devices in primary and Upper Primary schools upto till date. Rs crore has been utilised and procurement of cooking equipments/kitchen devices is completed in primary and Upper Primary schools upto 31st December, Procurement in remaining schools are under progress State Government provided Rs crore for 8735 upper primary schools for procurement of kitchen devices in the year Rs crore has been utilized for 5521 schools.
Government of Madhya Pradesh 18 Status of Procurement of Kitchen Devices (Other Sources) State Budget of Tribal Welfare Department, School Contingency Fund and Community Contribution have been utilised. The status of procurement of kitchen devices/serving utensils during to is as given below :-. (Rs. in crore) CompletedIn progressTotal AchievementYet to be started PhysicalFinancialPhysicalFinancialPhysicalFinancialPhysicalFinancial
Government of Madhya Pradesh 19 MME Utilisation ( April 09 to Dec. 09 ) *Alloca tion Total Expen diture School level Expenditure Management Expenditure External Monitoring and Evaluation Transport Assistance Utilisation AllocationTotal Expenditure (Rs. In Crore) * Drought assistance Rs crore included in Rs crore.
Government of Madhya Pradesh 20 Drought affected areas (May-June 2009) NoNo Level Distri cts TehsilsTargetPerformance DaysStudentsDaysStudnets 1 Primary U.Primary Total NoLevelCooking Cost (Target)Cooking Cost (Performance) CentralStateTotalCentralStateTotal 1 Primary U.Primary Total NoLevel Allocation of Foodgrains (in MTs.) Utilization of foodgrains (in MTs.) 1 Primary U.Primary Total Drought - Foodgains Drought - Cooking Cost (in crore)
Government of Madhya Pradesh 21 Capacity Building and Training Training of MDM cell of all districts regarding various aspects of management of MDM Training of Women SHGs through convergence with SGSY. Training of PTAs members in all districts regarding various aspects of management of MDM
Government of Madhya Pradesh 22 Intensive Monthly supervision by Cluster resource Coordinator in respective area Compilation of report by Block Resource Coordinator Compilation & assessment of report by District Programme Coordinator & CEO, Zila Panchayat Submission of report to District Collector & copy sent to State level Corrective measures taken MIS for Monitoring & Supervision
Government of Madhya Pradesh 23 Systems to ensure transparency and openness Records & registers are maintained by SHGs and PTAs with respect to foodgrains received and utilised, which is regularly inspected & monitored by block and district level officers. Cooking cost is directly released in the account of SHGs./PTAs The cash book and purchase register are regularly maintained by the implementation agency. Self Helf Group (SHGs) or Parent-Teacher Association (PTAs) under supervision of Gram Panchayat are responsible for implementation of MDM at School level. They ensures transparency and openness in their responsibilities. Nagrik Toll Free No established in state level for district suggestion and complaints - corrective measures taken by State level.
Government of Madhya Pradesh 24 Systems to ensure transparency and openness The weekly menu of cooked food has been painted on the wall of schools. For procurement of cooking utensils, decentralised system has been adopted. For construction of kitchen sheds funds are being released to Gram Panchayat from district level. The supervision is done by Civil Engineers of Rural Engineering Service wing of Rural Development Department.
Government of Madhya Pradesh 25 Details of evaluation studies Quarterly evaluation studies have been conducted by DIETs. Major finding of DIETs evaluation is given below :- Mid Day Meal is a first meal for most of the enrolled children. All enrolled children are utilizing the service of Mid Day Meal. This Scheme is playing are crucial role in reducing school dropouts. Almost 75% of stakeholders responded that after the initiation of scheme, the dropout of children has tapered to some extent, which is highly encouraging. MDM is implemented by the SHGs in about 95% Rural schools, So this scheme has given economical assistance to the poor women.
Government of Madhya Pradesh 26 Details of evaluation studies The scheme is playing a significant role in bringing social equity in some extent as children have learn to sit together and share a common meal. It has also bypassed caste prejudices and reduced class inequity to some extent. The scheme besides reducing the gender gap in education has boosted Girls school attendance more than their counterparts.
Government of Madhya Pradesh 27 Best practices followed in the state In Rural area of Madhya Pradesh the SHGs of poor women have been appointed at school level for overall implementation of MDM. weekly menu has been designed to change the taste. For procurement of cooking utensils, decentralised system has been adopted. For construction of kitchen sheds funds are being released to Gram Panchayat. School Teachers gives attendance to SHGs before one day. Convergence with other scheme - Shanjha Chulha Provision of tasted food by School Teachers on rotation basis before the food is served to the children. PTAs, Sarpanch and mother of the enrolled student are Playing effective role in the monitoring.
Government of Madhya Pradesh 28 Steps taken to strengthen Monitoring Monitoring system in place to maintain strict vigil on quality, quantity & regularity of the program Roster developed for District/Sub Divisional/Block level officers of concerned Dept.s for supervision per month in the schools. They submit report to Collector through CEO, ZP. Rigorous monitoring by Cluster Resource Coordinator in their work area at lease once in a month. Review of reports by District & Block level Steering cum Monitoring Committee. At district level one Task Manager and 2 Quality Monitor have been appointed for exclusive monitoring and they visit Schools at least 20 days in each month.
Government of Madhya Pradesh 29 SHGs Model for Implementation at School Levels Priority to SHGs of SC/ST, BPL & Mothers of Student studying in school. Selection of SHGs by Gram Panchayat and appointment by CEO, Janpad Panchayat MoU signed with each SHG clearly defining their responsibilities Financial assistance from SGSY, DPIP & other related schemes for capacity building So far SHGs have been linked
Government of Madhya Pradesh 30 Partnership at school level or cluster of schools Preference given to agencies registered as Society/Cooperative Society/ Trust/ Company with relevant experience in the field of nutrition and primary education Responsibility of selection of NGOs - District Collector Bhopal, Jabalpur, Indore – Nandi Foundation Ujjain – ISCON Gwalior – Sadhna Mahila Mandal Partnership with NGOs
Government of Madhya Pradesh 31 Overall assessment and impact assessment & weakness of the programme The scheme has facilitated in retention of students in the schools for a long a period. The scheme has played a crucial role in reducing school dropouts, especially among girls. Mid Day Meal scheme has played a significant role in bringing social equity. The mid day meal also served as a crucial ingredient for enhancing food security of the child in tribal belt of Madhya Pradesh.
Government of Madhya Pradesh 32 Requirement of Central Assistance for S.No.Components Amount Admissible (Rs in Crore) Primary School 1 Cooking Cost Fund for Foodgrains Transportation Cost12.50 Total Upper Primary School 1 Cooking Cost Fund for Foodgrains Transportation Cost7.34 Total Cook cum Helper Kitchen Sheds cum Store Room32.89 Total Grand Total913.12
Government of Madhya Pradesh 33 Work Plan of Primary Anticipated number of school days – 240 Number of children as on – Requirement of Food grains – MTs Wheat MTs Rice MTs Upper Primary Anticipated number of school days – 240 Number of children as on – Requirement of Foodgrains – MTs Wheat MTs Rice MTs
Government of Madhya Pradesh 34 Requirement of Central Assistance for in the drought affected areas
Government of Madhya Pradesh 35 The Government of India has directed provide micronutrients in MDM program. But, convergence with NRHM is proving to be difficult. So, it is suggested that entire cost of micro nutrients (Rs crore) can be released as a part of AWP of MDM Program. At School level one supervisor should be appointed for intensive regularly monitoring of MDM. At School level audit fund should be provided for implementation agency. Suggestion about various components of Mid Day Meal Programme
Government of Madhya Pradesh 36