Your university or experiment logo here What is it? What is it for? The Grid
Your university or experiment logo here CERN
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4 Experiments ALICE CMS LHCb ATLAS
Your university or experiment logo here Answering the BIG question What actually happened at the big bang? Answering other questions How does gravity work? How do particles have mass? Where is the rest of the universe?
Your university or experiment logo here Combined they will create 15PB of Data every year Thats the equivalent of 22 Trillion Sheets of A4 More than any single, current, system can handle
Your university or experiment logo here The Problem Solution needs to be: Able to handle massive amounts of data Able to process large computing jobs Relatively inexpensive Simple to use Accessible 24/7 Easily upgraded
Your university or experiment logo here Super Computers? So we just build them bigger? But: Expensive Inaccessible Easily outdated
Your university or experiment logo here Solution: The Internet? The network which physically connects the worlds computers allowing them to communicate
Your university or experiment logo here Tools built upon the Internet Worldwide Web File Sharing networks BOINC e.g. The Web specifically designed by scientists at CERN to help with their work
Your university or experiment logo here The Next Stage Build a new tool –The computers in the institutions are already connected –They already share files How about sharing everything?
Your university or experiment logo here The Electricity Grid Always on As much or as little as you need on tap Where/how power is generated is irrelevant to the end user Just plug in and go
Your university or experiment logo here A Computing Grid Always on As much or as little as you need on tap Where/how computing power is generated is irrelevant to the end user Just plug in and go
Your university or experiment logo here Before Distributed computing has been available to scientists for some time but: The use of different sites has to be negotiated by each scientist individually. They need a separate account on each system. Jobs have to be submitted and results collected back by hand. Current distributed computing means the user has a lot of work to do to get any work done.
Your university or experiment logo here Middleware lets users simply submit jobs to the Grid without having to know where the data is or where the jobs will run. The software can run the job where the data is, or move the data to where there is CPU power available. Using the Grid and middleware, all the user has to do is submit a job and pick up the results. After
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GridPP is a collaboration of Particle Physicists and Computing Scientists from 20 UK universities and CERN, who are building the UK arm of the Grid for Particle Physics.
Your university or experiment logo here University Of Birmingham University Of Bristol University Of Cambridge University Of Oxford Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Warwick University University of Sussex Lancaster University University Of Liverpool University Of Manchester University Of Sheffield Durham University University Of Edinburgh University Of Glasgow Brunel University Imperial College London Queen Mary, University Of London Royal Holloway, University Of London University College London Swansea University GridPP
Your university or experiment logo here Numbers 20 Institutes 100+ Individuals 280TB of storage Equivalent of 6,420 desktop computers Later this year we will have the equivalent of 10,000 desktop PCs on our Grid
Your university or experiment logo here Projects We are members of two Grid projects: LCG –LHC Computing Grid EGEE –Enabling Grids for E-sciencE
Your university or experiment logo here Beyond Particle Physics WISDOM Challenges: –Avian Flu 100 years work done in 4 weeks –Malaria 50% of computing power provided by GridPP Inferno Grid –Humanities Project in Montclair University New Jersey Current texts available on the system include Aristotle, Galen, Plato, Marcus Aurelius, and Commentaries
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