Who’s Who in Theatre? Theatre Flow Chart
Who’s who in theatre? AUDIENCE!!!!- Pays money to see the show Producer- “money man,” the person who funds the play Director- comes up with the concept of the play; has the entire vision of what needs to happen Stage manager- takes down blocking notes, keeps the theatre clean, sets up for rehearsal, takes roll, and anything else the director asks him/her to do
Who’s who in theatre? Set designer- designs the set– research, renderings, model Costume designer- designs the costumes– costume plot, research, renderings Lighting designer- designs what the lights look like– lighting journal, research, light plot
Who’s who in theatre? Sound designer- designs the sounds for a show– research, sound plot, master cd Props master- designs all the props for a show– hand props, set dressing, furniture, and anything else that makes the show “look good”– research, prop plot, prop tables
Who’s who in theatre? Technical Director: oversees all of the construction crews Master Carpenter: figures out the best way to build the set. Set construction crew: builds the sets for a show
Who’s who in theatre? Head seamstress: cuts all the fabric for costumes, delegated duties Costume construction crew: constructs all of the costumes for the show
Who’s who in theatre? Make-up/ hair designer: designs all of the makeup and hair for a show Publicist: programs, posters, etc House manager: oversees tickets sales, makes sure the theatre is clean, oversees the ushers
The End!