SCEK Fund Forum Reclamation & Impact Management
Prosperity Through Unity Research Project – Research Trial Plots Prosperity Through Unity Research Project – Road Map for Quantifying and Mitigating Potential Timber Supply (AAC) Implications of Oil and Gas Activity in British Columbia Certificate of Restoration (COR) Pilot Project Reclamation & Impact Management
The aim of the trial plots is to evaluate reclamation techniques for achieving alternative end land-use objectives The end land-use objectives the trial plots focus on include: reforestation, wildlife habitat, and traditional uses These techniques are intended for use in mitigating past impacts where alternative end land-use treatments may be more suitable than grass/legume seeding Prosperity Through Unity Trial Plots
Rip Untreated - Mulch Research Trial Plots - 10 sites with range of soil types and moisture regimes types and moisture regimes - 20m x 20m treatment plots with various treatments with various treatments
Research Trial Plots Trees - White Spruce, Lodgepole Pine - Black Spruce, Tamarack Shrubs - Willow, Aspen, Hybrid Poplar - Elderberry, Red-Osier Dogwood, and Rose and Rose Rip + Mulch Rip + Mulch Mixed Sx & Pl on Rip + Mulch
Research Trial Plots - Other select species and techniques will be implemented techniques will be implemented from the Healing the Land – An from the Healing the Land – An Elders Perspective site visits Elders Perspective site visits Untreated - Brushmats Untreated (Control) Sx & Pl on Mulch
Road Map to Mitigating Oil and Gas Activities on The AAC Increasing attention is being given to impacts on the Timber Harvest Land-base (AAC) When development impacts areas within the timber harvest land-base, that area is removed from the land-base, and deemed unproductive. As part of the Prosperity Through Unity Project, we are developing a roadmap and cost structure with recommend processes that can be implemented to address historic, present, and future impacts
Road Map to Mitigating Oil and Gas Activities on The AAC
Impact Awareness - Previously, AAC impacts have been overlooked, due to the relatively small disturbance areas, and less exploration & development - However, with increasing activity, tracking of new development impacts on the THLB is being completed - The MOF has reported that over 80,000 M 3 of oil and gas wood (merchantable timber) crossed the scales in the Peace district last year. There are three main objectives of the road map: -Deriving what the past impacts are (inventory, spatial overlays, data amalgamation) -Mitigating past impacts (abandoned = reforestation - trial plot techniques, producers = silviculture investments) -Mitigating future impacts (pre-site/post-site assessments, trial plot techniques, integrated planning)
Past ImpactsPresent & Future Impacts Road Map to Mitigating Oil and Gas Activities on The AAC
Pre-site/Post-site Assessments The most feasible method to restore site productivity is through a pre-site / post-site assessment process By determining soil horizon depths, LFH (topsoil) depths, compaction hazard, etc. A construction and reclamation plan (including stripping and restoring the important soil layers, etc.) can be developed Restoring the soil layers and topsoil will help alleviate many of the problems that contribute to a loss of productivity.
Pre-Site Assessment Ecological Conditions & Traditional Knowledge Data Collection
Construction & Reclamation Plans Plans to Facilitate End Land-Uses are Made Including First Nations Concerns & Recommendations
Site Construction Site Constructed Following Plans and First Nations Concerns & Recommendations
Post-Construction Assessment Site Constructed Following Plans and First Nations Concerns & Recommendations
Development (Drilling, etc.) Site Developed (Drilling) (Producer = End Process) (Duster = Abandonment)
Ecological Conditions Re-examined, Compared to Original Site Conditions & Treatments Prescribed Post - Site Assessment & Reclamation Prescription
Reclamation Reclamation Carried Out Following the Prescription Planting (trees/shrubs) Seeding & Fertilizing (plants/berries) Soil Restoration
The goal of this pilot project is to evaluate up to 100 reforested well-sites which would potentially lead to an alternative COR guideline for reforestation As there are currently no guidelines for obtaining a COR for reforestation, grass seeding must first be met to receive a COR, before a site can be reforested Through this project the OGC will be able to evaluate reforested sites and use the data to develop realistic guidelines for issuing COR’s on reforested sites Certificate of Restoration Pilot Project
COR Pilot Project Process Flow Chart Certificate of Restoration Pilot Project
Certificate of Restoration Pilot Project
Contact Info Korey Green Land and Environmental Manager Sam Bell Operations Manager Monashee Resources Ltd th Avenue Dawson Creek, BC V1G 2V3 Phone: Fax : Website