A computer environment for beginners’ learning of sorting algorithms: Design and pilot evaluation Kordaki, M., Miatidis, M. & Kapsampelis, G. (2008). A computer environment for beginners’ learning of sorting algorithms: Design and pilot evaluation Computers & Education, 51(2), Presenter: Hung-Lin Wu Professor: Ming-Puu Chen Date: 03/21/2009
2 Introduction(1/3) This paper presents the SORTING environment- for the learning of sorting algorithms by secondary level education students. -based on modeling methodology, taking into account modern constructivist and social theories of learning. -hands-on experience, students’ previous knowledge, multiple re- presentation systems (MRS), constructive feedback The main research aims motivating this study are: -to explore ways of designing educational software that effectively supports secondary level education students’ learning of sorting and typical sorting algorithms; -to examine the impact of the proposed software on students’ con- ceptualization of typical sorting algorithms.
3 Introduction(2/3) Sorting is a necessary subject in any Computer Science Curriculum at both secondary and tertiary levels of education. (ACM, 1991, 2003; Gal-Ezer & Zur, 2004) understanding them(computer-based sorting algorithms) requires students to use their higher mental functions. (Matsaggouras, 1997; Vlachogiannis, Kekatos, Miatides, Kordaki, & Houstis, 2001) Understanding of typical sorting algorithms is a process of giving meaning to its various representations. (Vlachogiannis et al., 2001) Student learning through hands-on experience while sorting concrete materials is significant for the learning of typical sorting algorithms. (Geller & Dios, 1998)
4 Introduction(3/3) Some well-known examples(animation materials for the learning) ‘Sorting out Sorting’ (Baecker, 1981), ‘Balsa’ ES (Brown, 1988), Xtango ES (Stasko, 1990), ‘GAIGS’, web-based ES (Naps, 1990), Sort Animator (Dershem & Brummund, 1998) -based on presentations (in visual or textual form) of an algorithm in execution and are mainly dedicated for use in higher education. -not yet been reported that take into account student difficulties and provide them with opportunities to express their own approaches
5 The rationale for the design of SORTING As educational software is not only a technological artifact but also a learning environment the answers to these questions have to be explicitly addressed during its design. (Laurillard, 1993). -what the subject of learning -what basic concepts have to be learned -which the essential tasks are that they have to perform -what the learners’ profile is and how learners can learn this specific subject SORTING, include three models, -the student model -- based on a field study of student needs and difficulties encountered while performing sorting procedures in order to grasp concepts related to sorting algorithms. -the subject-matter model -- based on the information provided by the literature on sorting algorithms -the learning model -- based on modern constructivist and social views of learning
6 The rationale for the design of SORTING The student model The student model in performing essential tasks The tasksDesign specifications: Tools needed to help students to… 1. Sorting using student- based sorting procedures Sort elements: by using hands-on experience Interpret their hands-on experience in: free-text pseudo-code 2. Sorting using typical sorting algorithms Sort elements: automatically (animations) by using hands-on experience Interpret their hands-on experience in: free-text pseudo-code Explore: the pattern of iteration used in the comparison procedure nested loops conditionals in terms of their type, value and position variables counters and assignment statements the initialization and termination of the entire sorting procedure
7 The rationale for the design of SORTING constructed by taking into account the knowledge necessary for the construction of a sorting algorithm -text-based information, visual information, pseudo-code, interlinked information The subject- matter model
8 The rationale for the design of SORTING The learning model The learning model: from theoretical considerations to design principles Theoretical considerationsDesign principles Encouraging learners to be active in their learning by: doing things solving ‘authentic” problems Providing students with the following functions… interactivity of the RS used in the environment various tools to sort a number of elements from the students’ world Encouraging learners to express their inter-individual differences by expressing … their previous knowledge different kinds of knowledge Availability of tools to help students: express their own knowledge by selecting the most appropriate RS for their cognitive development from among a variety of RS sort elements according to their own sorting procedures using MRS sort elements according to their views (including mistakes) about typical sorting algorithms using MRS
9 The rationale for the design of SORTING The learning model The learning model: from theoretical considerations to design principles Theoretical considerations Design principles Encouraging learners to construct their knowledge by… acquiring hands-on experience experimenting reflecting experimenting with interlinked and dynamic RS enhancing students’ ZPD Availability of tools to: sort elements using hands-on experience sort elements using different sorting algorithms provide visual representations of sorting algorithms explore the knowledge of others included in dynamic RS e.g. visual animations of a sorting algorithm, dynamic flow-chart and dynamic pseudo-code RS provide appropriate constructive feedback on student sorting actions for self-correction provide appropriate scaffolding where students face difficulties
10 Features of the SORTING environment The general structure of the SORTING environment. (a) Information place. (b) Working place (c)Animation presentations.
11 Features of the SORTING environment The work place element of the SORTING environment.
12 Features of the SORTING environment Multiple ad Linked Animation RS, integrated within the SORTING environment.
13 The formative-evaluation pilot study This is a qualitative research study focusing on: -the investigation of students’ intuitive sorting approaches, -how students construct their knowledge of typical sorting algorithms - within the context of SORTING -the usability of the tools provided participation of 20 students from the 12th grade (all 18-years-old). Students were asked to express their previous knowledge of sorting and sorting algorithms, in order to investigate the impact of the SORTING environment on student knowledge. All students had been taught at school about basic algorithmic structures, assignment statements, variables, counters and how to form flow-charts.
14 The formative-evaluation pilot study They had also been taught the ‘‘Bubble sort’’ algorithm and its pseudo- code two months previously. None of the participants successfully described this algorithm, either verbally or in pseudo-code. All students mentioned that they knew that sorting in general is about putting measurable entities in order. The experiment was performed in three phases. Students worked individually, researchers participated with minimum intervention, interviews (clarify the meaning and to encourage them) The data resources were: researchers’ notes, log files, visual snapshots of student
15 Results The experiment was performed in three phases. -In the first phase, students’ intuitive sorting approaches were investigated. -In the second and third phase, student approaches to typical sorting algorithms such as “Bubble sort” and “Selection sort” were also explored. In each phase, students were asked to use the appropriate RS provided: -actively to sort the 7 coins using the sorting algorithm in focus, -to describe the sorting procedure they performed by using both free text and pseudo-code.
16 Discussion and Conclusions computer technology in terms of the use of computational objects, immediate feedback, interactive animations and multiple and linked representation systems. In terms of factors significant in students’ learning: -sorting entities using hands-on experience and receive immediate feedback -exploring analytic animations of the sorting algorithms in focus, automatically performed in a variety of representation systems -expressing their own intuitive sorting approaches as well as their approaches to typical sorting algorithms -experiencing practical sorting in combination with visual animations of sorting entities, dynamic visual flow-charts and the corresponding dynamic visual pseudo-code -sequencing the specific expressions in pseudo-code and receiving immediate feedback. SORTING provides students with all the opportunities step by step scaffolding feedback in the form of appropriate messages and also in the form of dynamic interlinked animations of the sorting algorithm at hand.